Displaced Families Quit Southern Mali, Cities, Return to North

GENEVA, Switzerland, May 2, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are continuing to leave Bamako and other cities to return to previously unsafe northern parts of Mali, mainly due to fewer security concerns, according to IOM’s latest Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM).

The estimated number of IDPs nationwide is now about 137,000 – down 31 per cent from the nearly 200,000 reported in February. The total number of returnees to northern areas rose from around 196,000 in February to nearly 284,000 in April.

In the south, Bamako region continues to host the largest number of displaced people (40,733). Another 17,727 are in Koulikoro and 10,440 in Segou. In the north, the largest number of IDPs are in Timbuktu (29,279), Gao (16,729) and Kidal (11,245).

IOM worked with Mali’s Directorate of Social Development (DNDS) and the General Directorate of Civil Protection (DGPC) to assess how many people had moved back to Gao and Timbuktu regions and the likely impact.

The exercise was also carried out for the first time in Mopti and Kidal regions. In Kidal, of the six communes evaluated by IOM partner NGO Solidarités Internationale, only two communes were identified as return areas.

The increase in the number of returnees recorded by the April DTM was primarily attributed to improved security, but also to IOM’s ability to now collect data from more return areas.

The report also provides information on IDP needs nationwide. Some 45 per cent of households surveyed needed food, 18 per cent needed shelter, 13 per cent needed employment and 7 per cent said that they needed transport assistance to get back to their places of origin.

The report also includes the results of a needs assessment performed in villages hosting high numbers of IDPs and returnees, including 36 villages in Gao, 30 in Timbuktu and 41 in Mopti. Some 71 per cent of respondents said that food was their most urgent need. Another 14 per cent said water and sanitation.

“The rapid increase in the number of IDPs returning to their areas of origin needs to be followed up by adequate support to avoid secondary displacement. After two years of displacement, IDPs are returning to areas where living conditions are worse than they were before they left in terms of food shortages, damaged or destroyed houses, less water and degraded basic infrastructure,” said IOM Mali Chief of Mission Bakary Doumbia.

IOM’s DTM activities are carried in close coordination with the Malian government and with funding from the Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and the Government of Japan.

Ethiopia: Pillay condemns crackdown on journalists, increasing restrictions on freedom of expression

GENEVA, Switzerland, May 2, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Friday expressed concerns about the increasing restrictions placed on freedom of opinion and expression in Ethiopia, following the recent arrest and detention of six bloggers and three journalists.

“I am deeply concerned by this recent wave of arrests and the increasing climate of intimidation against journalists and bloggers prevailing in Ethiopia,” Pillay said.

On 25 and 26 April, six members of the blogging collective Zone Nine and three journalists were arrested by police in Addis Ababa. They were later taken to the Maekelawi federal police station, where they remain in custody.

On 27 April 2014, they appeared before the Arada Court of First Instance in Addis Ababa. Although the exact charges against each of them remain unclear, the UN Human Rights Office has received information that they were arrested for “working with foreign human rights organizations and inciting violence through social media to create instability in the country.”

The nine detainees are reportedly held incommunicado and some of their family members who tried to bring them food over the weekend were denied access.

Since January 2012, a number of journalists have been convicted under the Anti-terrorism Proclamation to sentences ranging from 5 years to life imprisonment. Two journalists arrested in July 2012 and January 2013 under the same law are currently in detention, awaiting their trial.

“The fight against terrorism cannot serve as an excuse to intimidate and silence journalists, bloggers, human rights activists and members of civil society organizations. And working with foreign human rights organisations cannot be considered a crime. Over the past few years, the space for dissenting voices has been shrinking dramatically in Ethiopia,” the High Commissioner said.

Pillay noted that the Ethiopian authorities continue to use the Charities and Societies Proclamation Law, the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation and the Mass Media Law to restrict the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly.

The Charities and Societies Proclamation Law places restrictions on the activities that civil society organizations can engage in and institutes onerous registration procedures for registration as well as criminal penalties, restrictions on funding sources and intrusive powers of surveillance.

As a result of this legislation, local human rights organizations are unable to operate freely and have had to drastically scale down their human rights activities. Some have even been forced to close down some of their regional offices or to change their focus from human rights to development work during the re-registration process.

“In its efforts to combat terrorism, the Ethiopian Government must comply at all times with its human rights obligations under international law,” Pillay said. Ethiopia is party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, which both guarantee the right to freedom of expression.

Back in July 2012, Pillay had already warned that the vague definitions used in the 2009 anti-terrorism law could create a climate of intimidation and result in criminalizing the exercise of fundamental human rights.

The High Commissioner urged the Ethiopian Government to release all bloggers and journalists currently in detention for simply exercising their right to freedom of expression. She also reiterated her appeal for there to be a review of current anti-terrorism and civil society legislation to ensure its conformity with international human rights standards.

The UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations visits the Central African Republic

BANGUI, Central African Republic, May 2, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Mr. Herve Ladsous, arrived on 1 May in Bangui, for a three-day official visit in the Central African Republic (CAR), the first of its kind since the adoption of the Security Council Resolution 2149 authorizing the establishment of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA).

“I have come to assess the situation, to talk with different interlocutors both here, in the Central African Republic, and in the neighbouring countries, to see how we can work together to make the new Mission as effective as possible,” Mr. Herve Ladsous said. “One of our priorities is to contribute to the safety of the population, “he added.

During his visit, the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations will meet the Head of State of the Transition, Catherine Samba-Panza, the Prime Minister, the President of the National Transitional Council and the Foreign Affairs Minister.

Mr. Ladsous will also hold discussions with the international security forces MISCA, Sangaris and the EUFOR CAR. His agenda includes meeting with the civil society, as well as visit to sites of internally displaced people in Bangui. He will also visit Kaga-Bandoro, 245 km north of Bangui, where he will be briefed on the security and humanitarian challenges affecting the local population.

Building an African social protection agenda for children / African Union expert meeting highlights the need to translate commitments to action

CAPE-TOWN, South-Africa, May 2, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Africa needs to do more to translate its commitments to social protection into practical programmes that reach the poorest and most marginalized children, participants said toda…

Secretary Kerry Travels to Addis Ababa, Kinshasa, and Luanda

WASHINGTON, May 2, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Press Statement

Jen Psaki

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

April 25, 2014

Secretary of State John Kerry will visit Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Luanda, Angola, on April 29-May 5 to encourage democratic development, promote respect for human rights, advance peace and security, engage with civil society and young African leaders who will shape the continent’s future, and promote trade, investment and development partnerships in Africa.

The Secretary’s trip will also highlight U.S. investments in the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

In Addis Ababa, Secretary Kerry will co-convene the Fourth Session of the U.S.-AU High-Level Dialogue and discuss a range of issues on which we partner with the African Union (AU). Secretary Kerry will meet with Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn and Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom to discuss efforts to advance peace and democracy in the region, and strengthen important areas of bilateral cooperation with Ethiopia.

In Kinshasa, Secretary Kerry will meet with President Joseph Kabila and will discuss how the D.R.C. Government’s progress in neutralizing some of the dozens of dangerous armed groups that victimize the Congolese people can be consolidated and how to best advance the D.R.C.’s democratization and long-term stability, including through a timely and transparent electoral process.

In Luanda, Secretary Kerry will commend President José Eduardo dos Santos for Angola’s leadership of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) and encourage the President’s continued personal engagement in the Great Lakes peace process. The Secretary will also discuss bilateral policy and trade issues with Foreign Minister Chikoti.

Secretary Kerry will also be accompanied by Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Special Envoy for the Great Lakes and the Democratic Republic of the Congo Russell Feingold, Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan Donald Booth, and Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issue Catherine Russell.

Follow Secretary Kerry’s travel via @JohnKerry, @StateDept, and @StateDeptSpox on Twitter and go to the Department’s Flickr account for the latest trip photos. Stay connected: http://blogs.state.gov/social-feeds and keep track of all of the Secretary’s travels at: http://www.state.gov/secretary/travel/index.htm

WIN an Invitation to the African Development Bank Annual Meetings 2014

DAKAR, Sénégal, May 2, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — APO (African Press Organization) will award one African journalist transport, accommodation and daily allowance to attend the 2014 Annual Meetings of the African Development Bank Group held in Kigali, Rwanda, on 19-23 May 2014.

The deadline for entry is midnight on 10 May 2014.

Winner will be announced on 12 May 2014.

APPLY to win the invitation: http://www.apo-opa.com/application_twitter.php?L=E&vc=WIN

Canada Appalled by Mass Kidnapping of Nigerian Schoolgirls

OTTAWA, Canada, May 2, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird issued the following statement:

“Canada condemns in the strongest terms the kidnapping of Nigerian schoolgirls, along with other terrorist acts committed against unarmed civilians, by Boko Haram. These acts are absolutely repugnant and will never be tolerated.

“We are concerned about the safety and wellbeing of these girls, including recent reports that suggest they may be forced into marriage by Boko Haram. Canada has made it a priority to promote the human rights of women and girls worldwide, including working with the international community to end the practice of child, early and forced marriage.

“We will continue to closely monitor the situation and work with Nigeria to combat terrorism and secure the welfare of its children and youth.”

On December 30, 2013, Canada listed Boko Haram as a terrorist organization. Canada’s Criminal Code criminalizes membership in, and the transfer of money to support, Boko Haram.

Remarks at the U.S.-African Union High-Level Dialogue

WASHINGTON, May 2, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Remarks

John Kerry

Secretary of State

African Union Commission

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

May 1, 2014

Well, Mr. Deputy Chairperson, thank you very, very much. Thank you. First of all, we do feel at home. We’re very grateful to you for another generous welcome. We’re happy to be here. I’m personally happy to be back. And I appreciate the detail and breadth of your opening comments, and they’re very important, particularly your discussion about trade and the possibilities with respect to the meeting in Washington and beyond.

Please extend my best wishes to Chairperson Dlamini-Zuma. I know she’s off on another visit. And we both understood that we were not able to coordinate our schedules sufficiently this time, but I’m very appreciative to her for being willing to allow the meeting to go on, and we’re appreciative for your chairmanship and participation in the meeting. And after I have a chance to share a few comments here and we’ve opened up the meeting, as you know, our Assistant Secretary of State Linda Thomas-Greenfield will continue the dialogue with Ambassador Brigety, and we’ve very appreciative for both of their leadership on these issues.

My privilege is to join you in opening the fourth U.S.-AU High-Level Dialogue. And very simply, President Obama is excited that I am here on his behalf, together with our delegation, in order to build on what we have achieved together since the United States first launched our mission to the AU in 2006. I would note that the United States is the only AU partner with a permanent presence. And we hope that that underscores the importance that we place on the relationship.

It’s fair to say – and I think your comments sort of summarized it when you talked about the reduction in trade to some degree. When you combine that with other challenges throughout Africa, particularly the challenge of governance; some failed states, some failing; the challenge of violence, which we see in obviously the neighbor in South Sudan and in other places, is a challenge for all of us. Because those who challenge stability and peace and the structure of government are doing so by promoting a brand of lawlessness and extremism that is destructive to the democratic hopes and aspirations of the vast majority of people in Africa. So we need to work together.

We also know, in addition to the challenges of that side of the ledger, on the other side of the ledger you have an enormous growth in the population of young people, who need to be educated, who will need jobs in the future. And at the same time, Africa is home to eight of the ten fastest-growing economies in the world. The United States is the largest market in the world, and we think there is a lot more that we can do together to promote prosperity, shared prosperity, in keeping with our shared interests. Doing so is going to be critical to making the most of the economic opportunities. It’s also going to be critical to dealing with this challenge of violence and of young people. I think you know, Mr. Deputy Chair, that there are too many nations that risk falling into broad-based violence, or remain embroiled in too much bloodshed. And so we are very, very supportive.

This morning I had a discussion with our foreign minister friends from Kenya, and from Uganda, and here, our host. And we talked about this, about the challenge of South Sudan now. The United States, I want everybody to understand, fully supports African-led efforts to confront the most deadly conflicts of the continent. And it is clear that the unspeakable violence in Central African Republic, the deliberate killing of civilians on both sides in South Sudan – both of those underscore the urgency of the work that we have to do together. So I came here committed today to make clear to you, and to our colleagues who are working on this issue, that the United States will do everything we can, with the United Nations to support the effort, to bring and help in assisting with a peacekeeping force – peacemaking force, in some cases – and we think that this is absolutely critical.

We are also enormously encouraged by the remarkable economic activity, the rise of the economies that we see in parts of Africa. And we want to support your efforts to spread that prosperity, to make sure that everybody has a sense that they can share in the future. So a lot of this is going to depend on the decisions that we take. It’ll depend on the kinds of things that we’re going to dig into today in this dialogue. It will depend on real, concrete choices that we can make about how we could work together and proceed together. So I think this forum is really a vital opportunity to deepen our partnership and make the most of this particular moment of opportunity on the continent.

Now each of our key areas of success – of focus – peace and security; democracy and governance; economic growth, trade, and investment; and development and opportunity – each of these are critical parts of President Obama’s strategy for the sub-Saharan Africa. That is exactly the way he is looking at and trying to break up the choices that we’re making. They happen to also represent an area where the African Union has already taken a leading role. And so on each of these fronts, you are really already engaged in the business of developing solutions to the real concerns of the continent.

With the dialogue that we’re having here – and you mentioned it – we also have this important meeting. The President is inviting all African nations to come and join us in Washington. It’s not a – I want to emphasize it’s not a summons. It’s not some kind of a sort of summary invitation. It’s really representative of the President’s desire to make clear to the world, as well as to Africa, that we want Washington to focus more on this. And we believe that by inviting people to come to Washington, it will help the Congress of the United States. It will help the American people. It will help everybody to be able to share in the importance of this agenda.

So with our work over the next few days here, with our work together in the weeks and months ahead, we are absolutely committed to forging stronger ties on the continent. And the President, as you know, will be visiting. And he looks forward to that, as we look forward in the two and three-quarter years of his Administration, to strengthen these bonds and open up these opportunities to the greatest degree possible. Most importantly, the President and I and all of us in this delegation want to help forge a shared future, a sense of shared engagement, of shared commitment to making the choices we have to make. And in the end, we’re absolutely confident that the relationship between Africa and the United States will be stronger and better for that. So thank you for inviting me here today to share in this, and we look forward to the dialogue.

Press Availability in Addis Ababa

WASHINGTON, May 2, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Press Availability

John Kerry

Secretary of State

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

May 1, 2014

SECRETARY KERRY: Good afternoon, everybody. I’m really pleased to be back in Africa and to be back in Addis Ababa, a city of enormous energy, and in a country that is really changing and on the move. I had a series of very productive meetings this morning with my foreign minister counterparts and African Union counterparts, and also have just concluded a meeting with Prime Minister Hailemariam.

I think it’s fair to say that Ethiopia, in terms of its economy and in other ways, is really on the move, and it is a place that is generating enormous energy. All you have to do is drive through Addis, as I have several times in the last hours, and you see the economic activity, you can see the numbers of cranes and construction that is taking place, and it provides a snapshot of the country’s rapid development. It is no wonder that Ethiopia is one of the eight African economies that is one of the 10 fastest-growing economies in the world.

The United States remains committed to supporting Ethiopia’s growing prosperity, and we do that because strong commercial ties and this rate of development are critical to having shared prosperity, critical to providing opportunity to the broad population, and they also – it helps to provide stability and helps to provide the capacity for Ethiopia to be able to lead in some of the other initiatives that are so critical to stability in the region.

We want to say a special word of commendation to Ethiopia and its leaders for the work that they have done along with AU partners in addressing some of the continent’s most difficult problems. As part of the UN’s AU mission in Somalia, Ethiopia has helped to liberate towns from al-Shabaab, and they are working diligently to promote reconciliation. They’ve been a key partner in that effort.

In addition, Ethiopia is also taking a leadership role with respect to IGAD and the efforts to try to resolve the killing and the impending potential of enormous famine and devastation in South Sudan. The unspeakable violence of Sudan really makes the urgency of these kinds of efforts painfully clear. I thank the Prime Minister Hailemariam for the service of Ethiopian troops in Abyei and Darfur, and for working so hard to facilitate a dialogue between the government and rebel forces. That is something we are continuing to work on even right now and in the next few days.

Acts of violence against civilians on both sides in South Sudan are a reminder of the unbelievable capacity for cruelty on this planet when sectarianism, when violence of one tribe or one race against another, is unleashed. We have, all of us, vowed to try to do our best to prevent that kind of violence. And this is precisely the kind of violence that the people of South Sudan fought so hard for so long to try to escape. And the United States and other countries were all deeply involved in the effort to try to help make that happen with the comprehensive peace agreement, with the referendum, with the ultimate independence of the nation. Both President Kiir and Riek Machar need to, each of them, condemn the brutal attacks that are taking place against innocent people, and they need to condemn the perpetrators of this violence. Leadership is needed.

Yesterday, the United Nations commissioner was here, spoke out about the potential of famine. I would echo those warnings, but more so I would even go further and underscore that a kind of personal violence, a personal anger between two leaders should never be permitted to take an entire nation in the direction that South Sudan is currently spiraling downwards.

Those leaders need to do more to facilitate the work of those people who are trying to provide humanitarian assistance, which was part of the agreement back in January – that that assistance should be able to get in. And clearly, we all have a responsibility, whether we live in Africa or come from another country, no matter what our concerns on the planet today, we need to try to prevent the widespread famine that could conceivably flow from the violence that is taking place there now.

Those who are responsible for targeted killings based on ethnicity or nationality have to be brought to justice. And we are actively considering sanctions against those who commit human rights violations and obstruct humanitarian assistance. And we discussed this this morning with each of the foreign ministers and with the AU, and the foreign ministers each agreed that it is important that sanctions be on the table as one of the tools to try to end the impunity and begin to create accountability.

Today’s U.S.-AU High-Level Dialogue helped to deepen our partnership and will help to deepen it going forward in coordination with our efforts to tackle some of the continent’s most challenging conflicts. The United States is very, very proud to work with the AU in this effort, and we will continue to support the African Union mission in Somalia, as well as the AU’s efforts to counter the Lord’s Resistance Army, where the LRA-related deaths have declined by 75 percent. That is an effort that we will also continue.

We will also continue to provide counterterrorism assistance to help Nigerian authorities to develop a comprehensive approach to combat Boko Haram, while at the same time respecting civilians and respecting human rights.

And finally, as Ethiopia works to confront the continent’s challenges, I made clear to Ethiopian officials that they need to create greater opportunities for citizens to be able to engage with their fellow citizens and with their government by opening up more space for civil society. I shared my concerns about a young Ethiopian blogger that I met last year, Natnail Feleke, who, with eight of his peers, had been imprisoned. And I firmly believe that the work of journalists, whether it’s print journalists or in the internet or media of other kinds, it makes societies stronger, makes them more vibrant, and ultimately provides greater stability and greater voice to democracy. To support economic growth for the long term, the free marketplace of ideas matters just as much as free markets. It’s a testament to the strength of our friendship with Ethiopia that we can discuss difficult issues, as we do, even when we disagree on one aspect of them or another.

The United States and Ethiopia will continue to work together for a more prosperous Africa where extremism is countered by opportunity and where private sector investment and trade agreements prove that the lives of the African people will be made better through those initiatives; where we will strengthen, broadly, surrounding economies, including the American economy, even as we engage in those efforts.

So we remain committed to our partnership with Ethiopia, with the AU, with Africa, and again, I say it’s a great privilege for me to be back here in a region where we have been considerably – where we have been expending a considerable effort and energy over these years, and where we will continue to stay engaged.

I’d be delighted to answer a few questions. I’m not sure how that’s – are you going to do that?

MS. PSAKI: Sure. I’ll follow up for you. The first question will be from Scott Stearns of VOA.

SECRETARY KERRY: Make sure we get some local.

MS. PSAKI: Mm-hmm.

QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, on the issue of South Sudan, with what’s going on there and what can be done about it, with civilians being targeted based on their ethnicity, United Nations says the international community must take all possible measures to protect populations from another Rwanda. Does South Sudan approach genocide, and what can be done about it? Troops and sanctions, those seem to be the two things you’ve been discussing today. How can you help integrate AU troops into a UN operation in South Sudan so you don’t have two lines of security?

And on sanctions, United States has a mechanism in place, as you said, so why not on your own or on U.S. own, sanction Salva Kiir and Riek Machar today, if you are reflecting on their personal anger? And did you receive any word of cooperation from the Kenyans, the Ugandans, and the Ethiopians today that they would join you in those sanctions?

SECRETARY KERRY: Well, let me answer it. With respect to the question of genocide, there are very disturbing leading indicators of the kind of ethnic tribal targeted nationalistic killings taking place that raise serious questions, and were they to continue in the way that they have been going could really present a very serious challenge to the international community with respect to the question of genocide. It is our hope that that can be avoided. It is our hope that in these next days, literally, we can move more rapidly to put people on the ground who could begin to make a difference.

Now you said, you asked about the question of both troops and sanctions as being the two tools – there’s a third tool, and I’ll talk about each of the tools. We still hope that visits with serious discussion, with clear implications to the leadership about what is at stake and what the repercussions may be if they do not begin to move in a different direction, that that kind of effort might be able to make a difference. No promises – might.

This has been very frustrating. I had many conversations with both Riek Machar and President Kiir during the period of December and January when this was spinning up into the conflict it is today, and I was frankly disappointed by both individuals’ responses at that period in time. Now since then there have been many interlocutors and many efforts. The IGAD effort, which we’ve been engaged in, UN, other high level visits, and we are very hopeful that the message is finally getting through.

President Kiir, as you know, released four remaining detainees in the last days. We are hoping that that now opens up the possibility of a mediation and dialogue that could take place anywhere in the next few days, and that that could have an impact on the outcome.

But with respect to the fundamentals, I remain convinced and each of my foreign minister counterparts today – from Uganda, from Kenya, and from here in Ethiopia – agreed that the greatest single difference will be moving rapidly with UN Security Council imprimatur of support to get forces on the ground who could begin to separate people and provide safety and security. That’s imperative.

Simultaneously, we believe that the possibility of sanctions also remains a reality, and the simple answer to your question is we are absolutely prepared to move on our own. We may well move on our own. But each of the foreign ministers today accepted the responsibility for also doing sanctions, and each agreed that it is, in fact, important that the regional players engage in that – in unison, together, and I believe that they will be considering that over the course of these next days also.

So it’s our hope that we can reach the different individuals who have been responsible for this violence. Some of it, I think you all know, it comes from certain independent generals who have their own agenda. And so it’s not just reaching Kiir and Machar, it’s also reaching those other players. But the place to start is the place where it started and that is with the former vice president, with the current president of South Sudan.

I will also draw a distinction. The current president of South Sudan is the elected, constitutional president of a country, and Mr. Machar is a rebel who is trying to unconstitutionally take power by force. And there is a clear distinction. There is no equivalency between the two as far as we are concerned. And we talked about that today, and I think Mr. Machar needs to think clearly about that, particularly in the wake of Bentiu and Bor, and what the implications may be for the future.

So this is a time to get even more serious, even more focused; there’s much greater urgency, and that’s why I’m here and that’s what President Obama wants all of us to try to do in these next days.

MS. PSAKI: The next question is from Brooke Worku from Ethiopian TV.

QUESTION: Thank you very much, Mr. Secretary. You mentioned earlier that you have talked with the prime minister of Ethiopia. What were the issues that you discussed with the prime minister? And you also stated that there is lots of economic activity happening in the city. Will the U.S. provide any support to Ethiopia to further (inaudible) those economic activities? Thank you.

SECRETARY KERRY: Well, the United States is already providing – we’re investing hundreds of millions of dollars here in Ethiopia, and we’ve been deeply involved. This morning I visited the Gandhi Memorial Hospital where we have a major division of the hospital, which is dedicated to dealing with HIV/AIDS, and that has been an enormously successful program. As I said today, in 2004, there were 35 – there were about what – 15,000 young people receiving anti-retroviral drugs here in Ethiopia. Now there are 335,000. In 2004, there were 2.7 million people who were infected with HIV/AIDS. Now that’s been cut by more than a third and it’s going downwards. Now we are looking at the potential of children whose parents are HIV-positive, that these – that the children can be born HIV-free. So we’ve made enormous advances, and that’s an American-Ethiopian cooperative effort through PEPFAR. In addition, we are engaged in economic development initiatives, and we will continue to do so.

We discussed all issues today, a broad cross-section of issues about the region, about the AU, about Ethiopia, about South Sudan, about Somalia, about terrorism. And I think we had a very in-depth discussion including about the question of the constitution and the political playing field, the elections that will come up next year, and so forth.

MS. PSAKI: The next question will be from Anne Gearan of The Washington Post.

QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, your end-of-April deadline for an Israeli-Palestinian outline peace deal has passed and talks, I guess, are at best now on hiatus. In hindsight, would you have done anything differently, and do you think the parties were simply not ready to make the hard choices you asked of them? And looking forward, is now the time to put a comprehensive American peace plan on the table in lieu of a negotiated one that didn’t come to pass over the last nine months?

SECRETARY KERRY: Well, Anne, let me just say first of all that, to begin with, the date of April 29th became irrelevant several weeks ago. And it became completely irrelevant when the talks were suspended. So the combination of the appeal to 15 different treaties when – at the time when the prisoners exchange did not take place, then combined with the reconciliation unilaterally with Hamas, which came as a complete and total unannounced event, without any heads-up, so to speak, at the moment of important negotiations, that resulted, obviously, in the suspension which we’re living with now, which is the state of play and has been for the last days.

That said, both parties still indicate that they feel it’s important to negotiate and want to find a way to negotiate. So we believe the best thing to do right now is pause, take a hard look at these things, and find out what is possible and what is not possible in the days ahead. As I have consistently said, I think peace is to the benefit of both parties – benefit of Israel, and benefit of the Palestinians. Both leaders took serious steps in order to engage in this discussion. What has not been laid out publicly and what I will do at some appropriate moment of time is make clear to everybody the progress that was made. These eight months, eight months plus were not without significant progress in certain areas. And I don’t think anybody wants to lose that progress.

So I personally remain convinced that as each sort of work through the reasons that things began to become more difficult in the final hours, there may be quiet ways within which to begin to work on next steps. But one thing I know, the fundamentals of this conflict will not go away, and importantly, I believe both parties have a very real interest in wanting to try to find a way to make progress.

So it’s time for pause, but it’s also time to be reflective about the ways in which one might be able to find a common ground even out of these difficulties.

MS. PSAKI: Thank you, everyone.

SECRETARY KERRY: Give this gentleman – I want to give him a shot.

MS. PSAKI: Okay, go ahead.

SECRETARY KERRY: I know he was very impatient. I’m going to —

MS. PSAKI: He’s the boss.

SECRETARY KERRY: I want to make sure we get a fair distribution here.

QUESTION: Thank you, thank you. Yeah. Well, I have only two questions for you, sir.

SECRETARY KERRY: I may have invited the hardest question of the day now. (Laughter.) But one question. Fair enough?



QUESTION: So let me choose. You have raised both issues of Natnail Feleke, who is a blogger (inaudible) —


QUESTION: — (inaudible). So these things are repeating very much from the times of Eskinder Nega and others to our young brothers. So is it lip service, or are you seriously concerned about the arrests? Because these guys are social activists using the social media, they were advocating freedom, democracy, and participation as a citizen. So we really demand a genuine answer from you. Thank you.

SECRETARY KERRY: Well, when I stand up in public, and I say something, I try to be serious about it, and I think the fact that I’m doing that is serious. And when I raised him by name in my comments today, I am raising a very legitimate concern. We are concerned about any imprisoned journalist here or anywhere else. And we raise this issue elsewhere. And we believe that it’s very important that the full measure of the constitution be implemented and that we shouldn’t use the Anti-Terrorism Proclamations as mechanisms to be able to curb the free exchange of ideas. And in my meetings with all public officials, I will always press the interests of the political space being opened up and being honored. And so we have previously called for the release of these individuals, and that is the policy of our government, and it’s a serious policy.

MS. PSAKI: Thank you, everyone.

SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you all very, very much. Appreciate it. Good to be with you.

UNAMID peacekeeper released in South Darfur Today

EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, May 2, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — A UNAMID peacekeeper, Sergeant Awesu Soleiman who had been abducted in Nyala, South Darfur, on 09 March 14, was freed today in Nyala after 54 days in captivity.

The African Union – United Nations Joint Special Representative for Darfur, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, expressed the Mission’s gratitude to the Government of Sudan, the Wali (Governor) of South Darfur, and the Government of Nigeria for their valuable assistance in securing the safe release of Sgt. Awesu.

On 09 March, at approximately 16:50 hours local time, Sgt. Awesu was abducted while driving a UNAMID water truck from Dereige IDP Camp to UNAMID Super Camp in Nyala Town.