Norway condemns terrorist attack on parliament in Mogadishu

OSLO, Norway, May 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Minister of Foreign Affairs Børge Brende condemns the attack on the Federal Parliament in Mogadishu on 24 May in the strongest terms.

Reports indicate that some of the parliamentarians were injured, and several police officers and African Union soldiers were killed in the attack. Several of the attackers were also reported to have been killed in the gunfire that broke out after a car bomb was detonated outside the parliament building.

‘I strongly condemn the attack on the parliament in Mogadishu. Somalia’s parliamentarians have the task of creating a peaceful, stable and democratic Somalia. My thoughts today go first and foremost to the families and relatives of the victims,’ Mr Brende said.

This is not the first time the Somali parliament has been targeted by terrorists. Two Somali parliamentarians were killed in separate attacks on 21 and 22 April this year. Despite the efforts of the Somali authorities to improve security in the city, backed up by African Union forces, the security situation in Mogadishu remains unstable.

‘It is vital that the Somali authorities ensure that those responsible for this attack are brought to justice, and that the authorities continue their work to improve security for parliamentarians, members of the Government and the population of Mogadishu and Somalia as a whole,’ Mr Brende said.

Norway’s broad-based engagement in Somalia involves supporting humanitarian and development efforts, and the development of Somali institutions.

Mali: Visit to detainees in Kidal

GENEVA, Switzerland, May 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Fifty people detained in connection with recent clashes in Kidal have been visited by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The detainees, 32 of whom are being held …

South Sudan / UN Technical Brief on Cholera Response

JUBA, South Sudan, May 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The United Nations Country Team cordially invites members of the media in South Sudan to a technical press briefing on the cholera response in South Sudan.
The briefing will be moder…

UNAMID Head visits Geneva, calls for cooperation to advance human rights in Darfur

EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, May 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — African Union-United Nations Joint Special Representative (JSR) for Darfur and Chief mediator, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, concluded a two-day visit to Geneva on 23 May, where he held several meetings at the United Nations Office and met with the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Mr Chambas started his visit by holding meetings with the African Union permanent representatives including a bilateral meeting with the Permanent representative of Sudan to the UN in Geneva, Ms. Rahma Salih Elobied; where he briefed on the situation in Darfur as well as progress achieved and challenges facing the implementation of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD).

He also met with representatives of several member states at a function hosted by the Ambassador of Canada to the UN Office in Geneva and updated them on the latest developments in Darfur and his activities as Joint Chief Mediator.

Mr. Chambas concluded his visit by meeting the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, where they explored ways of enhancing cooperation on human rights issues in Darfur through capacity building and training activities in partnership with the national federal and state authorities, civil society, academic institutions and local communities in Darfur; in line with the provisions set out in the DDPD.

At the conclusion of his visit to Geneva, Mr. Chambas expressed his satisfaction with the discussions he held and underscored the importance of collective effort in enhancing the cause of human rights. “Protecting the fundamental rights of Darfuris must be an integral part of a concerted effort to find an inclusive and comprehensive political settlement of the eleven-year conflict in the region.”

Malawi post-elections: AUC Chairperson calls for calm as the Malawi Electoral Commission completes its job

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, May 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma is closely following the post-election situation in Malawi and the growing anxiety over the opera…


ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, May 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The African Union Commission (AUC) today, Sunday 25 May, 2014 celebrated Africa Day. The ceremony, held at the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa, included a variety of activities marking the year-long closing events of the 50th OAU/AU anniversary. Events included sports tournaments, a marathon dubbed the ‘Great Run Africa”; the 10th Anniversary of the Peace and Security Council of the AU; the “Africa Re-imagination Creative Hub (ARCH) exhibition; and an AU Staff buffet luncheon consisting of different African foods whhich was open to all members of the public who came in their numbers to witness the Africa Day celebrations.

Today’s celebrations were chaired by Mr. Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of the AU Commission in the presence of some AU Commissioners, AU Member States’ Ambassadors and AU staff among other invited guests.

A prize awards ceremony for the winning teams in the different sports activities as well as a ground breaking ceremony for the 50th Anniversary monument were top on the agenda of today’s’ events.

Statement by Parliamentary Secretary Obhrai on the Situation in Malawi

OTTAWA, Canada, May 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Honourable Deepak Obhrai, Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs and for International Human Rights, today issued the following statement:

“Canada is concerned by the electoral situation currently unfolding in Malawi and urges all parties to exercise calm and restraint.

“Taking note of yesterday’s ruling by the Malawi Supreme Court, we urge the Malawi Electoral Commission to fully investigate early reports that suggest irregularities in the voting process.

“Canada congratulates the people of Malawi, who voted peacefully in favour of democracy during the elections on May 20. Their confidence in the integrity of the electoral process is essential.

“We welcome the efforts of the African Union, the European Union, the Southern African Development Community and other election observation missions in seeking to establish the conditions for peaceful and credible elections.”

The African Union strongly condemns the terrorist attack of 24 may 2014 in Djibouti: The AU calls for the strengthening of intra-African cooperation in the fight against the scourge of terrorism

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, May 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union (AU), Dr. Nkozasana Dlamini-Zuma, strongly condemns the grenade attacks that targeted a restaurant in the city of Djibouti,…

Thousands celebrate Africa Day in Dublin

DUBLIN, Ireland, May 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Minister for Trade and Development, Joe Costello TD, and Ambassador Anas Khales of the Kingdom of Morocco today welcomed thousands of people to a free family fun day in Farmleigh Estate in Dublin for Ireland’s seventh celebration of Africa Day.

Families and music fans enjoyed a showcase of African music, food and culture, including performances across three stages, drumming and dance performances and a kidzone with face-painting and games.

Africa Day falls on 25 May each year and is celebrated internationally to mark African diversity and success, and the cultural and economic potential of the continent.

Speaking ahead of the opening, Minister Costello said:

“This week’s Africa Day celebrations are a great opportunity for Irish and African communities to celebrate African cultures and traditions and to reflect upon our maturing relationship, which is increasingly focused on politics, democracy and trade.

“The theme for Africa Day 2104 is ‘Partners for Growth’. Building targeted partnerships partnerships with Governments and communities in a range of different countries in Africa is the key to our shared success.”

A full programme of Africa Day events is available at

AU and partners conclude a joint SSR assessment of the Central African Republic

BANGUI, Central African Republic, May 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The African Union (AU) and partners have concluded a one (1) week assessment of the security sector in the Central African Republic (CAR). The assessment mission was l…