Tigo, Airtel and Zantel to enable mobile money payments between their customers in Tanzania

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, June 4, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Tigo (http://www.tigo.co.tz), Airtel and Zantel announced today a pioneering agreement to allow customers of Tigo, Airtel and Zantel in Tanzania to send money to each other whether using Tigo Pesa, Airtel Money or EzyPesa on their mobile handsets. It is expected that the service will start by end of June.

Logo Tigo: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/plog-content/images/apo/logos/tigo-1.jpg

Photo: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/index.php?level=picture&id=1065 (Tigo Tanzania General Manager, Diego Gutierrez)

This is the first agreement in Africa to adopt such “interoperability” whereby mobile network operators allows their customer to send and receive money across the network and the e-money goes direct to the respective customer e-wallet account.

In the early years of the mobile industry, such agreements were common for both voice calls and SMS text messaging. With this agreement, customers of the three telecommunications company would be able to send money by mobile to each other directly, according to a statement issued by the companies.

The joint press statement also listed other benefits customers of the three companies would enjoy as including the ability to send money at more affordable rates and in a simplified way which does not require use of PIN codes when making withdrawals as had been the practice before signing of the agreement.

Diego Gutierrez, Tigo’s General Manager for Tanzania, commented “We are delighted to work with Airtel and Zantel to extend the mobile money universe in Tanzania. With even more transactions possible, our customers’ money is made even more safe and secure with this technology. Just as we co-operate with our competitors on voice calls and text to help our customers, so we hope to be able to do the same with mobile money and help make Tanzania a global pioneer in digital financial inclusion.”

On his part Airtel Managing Director Sunil Colaso said: “Airtel is committed to introduce to our customers new innovative services that look beyond competition, a tremendous evolution to ensure mobile inclusion that is sought by many Tanzanians taking into account our reach across the country.”

“Today’s partnership will bring our customers closer to mobile service and ease their use of mobile money services, “added Colaso.

Zantel’s Managing Director Pratap Ghose, said “Zantel has a strong commitment to excellence and innovation, and thus is happy about this partnership which will enable all our customers to conduct their businesses efficiently and with ease across Tanzania. “Zantel is proud to have been the pioneer in launching Mobile payments in 2008; and hence will work with the industry and the regulatory bodies to ensure that we offer ‘best in class’ service to our customers” added Mr.Ghose.

The three companies also paid tribute to the Bank of Tanzania (B.O.T) for facilitating interoperability, the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation and IFC for playing the leading role on this initiative.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Tigo Tanzania.

For further information visit:


John Wanyancha

Corporate Communications Manager

Mobile: 0658 123 089

Email: john.wanyancha@tigo.co.tz

Website : www.tigo.co.tz


Jackson Mbando

Public relations Manager

Mobile : 0786 670 120

Email : Jackson.Mmbando@tz.airtel.com

Website: www.airtel.com


Arnold Madale

Senior Specialist Media & Brand

Mobile : 0779 222344

Email : a.madale@zantel.co.tZ

Website: www.zantel.com

About Tigo:

Tigo (http://www.tigo.co.tz) started operations in 1994 as the first cellular network in Tanzania. It now covers 30 regions in mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar. Tigo strives to be Tanzania’s most innovative mobile phone operator, offering services ranging from affordable mobile voice communications to high speed Internet access and mobile financial services through Tigo Pesa.

Tigo is part of Millicom which provides affordable, widely accessible and readily available cellular telephone services to more than 50 million customers in 13 emerging markets in Africa and Latin America.

The success of Tigo is based on the “Triple A” strategy, which stands for Affordability, Accessibility and Availability. We create a world where mobile services are affordable, accessible and available everywhere and to all. This guarantees that our subscribers experience the best services at the most affordable rates throughout all 30 regions in both Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar.


About Bharti Airtel

Bharti Airtel Limited is a leading global telecommunications company with operations in 20 countries across Asia and Africa. Headquartered in New Delhi, India, the company ranks amongst the top 4 mobile service providers globally in terms of subscribers. In India, the company’s product offerings include 2G, 3G and 4G wireless services, mobile commerce, fixed line services, high speed DSL broadband, IPTV, DTH, enterprise services including national & international long distance services to carriers. In the rest of the geographies, it offers 2G, 3G wireless services and mobile commerce. Bharti Airtel had over 294 million customers across its operations at the end of March 2014. To know more please visit, www.airtel.com

About Zantel

Zantel currently serves a growing subscriber base and consistently demonstrates its core values of affordable, consistent and seamless services. Zantel believes that apart from offering a solid platform of technological innovation, sustainable investment is the bedrock of stellar growth and economic stability. Zantel offers International Gateway services, Fixed, Mobile , data services through its CDMA, GSM , 3G networks and mobile Finance services popularly known as ‘Ezypesa”.

Zantel is part of Etisalat Group which has been recognized as “Best Operator” 10 times since 2006 and “Best Wholesale Provider” 4 times in the last three years, and currently services145 million customers in 15 countries spread across Africa and Asia…

Ebola virus disease, West Africa – update

GENEVA, Switzerland, June 4, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Ebola virus disease, West Africa – update


Between 29 May and 1 June 2014, 37 new cases and 21 new deaths were reported from the following 5 districts: Conakry, 3 new cases and 0 deaths; Gueckedou, 11 new cases and 13 deaths; Macenta, 4 new cases and 1 death; Telimele, 19 new cases and 5 deaths; and Boffa, 0 new cases and 2 deaths. The cumulative number of cases and deaths attributable to EVD in Guinea is now 328 (laboratory confirmed 193, probable 80, and suspected 55) including 208 deaths. The geographical distribution of these cases and deaths is as follows: Conakry, 56 cases and 27 deaths; Gueckedou, 190 cases and 140 deaths; Macenta, 44 cases and 24 deaths; Dabola, 4 cases and 4 deaths; Kissidougou, 7 cases and 5 deaths; Dinguiraye, 1 case and 1 death; Telimele, 22 cases and 5 deaths; and Boffa, 4 cases and 2 deaths.

The number of contacts currently being followed countrywide is 604, distributed as follows: Gueckedou, 341 contacts; Macenta, 175 contacts; and Telimele (88 contacts). In terms of isolation, 16 patients are currently being hospitalized in Conakry (1), Gueckedou (12), Telimele (2), and Boffa (1).

Sierra Leone

Between 29 May and 1 June 2014, 13 new cases (3 confirmed and 10 suspected) and no new deaths were reported from Kailahun (12 new cases and 0 death) and Kenema (1 new case and 0 deaths). This brings the cumulative total number of cases to 79 (18 confirmed, 3 probable, and 58 suspected), including 6 deaths. The geographical distribution of these cases and deaths are as follows: Kailahun, 41 cases and 6 deaths; Kenema, 3 cases and 0 deaths; Koinadugu, 2 cases and 0 deaths; Bombali, 1 case and 0 deaths; Bo, 13 cases and 0 deaths; Moyamba, 1 case and 0 deaths; and Free Town, 5 cases and 0 deaths. A total of 4 cases are in isolation at Kenema Hospital.


One suspected case from nearby Kailahun, Sierra Leone died in Foya, Liberia. The dead body was taken back to Kailahun for burial. Eleven (11) contacts were identified and are being followed up.

The total number of cases is subject to change due to reclassification, retrospective investigation, consolidation of cases and laboratory data and enhanced surveillance.

WHO response

WHO and partners continue to support the implementation of preventive and control measures in affected countries. In Guinea, an additional 5 experts have been deployed/redeployed in Gueckedou and Macenta to address community resistance and data and case management. In neighbouring counties, WHO continues to provide guidance on preparedness activities in accordance with the EVD preparedness plans developed by each country.

In Sierra Leone, health-care workers from affected districts are being trained to conduct outreach and active search for EVD clinical cases and contacts. Sites have been identified to set up Isolation centres in Kailahun and Koindou and are awaiting MOH approval.

WHO does not recommend any travel or trade restrictions be applied to Guinea, Liberia, or Sierra Leone based on the current information available for this event.

First UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi Heralds New Era in Global Efforts to Address Environmental Sustainability

NAIROBI, Kenya, June 4, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other High-Level Representatives from 160 UN Member and Observer States, UN Heads of Agencies, Business and Civil Society Set to participate

The First UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) will convene in Nairobi, Kenya, from 23 to 27 June 2014. This marks a historic milestone in UNEP’s 43-year history and is expected to be attended by high-level delegations from over 160 UN Member and Observer States.

UN Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the President of the UN General Assembly, Ministers of Environment and Foreign Affairs and Chief Executives of a number of international organisations are set to attend the newly-established UNEA that will bring together over 1,200 high-level participants from government, business and civil society.

UNEA is the newly constituted UN high-level platform for decision making on environment that is tasked to chart a new course in the way the international community addresses environmental sustainability challenges. More than 80 Ministers, Vice-Ministers, Secretaries of State as well as heads of international convention secretariats have confirmed their attendance, so far.

UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Mr. Achim Steiner, said, “The convening of the first UNEA session in Nairobi – home of UNEP and the often referred to environment capital of the world – represents a coming-of-age for the global environment community. For the first time, all 193 members of the UN, plus Observer States and major stakeholders, will be represented in the new assembly—thereby bestowing upon UNEA a new level of representation, legitimacy and authority.”

“A broad range of actors from the world of economy, finance, social sciences, legislation, the judiciary and development are also due to participate to help shape the global environment agenda, under the stewardship of UNEA. The issues facing this first session of UNEA are weighty ones which require the voices of all member states and partners to be heard.”

“Now more than ever, it has become increasingly clear that the dichotomy between environmental sustainability and economic and social development should be overcome through the careful management of natural resources as the keystone of a prosperous and stable society. In this new forum, UNEP and its partners will be able to provide governments and other policymakers with the science, policy options and platform, for international cooperation to more effectively address the environmental dimension of sustainable development,” he added.

For Kenya, the host country of UNEP’s headquarters for over four decades, the convening of UNEA in its capital city of Nairobi marks another milestone in this pioneering partnership.

Ambassador Martin Kimani, Kenya’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, said, “Kenya is ready to welcome the world’s leading environmentalists and world experts, working in all areas related to sustainable development to UNEA in June. Our country has made immense strides in building a Green Economy – observe our cutting edge geothermal developments and the high percentage of our GDP from nature tourism.”

“The success of UNEA and UNEP are high in our priorities. Kenya is taking every measure to ensure the success of this landmark event. We are inviting delegates from around the world to actively participate in this historic moment and make their contributions to the assembly in a safe and friendly city that is rolling out every welcome to them,” he said.

As the new governing body of UNEP as well as the world’s Environment Assembly, UNEA has the mandate to make strategic decisions and provide political guidance in the work of UNEP, and promote a strong science-policy interface.

The first UNEA session is expected to deliver a series of outcomes that would spell out concrete actions to address the key environmental challenges discussed at UNEA. Where appropriate, UNEA may also recommend draft resolutions for adoption at the United Nations General Assembly for UN system-wide action.

At UNEA’s high-level segment – held under the slogan A Life of Dignity for All — Ministers and international leaders will gather to address two key sustainable development and environment topics of current international concern, namely:

• Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including sustainable consumption and production; and

• The illegal trade in wildlife to address the escalation in poaching and surge in related environmental crime.

To complement the Ministerial discussions, UNEA will also see the convening of two Symposia that address two key aspects of environmental sustainability:

• The environmental rule of law through the gathering of leading representatives of the international judicial community, including Chief Justices, Attorney Generals and Judges. More information is available at: http://www.unep.org/unea/erl.asp

• The role of Finance in the Green Economy by bringing to Nairobi and UNEA, leaders from the world of business, finance and industry. More information is available at: http://www.unep.org/unea/financing_green_economy.asp

The UNEA deliberations will conclude with a High-Level Segment led by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and President of the General Assembly John Ashe. It will comprise a: strategic briefing on the state of the environment by UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner; ministerial plenaries on Sustainable Development Goals, including Sustainable Consumption and Production, and the illegal trade in wildlife.

During the UNEA week, more than 40 special and side events, fora, and high level dialogues, will take place at UNEP’s headquarters, covering a range of issues, such as: climate change, gender and the environment, green jobs, air quality, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and the sound management of chemicals, among other topics.

EU announces new rural electrification projects which will provide access to energy to more than 2 million people in poor rural areas

BRUSSELS, Kingdom of Belgium, June 4, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — European Commission Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, will today reveal the 16 energy projects which will receive €95 million funding, thanks to the EU’s new rural electrification programme. The projects include hydro, wind, solar and biomass projects across nine African countries.

The projects will address energy challenges in rural areas and are part of the EU’s last Energy Facility Call for Proposals, which focused specifically on improving access to modern, affordable and sustainable energy services for rural poor, by promoting renewable energy solutions as well as on energy efficiency measures building on proven successful actions.

The Commissioner will announce the results at the New Business Models for Bringing Sustainable Energy to the Energy Poor event in New York today, part of the UN Annual Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Forum.

Ahead of the event, Commissioner Piebalgs said: “These innovative projects are a real step forward in terms of bringing energy to some of the most remote and poor areas in Africa. The benefits of rural electrification are manifold – by connecting people to clean energy, we’ll improve healthcare, education, and opportunities to make a living in the area.”

The event marks the second anniversary since the Sustainable Energy for All Summit, which took place in Brussels in April 2012, where the European Commission President, Jose Manuel Barroso, set the ambitious goal of helping developing countries provide access to sustainable energy services to 500 million people by 2030.

Today’s announcement is only part of the overall EU effort in tackling energy poverty and creating an enabling environment for growth. The EU aims to allocate more than 3 billion euro worth of grants in the 2014-2020 financial period to support sustainable energy projects in about 30 countries that see energy as a focal sector for development. This will leverage between 15 and 30 billion euro in loans and equity investment, thus enabling to plug the gaps in energy infrastructure projects and power businesses, schools, homes and hospitals.

In addition, infrastructure projects financed through our innovative blending instruments and the Technical Assistance Facility available for all Sub-Saharan African countries are already delivering results and contributing to the EU support for Sustainable Energy for All objectives. Worldwide, about 1.3 billion people have no access to electricity. Up to a billion more have access only to unreliable electricity networks. More than 2.6 billion people rely on solid fuels (i.e. traditional biomass and coal) for cooking and heating.

Through co-financing support by applicants, these €95 million-worth actions will be translated into projects costing more than €155 million. They will help to bring electricity to more than 2 million people in African rural areas.

The projects chosen include a hydroelectric project in the Ludewa District, Tanzania, which will provide energy to 20 isolated villages; benefitting 4,000 households, 43 primary and secondary schools (about 16,000 students); one hospital and 19 dispensaries, over 500 small businesses and farmers from across the region and an eco-electrification project in Burkina Faso, which will reach 100,000 people, as well as health centres and schools.

Today’s event, hosted by the European Commission, will include the United Nations Development Progamme (UNDP) Administrator Helen Clark and Dr Kandeh Yumkella, UN Secretary General Special Representative and Chief Executive Officer of Sustainable Energy for All, among others. The idea behind the event is to showcase our common efforts in the fight against energy poverty, to provide the ground for the exchange of best practices and lessons learnt, and to share views on new business models that could make for enhanced cooperation between donors, the private sector, civil society and governments.


The ‘Call for Proposals’ is an EU funding system which enables NGOs, government and private sector organisations to receive a grant for EU Funding, based on their proposal for an innovative project.

The EU recently announced that the countries which will benefit from this initiative are Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Cameroon, Uganda, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Eritrea, and Rwanda. The European Commission will promote other proposals received – but not selected – to private and public donors and development agencies. Therefore, the list of countries and the number of rural population benefiting from the initiative could further increase.

Ericsson mobility report: Mobile internet usage to increase at twice the global rate in five years in Sub-Saharan Africa

CAPE-TOWN, South-Africa, June 4, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ —

• Mobile internet use doubling year-on-year, with usage expected to increase 20 times in the next five years

• By 2017, 3G technology will outstrip 2G to become the region’s dominant form of mobile connection

• Ericsson predicts 930 million mobile subscriptions in Sub-Saharan Africa by the end of 2019, with 557m smartphone and 710m broadband subscriptions

Ericsson (NASDAQ: ERIC) (http://www.ericsson.com), a world leader in communications technology and services, has today revealed the scale of the region’s ongoing data revolution with traffic growth doubling the past year. The June 2014 Sub-Saharan Africa Ericsson Mobility Report shows that in 2014 phone users accessed 76,000 TB (terabyte) of data per month, double the 2013 figure of 37,500 TB per month. In 2015 the figures are expected to double again with mobile phone users accessing 147,000 TB per month.

Download the Ericsson Mobility Report – Sub-Saharan Africa: http://www.ericsson.com/res/docs/2014/emr-june2014-regional-appendices-ssa.pdf

Download the infographic: http://www.apo-mail.org/140604.pdf

Logo: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/plog-content/images/apo/logos/ericsson.jpg

The rise of social media, content-rich apps and video content accessed from a new range of cheaper smartphones has prompted the rise. Consumers in Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria are also increasingly using video TV and media services from their smartphones.

Fredrik Jejdling, Regional Head of Ericsson Sub-Saharan Africa, says: “Sub-Saharan Africa is currently undergoing a mobile digital revolution with consumers, networks and even media companies are wakening up the possibilities of 3G and 4G technology. We have seen the trend emerging over a few years but in the past twelve months the digital traffic has increased over 100% forcing us to revise our existing predictions.”

In the next five years, the Report’s findings show that the voice call traffic in Sub-Saharan Africa will double and there will be an explosion in mobile data with usage in Sub-Saharan Africa growing 20 times between 2013 and 2019, twice the anticipated global expansion. By 2019 the report predicts that 75 per cent of mobile subscriptions will be internet inclusive (3G or 4G).

This growth has been predicted following the launch in 2014 of a number of smartphones for under $50 USD by a number of major device manufacturers allowing the rapid expansion of 3G and 4G technology across the region. The 2014 Report predicts that in just three years’ time 3G technology will become the dominant technology across the region.

Fredrik Jejdling, Regional Head of Ericsson Sub-Saharan Africa, says: “The rise of cheap smartphones will allow vast portions of the population – from middle classes in cities to small businesses in rural areas – access to mobile broadband. M-commerce can offer endless opportunities for entrepreneurs and we’ve found that farmers are fans of mobile wallets – as well as teenagers wanting to watch music videos on their smartphone.”

Ericsson regularly performs traffic measurements in over 100 live networks across the world and predictions have been made in collaboration with Ericsson ConsumerLab, utilising population, macroeconomic trends combined with the company’s own anonymised data. Ericsson is the largest provider of managed services, building and improving the reach and efficacy of mobile networks, in Sub-Saharan Africa and globally.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Ericsson.


Ericsson Corporate Communications

E-mail: rssa.corporate.communications@ericsson.com


Download the Ericsson Mobility Report – Sub-Saharan Africa: http://www.ericsson.com/res/docs/2014/emr-june2014-regional-appendices-ssa.pdf

Download high-resolution photos and broadcast-quality video at http://www.ericsson.com/press

Ericsson (http://www.ericsson.com) is the driving force behind the Networked Society – a world leader in communications technology and services. Our long-term relationships with every major telecom operator in the world allow people, businesses and societies to fulfill their potential and create a more sustainable future.

Our services, software and infrastructure – especially in mobility, broadband and the cloud – are enabling the telecom industry and other sectors to do better business, increase efficiency, improve the user experience and capture new opportunities.

With more than 110,000 professionals and customers in 180 countries, we combine global scale with technology and services leadership. We support networks that connect more than 2.5 billion subscribers. Forty percent of the world’s mobile traffic is carried over Ericsson networks. And our investments in research and development ensure that our solutions – and our customers – stay in front.

Founded in 1876, Ericsson has its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. Net sales in 2013 were SEK 227.4 billion (USD 34.9 billion). Ericsson is listed on NASDAQ OMX stock exchange in Stockholm and the NASDAQ in New York.






The African Union investigates reports about the involvement of MISCA soldiers in human rights violations

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, June 4, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union (AU), Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, has learnt with concern of the reports by Human Rights Watch that soldiers of the African…

Statement by the Press Secretary on the Presidential Election in Egypt

WASHINGTON, June 4, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The United States looks forward to working with Abdelfattah al-Sisi, the winner of Egypt’s presidential election, to advance our strategic partnership and the many interests shared by the U…


NEW YORK, June 4, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

The Secretary-General takes note of the official release of the results by the Presidential Elections Commission of the 26 to 28 May election. He trusts that the President-elect will do everything possible to support the Egyptian people’s aspirations for a stable, democratic, and prosperous Egypt.

The Secretary-General notes that democracy is inextricably linked with the three pillars of the United Nations — peace and security, development and human rights — and urges Egyptian authorities to strengthen democratic institutions and practices. He believes doing so is essential for fostering long-term security and stability, by allowing for peaceful political dialogue and contestation, as well as creating a conducive environment for good governance, development and promoting and protecting human rights.

The Secretary-General reaffirms the commitment of the United Nations to remain fully engaged in supporting Egypt.

SRSG for West Africa’s meeting with President Yahya Jammeh of The Gambia

DAKAR, Senegal, June 4, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — As part of his regular consultations with regional leaders, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa, Mr. Said Djinnit, held today in Banjul, capital of The G…

Singapore to boost economic ties with Africa

JOHANNESBURG, South-Africa, June 4, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ —

1. Singapore has emerged the largest investor in Africa among the ASEAN countries, according to the latest United Nations’ World Investment Report 2013. Located strategically in the heart of Southeast Asia, Singapore’s economic ties with Africa have been on the rise. As of end 2012, Singapore’s investments into Africa saw a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.2% over the previous five years, reaching US$15.9 billion(1). Singapore-Africa trade has also increased, reaching US$11.1 billion in 2013, achieving a strong CAGR of 11.7% since 2009.

Logo: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/plog-content/images/apo/logos/iesingapore.jpg

Photo 1: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/index.php?level=picture&id=1138

Photo 2: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/index.php?level=picture&id=1137

Photo 3: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/index.php?level=picture&id=1136

Photo 4: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/index.php?level=picture&id=1135

Photo 5: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/index.php?level=picture&id=1134

2. According to International Enterprise (IE) Singapore (http://www.iesingapore.com), the Singapore government agency promoting trade and overseas investments, there are currently over 60 Singapore companies operating in over 50 countries in Africa. Projects span a wide range of sectors from agri-business, food & beverage and oil & gas, to eGovernment services, information & communications technology, and transport & logistics.

3. Said Mr G. Jayakrishnan, Group Director for Middle East and Africa, IE Singapore, “Singapore companies are taking concrete steps to participate more actively in Africa’s growth. Given Africa’s significant development needs, we see an opportunity to collaborate and develop long-term solutions in many areas including urban development & planning, eGovernment, oil & gas, transport & logistics, manufacturing & special economic zones, technical and vocational training, power, water and affordable housing. Singapore can contribute actively as governments across Africa look to diversify growth and improve both business and social infrastructure for their countries.”

Potential for increased Africa-Singapore partnerships

4. Despite Singapore’s limited domestic market and lack of natural resources, the country has progressed from a third to first world country and developed into a competitive and dynamic business hub. During its post-independence years, Singapore companies have accumulated extensive experience and capabilities in many sectors including eGovernment, urban planning and development, and oil & gas.


5. Singapore’s eGovernment journey started in the early 80s with the goal of transforming the small city-state into a world-class user of information technology. Today, Singapore is consistently recognised by international benchmarking studies such World Economic Forum’s Global IT Report and the country’s eGovernment projects have garnered international accolades including the Stockholm Challenge Award and the UN Public Service Award. Sharing its expertise with Africa, CrimsonLogic, a Singapore eSolutions provider, developed an eJudiciary system (Electronic Judiciary) for the Supreme Court and High Courts in Oshakati and Windhoek, Namibia. The new system enabled the judiciary to effectively file court documents and manage case activities electronically, and digitally record court proceedings.

Urban planning and development

6. Constrained by land space, Singapore has paid careful attention to the efficient use of land through long-term urban planning since its early stages of development. This has enabled Singapore to manage challenges that many rapidly-growing cities face, such as outages of power and water, insufficient public housing, sanitation and waste treatment, and traffic congestion.

7. From a water-scarce nation faced with acute housing shortage, Singapore has grown into a world leader in the field of integrated water management with quality homes and living environments. Today, 100% of Singapore’s population has access to drinking water and modern sanitation facilities while over 90% Singaporeans possess their own homes – this is one of the highest rate of home ownership in the world(2). Singapore companies have exported these solutions to Africa, such as Sembcorp Silulumanzi projects in Ballito and Mbombela municipalities, which provide safe drinking water and wastewater treatment.

Oil & gas

8. In the oil & gas sector, Singapore is one of the biggest refining centres in the world and home to many oil & gas equipment manufacturers and distributors. As the world leader in the construction of offshore equipment such as jack-up rigs, semi-submersibles, and floating production storage and offloading services, Singapore companies such as Keppel Offshore & Marine, Sembcorp Marine, RK Offshore, and Pacific Radiance, are presently providing these services to Africa.

Singapore – the gateway to Asia

9. For African companies looking to expand into Asia, Singapore can also be the ideal launch pad. We are the world’s easiest place to do business(3) and Asia’s most competitive country(4). Over 7,000 multinational companies have set up in Singapore, with more than 50% using Singapore as their regional headquarters. To date, there are over 10 African companies present in Singapore. For example, African oil company Sonangol, has set up a Singapore office to facilitate its oil trade with Asia, leveraging Singapore’s good geographical location and pro-business environment.

10. Added Mr G. Jayakrishnan, “Asia is enjoying a period of upward growth and remains one of the bright spots amid the current global landscape. To tap into this growth, we welcome African companies to partner Singapore companies, leverage Singapore’s position and connectivity to expand into the region.”

Catalysing partnerships – Africa Singapore Business Forum 2014

11. To help African and Singapore companies to connect and identify joint business opportunities, IE Singapore has been organising the Africa Singapore Business Forum (ASBF). A premier business platform for fostering investment, trade and thought leadership between Asia and Africa, the third edition will be held in Singapore from 27-28 August 2014.

12. ASBF 2014 will address a wide range of critical issues on Africa’s economic landscape, provide insights into Singapore’s competitive advantages as well as identify opportunities for strategic collaboration between both regions. A highlight of this year’s programme is the keynote panel with Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Tharman Shanmugaratnam.

13. Hosted in Singapore since 2010, ASBF has brought together close to 1,000 business leaders and government leaders from 30 countries. For more information on ASBF 2014, please visit www.iesingapore.com/asbf.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of International Enterprise (IE) Singapore.

(1) Source: Department of Statistics, Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry

(2) Source: Singapore’s Ministry of National Development

(3) Source: Ease of Doing Business Ranking, World Bank

(4) Source: Global Competitiveness Report 2013/14, World Economic Forum

Issued by IE Singapore. For media enquiries and high-resolution pictures, please contact:

Janissa NG

Manager, Corporate Communications Group

International Enterprise Singapore

DID : + 65 6433 4400

Email : janissa_ng@iesingapore.gov.sg

Note to Editor

Please use ‘IE Singapore’ or ‘IE’ if an acronym for ‘International Enterprise Singapore’ is required. In addition, unless otherwise stated, the use of statistics cited in our media releases, website or Statlink, should be attributed to IE Singapore.

About International Enterprise Singapore

International Enterprise (IE) Singapore (http://www.iesingapore.com) is the government agency driving Singapore’s external economy. We promote international trade and spearhead the overseas growth of Singapore-based companies to grow Globally Competitive Companies.

IE Singapore attracts global commodities traders to establish their home base in Singapore. Today, Singapore is a thriving trading hub for the energy, agri-commodities and metals & minerals trading clusters.

Through our Global Company Partnership, we work with Singapore-based companies to customise total solutions in capability building, market access and financing for their internationalisation.

Our global network of overseas centres in over 35 locations provides the necessary connections in many developed and emerging markets.

Visit http://www.iesingapore.com for more information.

About Africa Singapore Business Forum 2014

Returning for the third year, Africa Singapore Business Forum is the premier business platform for exchanging business insights and promoting trade and investment linkages between Africa and Singapore.

An event by IE Singapore, the government agency driving Singapore’s external economy, Africa Singapore Business Forum is an invaluable platform for business leaders and governments in both regions to network and deepen partnerships.

Visit http://www.iesingapore.com/asbf for more information.