UK Foreign Secretary condemns latest bomb attacks in Nigeria.

LONDON, United-Kingdom, May 21, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Foreign Secretary condemns the double bomb attack in the marketplace in Jos, Central Nigeria, which killed over 100 people.

The Foreign Secretary said;

“I condemn this cowardly, inhumane crime. My thoughts are with those who have been bereaved or injured.

“This attack on the market was a transparent effort to create tension between different groups in a city well known for its diversity where people of different ethnicities and religions live alongside each other. It has resulted in death and tragedy for both Christians and Muslims alike.”

“I welcome the restraint shown by the population in the face of this provocation and reiterate the United Kingdom’s continued support to the people of Nigeria.

“Last weekend in Paris the international community and regional leaders made clear their collective determination to support Nigeria and defeat the scourge of terrorism. The Jos attack has only strengthened our resolve.”

Christian and Muslim leaders condemn Jos bombings

GENEVA, Switzerland, May 21, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — After bombings on 21 May in the northern Nigerian city of Jos, in which more than one-hundred people have been killed, “heart-felt sorrow and condolences” have been expressed in a joint statement by Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad of Jordan, chairman of the Royal Aal Al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought (RABIIT).

“We strongly condemn the recent bombings in Jos, Nigeria. The location and timing of the bombings clearly were designed to cause indiscriminate and widespread casualties among passers-by, and among rescue workers who were coming to their aid,” read the statement.

Both religious leaders, who were in Jos and Plateau State in 2012 leading a Christian-Muslim delegation in Nigeria, have stressed that the horrific acts which have just occurred in Jos do not represent in any way either of their two religions.

“They have made us even more determined to find ways to support the people of Nigeria and those who are seeking to put an end to violence in the country,” says their statement.

“Peace is a blessing from God. Christianity and Islam call for peace and harmony among all of humanity, and do not condone or allow offensive warfare or aggression,” reads the statement.

The country is also in the news due to the abduction of more than 200 young women by the Boko Haram fighters, an event which prompted a “profound concern” from the WCC general secretary urging “swift and peaceful” action to restore these girls to their homes.

Canadian Leadership Improving the Lives of Women and Children in Sub-Saharan Africa / The Innovating for Maternal and Child Health in Africa program will accelerate progress on maternal, newborn and child health in nine sub-Saharan countries

OTTAWA, Canada, May 21, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — While taking part in the World Health Assembly in Geneva, at an event on the Newborn Action Plan, Canada’s Minister of Health, the Honourable Rona Ambrose, on behalf of the Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, announced the Innovating for Maternal and Child Health in Africa program.

The program will be funded through Canada’s Global Health Research Initiative, a partnership between Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD), the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). With funding of $36 million over seven years, the program will enable important research to be undertaken in nine sub-Saharan African countries to resolve pressing health challenges and to better meet the primary health care needs of mothers, newborns and children.

Improving the health of mothers, newborns and children and reducing the number of preventable deaths are Canada’s top development priority. That is why, following the significant progress made through 2010’s Muskoka Initiative, the Prime Minister is once again taking action to mobilize the world. In Toronto, from May 28 to 30, 2014, Canada will host Saving Every Woman, Every Child: Within Arm’s Reach, an international summit that will build on Canada’s leadership and shape the future of global action on maternal and child health issues.

“Under Canada’s leadership, global attention and resources have been mobilized around maternal and child health issues,” said Minister Ambrose. “I am proud that global action, triggered by the launch of the Canadian–led Muskoka Initiative, has saved countless lives and improved the health of millions of mothers, newborns and children in the developing world. The Innovating for Maternal and Child Health in Africa program being announced today is in line with the Muskoka objectives, and will help enhance the well-being of mothers and children in sub-Saharan Africa.”

“This new research will open doors to women and girls as users of primary health care,” said Jean Lebel, President of the International Development Research Centre. “It will help make primary health care more responsive to their needs and increase access to far more women and children in effective, affordable ways.”

“The Global Health Research Initiative will strengthen the ability of African countries to perform and use research to better address the primary health care needs of mothers, newborns and children and improve health outcomes,” said Dr. Alain Beaudet, President of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. “It represents a unique alignment of Federal Agencies’ efforts to ensure that Canada’s international aid is evidence-based and that its impact is scientifically evaluated.”

“With Canada’s leadership, maternal mortality rates are declining and millions more children are celebrating their fifth birthday,” added Minister Paradis. “Canada’s leadership in this area reflects the values of millions of Canadians who believe that we cannot stand idly by while the poorest and most vulnerable suffer deaths that are easily and inexpensively prevented. Sub-Saharan Africa is an important region for the Government of Canada’s development programming, and this new project will help to ensure that women, newborns and children in nine African countries can have better access to quality health services. By working together, eliminating preventable deaths among women, children and newborns is within arm’s reach.”

Quick Facts

• On April 28, 2014, the Prime Minister announced that Canada will host Saving Every Woman, Every Child: Within Arm’s Reach, an international Summit on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health issues.

• The Summit, to be held from May 28 to 30, 2014, in Toronto, will build on Canada’s leadership and bring together Canadian and international leaders and experts, Canadian charities, businesses, scientists, developed and developing countries, international organizations and global foundations to ensure that maternal, newborn and child health remains a priority of the global development agenda.

• The causes of maternal and under-five child mortality in developing countries are largely preventable with increased access to affordable and cost-effective solutions that most Canadians take for granted.

• Progress is being made. The number of women who die each year during pregnancy or childbirth has dropped by 45% – from 523,000 deaths in 1990 to 287,000 in 2013.

• The global number of deaths in children under the age of five has also dropped by 45% from nearly 12 million in 1990 to 6.6 million in 2012.

• Canada is providing $2.85 billion in funding between 2010 and 2015 under the Muskoka Initiative to save the lives of women and children in developing countries.

• Canada is on track to meeting its Muskoka commitment, with 80 percent of the funding already disbursed.

AU Special Representative calls for donor support towards Puntland’s priorities and development goals

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, May 21, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (SRCC) for Somalia, Ambassador Mahamet Saleh Annadif has called on partners and the donor community to support the Puntland State in its priorities and development goals.

Speaking during the Puntland Donor Roundtable Meeting, Ambassador Annadif noted that donor support is pivotal to the realization of Puntland’s immediate and long-term development needs, and creates an environment for sustainable peace and development in Somalia.

The AU Special Representative, the first AMISOM leader to travel to Garowe to engage on Puntland development issues, reiterated the importance of Puntland’s stability and its role in setting an example for the rest of Somalia. “I’m encouraged by the developments in Puntland. The last elections are significant proof of positive developments and I call on all Somalis to follow the example of Puntland.” he said.

On behalf of the Chairperson of AU Commission, Ambassador Annadif pledged the AU’s commitment to supporting the Puntland State in capacity building of its security forces especially training of the Police and the Army to tackle terrorism, piracy and human trafficking.

The Donor Roundtable Meeting which was officially opened by the President of the Puntland State of Somalia, H.E. Abdweli Mohammed Ali Gaas was attended by representatives from the donor community, the World Bank and the United Nations.


ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, May 21, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Africa Re-imagination Creative Hub (ARCH):

Developing the Identity, Heritage, Arts and Culture Chapter for Agenda 2063


When: …


ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, May 21, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — INVITATION TO MEDIA REPRESENTATIVES

When: Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 May 2014

The format of the football match tournament is as follows:

 For the qualifying stage-with 8 teams in total i.e 4 games on Saturday .

 For the quarter finals-with 4 teams in total i.e 2 games on Saturday and Sunday.

For 3rd place and the final -with 2 teams in total i.e 1 game on Sunday

Where: African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (on the basketball court)

Who: Organized by the Department of Human Resources Science and Technology (HRST) of the African Union Commission (AUC).

How: Teams composition: 5 vs 5 including goal keepers + 4 substitutes per team

Game rules and timing: Football matches will take place in the mornings. All football matches will last for a full-time period of 30 minutes each. In case of draws, an option of full extra-time period will be added for a period 10 minutes. Extra-time periods will include the golden goal option which is a gain in time. Penalty shoot-out will be the last resort to separate the sides

Why: The tournament as much as the Agenda 2063 aim to be fully participatory and be owned by all the continents stakeholders, with the full engagement of women and youth in particular, to rekindle the spirit of working together toward collective prosperity, common destiny under united and strong Africa.

Objectives: The tournament shares a small-scale scheme of the stages of Agenda 2063 including the participation and inclusion of all stakeholders in the conception, design, and implementation among others. Keeping the vision of the Agenda 2063 in-mind, the tournament shall heighten the core principles and values dedicated to performance with sound leadership and targets, for the prosperity of the continent in peace and solidarity.

Context: The sports tournament is part of the year long closing events of the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) now the African Union (AU).

Participants A total of 8 teams are expected to participate in the tournament from the following international organizations and diplomatic missions based in Addis-Ababa:

• The AUC Member States teams,

• The African Union Commission teams and,

• The United Nations-related organizations teams

Information & Registrations:

For further information and to register your team, please contact the focal persons:

 Herve Kpotsra, at ; +251924956169

 Theresa Watwii Ndavi, at ; +251 933616556


AUC Chairperson attends AfDB Annual Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, May 21, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma arrives in Kigali, Rwanda on Wednesday 21 May 2014, to participate in the 49th annual meeting of the African Development Bank (AfDB) holding in Kigali, Rwanda, from 19-23 May 2014.

Dr. Dlamini Zuma will be participating in some panel discussions. One of the panel discussions takes place Wednesday 21 May 2014, focusing on the theme, “Leadership for the Africa we Want”. It will address two issues for discussion: 1) How can we nurture visionary African leadership to address any leadership deficit and engender trust in policies; 2) Does Africa need effective institutions more than it needs strong leaders?

Co-panelists will include: H.E. Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda; H.E. Ali Bongo Ondimba, President of Gabon; H.E. Uhuru Kenyatta, President of Kenya; H. E. Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki, former President, Republic of South Africa; Hon. Olusegun Obasanjo, former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; and Dr. Mo Ibrahim, Founder and Chair, Mo Ibrahim Foundation.

The AUC Chairperson will also attend the official opening of the meeting taking place on Thursday, 22 May 2014. The annual meeting will be attended by Heads of States, finance ministers and the governors of the central banks from the53 regional member countries (RMC) of the AfDB

Africa Re-imagined / Developing the Identity, Heritage, Arts and Culture Agenda

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, May 21, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Africa Re-imagined / Developing the Identity, Heritage, Arts and Culture Agenda

Venue: African Union Conference Centre, Old Plenary Hall

09H00 – 17H00 daily

From May 20th to the 25th the AU is bringing together Africa’s top creative minds in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Over 100 writers, poets, musicians, painters, sculptors, architects, film makers and intellectuals from the all over the continent as well as the diaspora will be in discussion to lay the foundations for a chapter on ‘’Arts, Culture and Heritage” for the African Union’s 2063 Agenda. Luminaries who will guide and facilitate the debates include Ben Okri, Pitika Ntuli and Wanguiwa Goro. Some of the prominent artists include Yasiin Bey (the US born artist formerly known as MosDef), Juwon Ogungbe, Mamadou Diabaté, Sizzla Kalonji, and Ray Phiri. Refreshingly, participants include both young and old artists creating a discernible sense of continuity across time, space, gender and disciplines.

The African Union Agenda 2063 sets out a vision and a fifty-year plan for the continent. AUC Chairperson Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma says; “Arts and culture are the soul and the spirit of Africa and her people. Without the voices of our creative minds, the 2063 Agenda would be sadly diminished.”The conference thus aims to find a bridge between artistic and intellectual minds and political office holders.

Ambassador for the event, Simphiwe Dana says “The conference seeks to define and plan for the Africa we see in our imagination. We will identify our challenges and plan for how best to respond to them. Poetic, visual and musical performances will be incorporated into the presentations and discussions – reflecting an African holistic philosophy that should inform the development of arts and culture on the continent.”

The African Union strongly condemns the terrorist attack in Jos, Nigeria

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, May 21, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union (AU), Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, strongly condemns the abhorrent terrorist twin bombings which took place yesterday, 20 May…

Foreign Minister Steinmeier announces a further six million euros in humanitarian aid for South Sudan

BERLIN, Germany, May 21, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Commenting on the donor conference for South Sudan in Oslo, Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier issued the following statement today (20 May):
The donor conference for South Sudan…