NEW YORK, May 15, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon arrived in Juba from Abu Dhabi on Tuesday, 6 May.

Soon after arrival, the Secretary-General, accompanied by his Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), Hilde F. Johnson, visited the Tomping Protection of Civilians Site, which is currently home to some 21,000 South Sudanese civilians. He met with the community leaders representing the thousands of civilians who had sought shelter in the United Nations compound to hear of their concerns first hand. He pledged to them the United Nations’ support. He also met with United Nations officials and non-governmental organization representatives who are directly involved in the camp’s operations.

He then met with the President of the Republic of South Sudan, Salva Kiir, and spoke by phone with former Vice-President Riek Machar.

Speaking to reporters after his meeting with the President, the Secretary-General said he was in Juba with a heavy heart, as he remembered the hope he had witnessed three years ago when South Sudan became a country. He commended President Kiir for expressing his intention to meet shortly in Addis Ababa with Mr. Machar. He told journalists that he was urging the leaders and military commanders to fully protect the civilian population. “Those who [commit] crimes against… international humanitarian law (and) human rights laws, they will have to be brought to justice,” he added.

The Secretary-General added that the President had assured him that the United Nations — including the leadership of UNMISS — have his full support.

The Secretary-General also said that he was proud of the courage shown by UNMISS. By opening its gates around the country, he said, the Mission has saved tens of thousands of lives.

After a working lunch with leadership of UNMISS, the Secretary-General met with representatives of civil society, including youth, religious and women’s groups. He listened to their concerns and pledged the United Nations continuing efforts to restore peace to South Sudan. He also held a town hall meeting with United Nations staff based in Juba.

Before leaving the country, the Secretary-General held a press conference, after which he placed a call to former Vice-President Machar. As soon as the call was completed, the Secretary-General returned to the briefing room to tell the press that Mr. Machar had informed him that he, too, would travel to Addis Ababa for meetings with President Kiir on 9 May.

The Secretary-General flew late that afternoon from Juba to Rome, Italy.

U.S. Policy and Response to Recent Refugee Crises in Africa

WASHINGTON, May 15, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Remarks

Simon Henshaw

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration

Ethiopian Community Development Council

Washington, DC

May 1, 2014

Good morning and thank you for that kind introduction. It is an honor to be here. The best part of my job is the chance to meet people like you who dedicate their lives to helping refugees get a fresh start. Congress may have passed the Refugee Act of 1980, but it is your efforts, and those of local communities, that have helped implement the resettlement program – by opening hearts and homes to refugees from around the world. I understand that some of you may have once been refugees yourselves, facing the same obstacles and challenges your clients do today.

Millions of refugees depend on the expertise and dedication of organizations like ECDC. We at the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration depend on you as well. As you know, our resettlement program is the largest in the world and has welcomed more than 3 million refugees to the United States since 1975.

Last year was a remarkable one for refugee resettlement; in 2013, the President set the ceiling for arrivals at 70,000. When the year was over, our final total included 69,927 refugees from 65 countries. I don’t have to tell you, but that represents 69,927 lives on the path to a new beginning in the United States.

Increasing resettlement of African refugees is a major priority for the Obama Administration. Last fiscal year we resettled nearly 16,000 Africans to the U.S., and this year we are looking to resettle at least 15,000. PRM is working hard with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to raise the number of referrals and to improve our own processes so we can admit the refugees they refer more efficiently. We are expanding resettlement infrastructure such as medical clinics and interview facilities throughout the continent and interviewing refugees in countries including Mauritania and Namibia where we haven’t worked in previous years. We have also begun offering resettlement to populations such as Eritrean Afaris in Ethiopia and Somalis in Eritrea, who lacked these opportunities before.

When the Government of Chad recently resumed the resettlement of Sudanese, the Department of Homeland Security immediately returned and just completed its first series of refugee interviews in Eastern Chad in four years. We hope that refugees from Darfur will begin departing from Chad and arriving in the United States later this year. PRM is also determined to see the Congolese resettlement strategy come to fruition. We and our partners are expanding our program to resettle Congolese refugees from Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi and Southern Africa. And whereas most other resettlement countries have closed their doors to resettling additional Somalis, our commitment to admitting Somali refugees remains strong. In fact, we admitted more Somalis last year than in any year since 2006.

Of course PRM works not just to resettle those who flee, but also to respond to crises, save lives, ease suffering and support voluntary return and local integration when possible.

In a crisis, our first priority is ensuring a rapid and coordinated humanitarian response. The United States is the world’s single largest donor to humanitarian causes. In fiscal year 2013, PRM provided almost $2.4 billion to protect, shelter, and care for people forced to flee their homes. The organizations we support handle the acute and protracted phases of an emergency, provide life-saving assistance and help lay the groundwork for recovery and reconciliation when the conflict is over.

We also engage in humanitarian diplomacy, exerting the influence of the world’s most powerful nation on behalf of the world’s most vulnerable people. We advocate with governments to keep their borders open to those fleeing conflict in neighboring countries. We urge other nations – behind closed doors and in public – to join us and contribute their resources to humanitarian appeals. This humanitarian diplomacy is every bit as crucial to our mission as the dollars we donate and it’s a unique part of my bureau’s mission.

As the principal humanitarian advisor within the State Department, PRM strives to make sure our foreign policy stresses respect for humanitarian principles and protection for vulnerable populations. And we work with other governments, the United Nations, U.S. government agencies, and our refugee officers at U.S. embassies to protect and assist refugees, internally displaced persons, stateless people and migrants on the ground. Our outreach is sometimes quiet, but it can have a huge impact. It can ensure that refugees are not forcibly returned, that undocumented migrants are protected from abuse and exploitation, and unaccompanied children are reunited with their parents.

Another priority for PRM is protecting women and children caught in crisis. Conflict leaves them more vulnerable to sexual and domestic violence, human trafficking, forced and early marriage, and other forms of gender-based violence. Too often, gender-based violence is recognized as a problem too late, after major humanitarian response efforts are underway. To close this gap, in 2013, the United States launched a new multimillion dollar initiative called ‘Safe from the Start’. Its aim is to equip the humanitarian system to prevent and respond to gender-based violence around the world in the earliest days of an emergency, which is often when such needs are most critical.

We are working to apply these priorities in the major emergencies to which we are responding today. Syria, of course, is the biggest one so I will say a word about that before turning to situations in Africa.

Syria is one of three “level three” emergencies the global community faces today. That is the UN’s highest level of humanitarian emergency. And the situation there is getting worse. The United States is the largest single donor to humanitarian relief efforts there and PRM helps to protect and feed more than 2.7 million Syrian refugees throughout the region. And we will continue to press all parties to the conflict, particularly the regime, to expand humanitarian access to reach more than 9.3 million inside Syria in desperate need of food, shelter, and health care.

The other two ongoing “level three” emergencies are the ones unfolding in South Sudan and the Central African Republic (CAR). And since we are focusing here on U.S. policy responses to crises in Africa, I will discuss these emergencies in some detail.

In CAR we are in a race against time to save lives. One million Central Africans have been displaced. Nearly two thirds are displaced within CAR while one-third have fled to neighboring countries and are now living as refugees. They have gone to Chad, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Republic of Congo.

We are deeply troubled by the escalating violence and lawlessness, the attacks by ex-Seleka rebels and anti-Balaka militias, and the fact that communities are being targeted because of their religion. The danger is so grave that UNHCR has taken the extraordinary step of evacuating certain Muslim populations under siege, relocating some to other parts of the country and some to neighboring Chad, essentially helping them become refugees. Gunmen have attacked not only innocent civilians but also international peacekeepers and humanitarian workers. Victims include three workers for the aid organization Doctors Without Borders who were killed in Nanga Boguila this past weekend. Among those who have fled the violence in the CAR are over 100,000 nationals of the neighboring countries – or even countries as far away as Mali – who had been living and working in the CAR for many years, even generations. We commend the African Union and French forces in CAR for leading the effort to quell the violence and save lives, and we welcome the UN Security Council’s April 10 decision to deploy a UN peacekeeping operation. The United States has committed up to $100 million to support the African Union and French forces, in addition to the humanitarian aid we provide for civilians.

In late March and early April, Assistant Secretary Anne Richard visited southern Chad and Bangui where she witnessed first-hand the misery spawned by the violence. She met with both those affected and those striving to help them. She saw how host countries, UN agencies, and NGOs are providing shelter, food, and protection and what enormous challenges they face.

Following this visit, our Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power announced $22 million in additional U.S. Government funding for humanitarian assistance to help people affected by the CAR crisis, bringing the total to more than $91 million in FY 2013 and FY 2014. We anticipate adding to this in the near future to support the latest funding appeals from humanitarian agencies.

In addition, the United States is providing $7.5 million for conflict mitigation, peace messaging, and human rights programs in CAR. We have also sponsored high-level inter-religious dialogues to help establish a basis for national reconciliation in CAR. And we are urging all parties to end the violence, establish judicial mechanisms to punish human rights abusers, and work toward an inclusive political process leading to democratic elections in February 2015.

The situation in South Sudan is equally alarming. Approximately one-tenth of South Sudan’s population has been displaced by the violence that began on December 15. Close to 1 million people have been displaced internally. And nearly a quarter of them have fled to insecure and underserved areas where food and assistance could be cut off. More than 293,000 new refugees have been forced to flee to neighboring countries, including Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Sudan. As the conflict drags on, the condition of these refugees is worsening, and more and more of them arrive suffering malnutrition. Like civilians in CAR, South Sudanese are being targeted based on their ethnicity and with shocking brutality. Just last week, for instance, anti-government forces massacred several hundred civilians in the northern city of Bentiu.

We are also disturbed by the hurdles aid groups are facing as they seek to reach people in need. Humanitarian workers—both international and South Sudanese—are working at great personal risk to save lives. They have been physically attacked and targeted for harassment. Their relief supplies have been looted or delayed in customs, and their vehicles stolen, blocked, or hijacked. In Bor, as you may know, gunmen forced their way into a United Nations Mission to South Sudan (UNMISS) compound and opened fire on civilians who had taken shelter inside. Around the country there are currently 87,000 IDPS, including nearly 80,000 civilians seeking protection at eight UNMISS bases.

The Executive Order (E.O.) signed by President Obama sends a clear message to the Government of South Sudan and Riek Machar’s forces: those who threaten the peace, security, or stability of South Sudan, obstruct the peace talks and processes, undermine democratic institutions, or commit human rights abuses will be at risk of U.S. sanctions.

The only solution to this crisis is for the parties to the conflict to adhere to the cessation of hostilities agreement they signed on January 23, and cease the violence immediately. President Obama’s Envoy, Ambassador Donald Booth, is in Ethiopia now working to bring the warring parties to the negotiating table for peace talks set to resume later this month.

We are calling all parties to immediately and fully cooperate with the United Nations and humanitarian organizations, as they carry out the urgent task of protecting civilians and providing life-saving assistance. Humanitarian groups must be able to do their jobs without the threat of violence, taxation, or arbitrary impediments. The Government of South Sudan should cease all negative messaging about UNMISS and fulfill its duty to restore law and order. We also urge those countries that have committed additional forces to UNMISS to work with the United Nations to deploy to South Sudan and immediately reinforce this Mission.

The United States is the leading donor of humanitarian assistance to South Sudan. We are providing more than $411 million in fiscal years 2013 and 2014, including $83 million announced just last month, to aid displaced persons both inside and outside the country. Last month, USAID, and the EU and UN humanitarian agencies jointly issued an urgent “Call for Action” on South Sudan, calling for more international support for the people of South Sudan. Neighboring countries are helping by keeping their borders open to those fleeing the violence. Ethiopia is providing land for new refugee camps. Kenya is expanding the Kakuma) refugee camp. Uganda is expanding transit centers and settlements as well.

Still, the needs are tremendous. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the crisis response plan is only thirty percent funded. With the rainy season in South Sudan already upon us, the humanitarian situation will likely grow worse in the coming months. Insecurity has prevented humanitarians from doing normal, vital dry season prepositioning. The risk of famine in South Sudan is quite real, as many South Sudanese have not been able to plant their crops and have lost their livestock as a result of the conflict.

These so-called “mega-crises” are not the only problems that demand our attention. For instance, we are worried about the treatment of African migrants and asylum seekers in Egypt—especially those who have been kidnapped, detained, and subjected to severe abuse by smuggling networks. In addition to ongoing reports of abuse in the Sinai, we are also following trends suggesting that routes are shifting westward toward Libya.

The plight of urban refugees is also worrying. This is one reason I traveled last year to Kenya and Uganda. Both countries have large populations of refugees living in urban environments. In Kenya, the government is rounding up urban Somali refugees from Nairobi and Mombasa and either moving them into camps if they are registered or deporting them to Somalia. We are concerned that refugees relocated to camps lose the right to move about freely and the ability to earn money and become self-reliant. We are also disturbed about reports that some urban refugees are being deported without adequate protection screening and that some have even been abused in the process. We are urging the Government of Kenya to accord UNHCR full access to those detainees so that UNHCR and the government can review refugee claims together. At the same time, we are funding programs to improve services for urban refugees in Nairobi, Kampala and elsewhere. Programs we are piloting in Egypt offer legal services, child protection, counseling, education, and opportunities for employment for African refugees.

We are also prioritizing the needs of especially vulnerable populations, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. In Uganda, for example, the recent passage of a strict anti-homosexuality law has made LGBT refugees and those defending the human rights of LGBT individuals even more vulnerable. We will continue to fund partners that address the legal, medical, and psychosocial needs of this population and others facing similar discrimination, and we are also working with our partners in neighboring countries to ensure that Ugandans that flee from persecution find support.

My bureau can provide humanitarian assistance in Africa and around the world because of the generous support we receive from Congress, on behalf of the American people. These funds have also allowed us to bolster resettlement programs. In 2010, as the economic crisis strained local governments and charities, PRM doubled per capita funding for receiving and placing refugees. We have provided modest but steady increases since then and hope to continue doing so. But it is the work of groups like ECDC that helps to turn our nation’s promise to welcome refugees into a reality. Meeting you keeps those of us who are often caught up in the policy details motivated and focused on the human face of the important work we all share. Thank you for the part you play in letting refugees turn their stories of tragedy into ones of triumph.

Easing movement of goods and services within Africa is critical, says DHL

CAPE-TOWN, South-Africa, May 15, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — A key topic of discussion among global leaders at the 24th World Economic Forum on Africa was the need for free movement of talent and goods across Africa, in order to significantly strengthen businesses and boost intra-Africa trade on the continent.


Photo Charles Brewer: (Charles Brewer, Managing Director for DHL Express Sub-Saharan Africa)

This sentiment is echoed by Charles Brewer, MD of DHL Express Sub-Saharan Africa (, who attended the forum which took place in Abuja, Nigeria from 7 – 9 May 2014. “There was a collective consensus among African leaders on the topic of mobility in Africa, as well as the importance of efficient border and visa policies. We have seen good follow-up particularly in East Africa and it is imperative to continue to work on the border and customs environment to grow intra-Africa trade.” says Brewer.

He says that the forum took place against a backdrop of significant economic growth in Nigeria – having recently overtaken South Africa as the largest economy in Africa – and that this has spurred investment interest in the country. “Africa is clearly on the global agenda. Despite security concerns, delegates and heads of state from all parts of the world gathered in Abuja to discuss inclusive growth for Africa.”

A key view expressed by a number of African leaders at the Forum was the need for a proactive approach to border management, which will enable trade between various regions. The creation of an environment that enables business growth on the continent as opposed to obstructing it was also addressed by various parties.

Recognising the importance of travel facilitation and talent mobility as drivers to integrate and develop the region, President Paul Kagame of Rwanda, President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya and Prime Minister Moussa Mara of Mali have all signed The Call to Action on Travel Facilitation & Talent Mobility, which urges all African States to work together towards the establishment of joint policies and the removal of barriers to facilitate movement of people.

Brewer adds that it was also positive to witness how small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly being recognized as the primary driver of economic growth in Africa and how they are being supported across Africa. “A growing SME base will create thousands of new jobs, which is an absolute must for this ever-growing continent, as it is a critical driver of sustainable economic growth.”

Having entered Africa in 1978, DHL Express has witnessed the continent grow its economy to what it is today, as well as the evolving opportunities available to SME owners and entrepreneurs. “Nigeria, as an example, previously generated its wealth from the oil and gas industry, but today is a thriving economic hub of diversified sectors, such as finance, retail, telecommunications, as well as its rapidly growing film industry, Nollywood. The expanding sectors offer multiple opportunities to business owners looking to capitalize on the continent’s expansion and economic growth.”

Brewer adds that it is also difficult to ignore the opportunities stemming from the rising middle class in Africa. “The thoughts and preferences of African consumers are changing in that they are increasingly seeking access to new markets and this is only creating further opportunities for both local and international businesses.”

With that said, Brewer says some of the challenges SMEs face include infrastructure challenges and customs regulations and controls. “The fact that world leaders have recognized these issues and put actions in place towards easing the difficulties experienced can only bode well for future business development and success on the continent.”

He points to the commitment made by the Chinese Government to prioritize infrastructure development in African, which is necessary in order to develop connectivity and promote trade between various regions.

“Infrastructure is vital for connecting regions and by improving this, the number of investments within Africa will grow exponentially, creating further opportunities for its people,” says Brewer.

He says that in order to fuel the continent’s momentum, sustained trade from international markets, as well as intra-Africa trade is needed. “If Africa is to compete with global, advanced countries, investment is needed in facilitating trade and the ease of doing business. We walk away from the meeting feeling positive, having witnessed various influential leaders from business, government, civil society and academia, all having similar views of facilitating trade on the continent,” concludes Brewer.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Deutsche Post DHL.

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FCO Press Release: Egyptian Foreign Minister visits London

LONDON, United-Kingdom, May 15, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Egyptian Foreign Minister meets Foreign Secretary William Hague and Minister of State Hugh Robertson.

Egyptian Foreign Minister, Nabil Fahmy, visited London on 13 – 14 May for talks on the bilateral relationship, foreign policy and security and Egypt’s transition process.

Minister Fahmy had official meetings with the Foreign Secretary William Hague, Minister of State for Middle East and North Africa Hugh Robertson, Minister for International Development Alan Duncan and National Security Adviser Kim Darroch.

Speaking after his meeting with the Egyptian Foreign Minister, the Foreign Secretary said:

“The UK and Egypt have strong ties underpinned by a frank and honest relationship. We cooperate on a wide range of issues of mutual interest from education to tourism. Our trade and investment ties remain solid, with British companies continuing to be the largest source of foreign direct investment into Egypt. And I value our engagement with Egypt on foreign policy and security and discussed a range of issues during Foreign Minister Fahmy’s visit.

“The British Government follows political developments in Egypt with great interest. We will continue to support the Egyptian people’s aspiration for a full and functioning democracy in all its aspects, including an independent judiciary, a vibrant civil society and a free media in line with the commitments made in Egypt’s new constitution. Among other issues, I raised my concerns with Minister Fahmy about the trial of Egyptian and international journalists, the mass death sentence verdict in a recent court case and the general closure of political space in Egypt in recent months.”

AUC Chairperson arrives in Malawi ahead of May 20 Tripartite Elections

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, May 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, arrives in Blantyre, Malawi on Wednesday, 14 May 2014, ahead of the country’s tripartite electio…


JUBA, South Sudan, May 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) welcomes the signature of the agreement reached in Addis Ababa on 9 May between the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and the South Sudan Democratic Movement/Army (Cobra Faction) on the peaceful resolution of the conflict in Greater Pibor County, Jonglei State.

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of the Mission in South Sudan, Ms. Hilde F. Johnson recalls that only six months ago, prior to the current national crisis, Pibor County was the epicentre of instability in South Sudan, and the conflict between the SSDM/A and the Government was the focus of international attention. The SRSG commends the Church Mediation Team for facilitating the peace agreement and congratulates the parties for ensuring the peace and stability that has prevailed in the Greater Pibor County since they started the peace dialogue last year. “I would like to thank the negotiators as well as the religious leaders for their efforts in stopping the violence, bloodshed and suffering of the citizens of Pibor County” the SRSG commended. “This agreement will lay the foundation of a durable peace for all the people and communities of Pibor and surrounding counties. I ask them and their leaders to turn this agreement into swift action” the SRSG added.

Yesterday, the Church Mediation Team accompanied by representatives from the Office of the President and UNMISS visited Gumuruk and handed over the original copy of the agreement to the leadership of SSDM/A in Gurumuk. Hundreds of civilians warmly received the visiting delegation; they seemed to be excited about the peace agreement.

UNMISS stands ready to support the full implementation of the peace agreement and calls on all international development and humanitarian partners to provide assistance that will enable the Government and the people of the Greater Pibor County to address the root causes of the longstanding instability, including the delivery of basic services and other peace dividends.

The SRSG takes this opportunity to reaffirm the steadfast commitment of UNMISS to the people of South Sudan, and expresses her hope that the Government and the SPLA/In Opposition can follow suit and also reach a peaceful solution to the wider national conflict which continues to cause untold suffering to the people of South Sudan.

Message by Mr Fumio Kishida, Minister for Foreign Affairs, on Signing of Agreement between H. E. Gen Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of Republic of South Sudan, and Dr Riek Machar Teny, Former Vice President of the Republic of South Sudan

TOKYO, Japan, May 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — In response to the signing of agreement between H. E. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan, and Dr Riek Machar Teny, former Vice President of the Republic of…

Additional NOK 166 million for humanitarian assistance

OSLO, Norway, May 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — ‘The need for humanitarian assistance is greater in 2014 than ever before. In the revised national budget, the Government proposes an increase of NOK 166 million in allocations for this purpose. This will enable us to provide more emergency aid for South Sudan, Syria and other crisis areas,’ said Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende.

The humanitarian situation is particularly critical in Syria, South Sudan and the Central African Republic. The UN is warning that there is a risk of catastrophic famine in South Sudan, which could affect up to 7 million people. The Government is increasing its humanitarian aid allocations in order to provide more food, water, shelter, schooling, medicines and protection in this and several other crisis areas.

The Government also proposes an increase in funding from NOK 40 million to NOK 150 million for projects in Ukraine in the areas of democracy building, energy efficiency, the environment and education.

‘Ukraine needs international support to prevent the economic crisis from further destabilising the country, which would also have major consequences for Norway. We have proposed an increase in funding for projects administered by Norwegian and international organisations, and we will consider increasing budget support for Ukraine in 2014,’ said Mr Brende.

In addition, the Government proposes an increase of NOK 20 million in support to Moldova. In both Ukraine and Moldova, support will primarily be channelled through Norwegian NGOs and international partners such as the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

‘It is most encouraging that the authorities in Moldova, despite the difficult political and economic situation the country is experiencing, have implemented tough reforms. It is important to show that Norway supports Moldova’s ambition of closer European integration given the difficult situation in the region,’ said Foreign Minister Brende.

Other changes in the revised budget include an allocation of NOK 6.9 million to cover expenses associated with Jens Stoltenberg’s appointment as Secretary-General of NATO, and NOK 118 million for expenses incurred in transporting chemical weapons out of Syria. For further information, see

Meeting of Ministers of Justice and Attorneys General opens tomorrow in Addis Ababa

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, May 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Meeting of STC on Justice and Legal Affairs (Ministers of Justice and Attorneys General, Ministers responsible for Issues such as Human Rights, Constitutionalism and Rule of …

Joint Meeting: EU Political and Security Committee and African Union Peace and Security Commission

BRUSSELS, Kingdom of Belgium, May 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — EU Political and Security Committee and African Union Peace and Security Commission

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Justus Lipsius building – Brussels

+/- 11.30 Family photo*

+/- 16.15 Press conference

by EU PSC Chair Walter Stevens and AU PSC Chair H.E. Naimi


Lipsius room

* Photo / TV opportunity: Meeting point: Press centre info point 15 min before start.

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