Migrant Boat Arrivals in Italy Top 50,000: IOM Calls for Action

GENEVA, Switzerland, June 11, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — IOM Director General William Lacy Swing today called for urgent international action and intensified cooperation following the arrival of over 5,470 migrants by boat in Sicily over the weekend. Over 50,000 migrants and asylum seekers have now reached Italy from North Africa in 2014.

The most recent rescues included 200 migrants picked up in international waters off Malta by a US naval vessel and another 107 picked up by a Maltese merchant ship. During the rescue operations, two migrants reportedly died and three went missing.

While Operation Mare Nostrum – carried out since last October by the Italian Government – has saved thousands of lives, deaths at sea are continuing. Last month, an unknown number of migrants died and 17 bodies were recovered after a shipwreck on May 13th.

“The tragedy of migrants drowning at sea is unfortunately a global phenomenon, not just a Mediterranean emergency,” said Ambassador Swing. “For example, over 60 migrants coming from Somalia and Eritrea died a few days ago while trying to cross the Red Sea to Yemen.”

“Migrants risk their lives because they are desperate and become victims of criminals who take advantage of their desperation. There is an urgent need to increase international cooperation to crack down on traffickers and smugglers, who must be identified and prosecuted,” underlines the IOM Director General.

“The unnecessary deaths of these migrants and asylum seekers is an affront to all civilized nations,” said Ambassador Swing. “I offer my condolences to the families of the victims and call for urgent measures to make these tragedies a thing of the past.”

“The international community must develop a more comprehensive approach to protect migrants and uphold human dignity. No single action is enough to address the root causes of these mixed migration flows, but lives will be saved if action is taken now to help both migrants and countries during the entire length of the migratory route,” notes Swing.

To this effect, IOM is calling for a high level debate on mixed migratory flows that could bring together countries of destination, of origin and transit and all concerned actors and partners along the Mediterranean routes to Europe.

“We need to urgently look at a comprehensive range of actions that we can take together to prevent further loss of life. These include the enhancement of legal avenues for migrants seeking better prospects in Europe and the establishment of various mechanisms and measures in countries of transit in north Africa to provide migrants and asylum seekers in need of protection with opportunities to receive legal counselling,” said Mr. Swing.

AUC – IGAD Joint Press Conference on Early Action for the Horn of Africa

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, June 11, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Invitation to Journalists

Journalists are invited to participate in a joint press conference on Friday 13th June 2014 at the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia…

Commissioner Piebalgs in Madagascar to resume EU development cooperation

BRUSSELS, Kingdom of Belgium, June 11, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — EU Development Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs, will visit Madagascar on June 11-13 to confirm the resumption of development cooperation with the country and launch the discussions on the programming of EU funding for the period 2014-2020. The visit will contribute to mark the return to normality in the EU-Madagascar relations, following the end of the political crisis in the country.

Commissioner Piebalgs said:”The European Union stands side by side with Madagascar on its new path towards stability, good governance and reform. Now it will be important to kick-start the programming of EU cooperation for the coming years and make sure we focus on those areas which can have the greatest positive impact in the country’s development.”

Commissioner Piebalgs and President of Madagascar Hery Rajaonarimampianina will launch the works to repair a national road in Morondava (the RN8) that was damaged by storms and cyclones. In the same region the Commissioner will also visit a health centre, a regional directorate of the national education system, and a small dam to improve agricultural development, all of which have received EU funding.

The Commissioner will also visit another EU-funded project to provide food supplements for children between 6 and 24 months that are affected by malnutrition. 36,000 children have benefitted from this project through a total of 36 nutrition centres.

During the visit, the Commissioner will as well meet the Prime Minister Roger Kolo, key ministers of the government and other stakeholders.


During the crisis period, official development aid was suspended by almost all donors, including the EU, but support to the vulnerable population was provided through local and international NGOs, international organisations.

The EU has been funding basic health services covering a population of more than 9.3 million. During the transition, the EU also funded school kits for 3.8 million children in primary schools, as well as providing school meals for almost 220,000 children in over 1,200 primary schools.

In order to underpin the democratic transition in the short-term, the EU is currently preparing a post-electoral package of €97 million which will support the rebuilding of state institutions and strengthen the capacity of the administration. This will include helping to bridge the fiscal gap, strengthening the delivery of basic public social services (such as health) and re-starting political dialogue towards major reforms. The funding will be part of the overall bilateral aid package of €455 million, currently foreseen for the country under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) for the period 2014-2020.

Breaking trends and critical upstream issues addressed at 21st Africa Oil Week

CAPE-TOWN, South-Africa, June 10, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The 21st Africa Oil Week (http://www.glopac-partners.com) starting on November 3rd leading up to November 7th , in Cape Town, will focus on Leading Corporate Players in Africa, Africa’s Giant Plays & Opportunities, New Frontier Openings, Foreign State Oil Companies, Africa’s Exploration Potential containing Government Presentations and Road shows.

Logo: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/plog-content/images/apo/logos/aow.jpg

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Photo 2: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/plog-content/images/apo/photos/140606.png

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Photo 4: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/plog-content/images/apo/photos/1406064.png

Business leaders

The 21st Africa Oil Week expects 1,600 senior-level delegates, with 100 senior high-level presentations. Government delegations will be present with over 140 corporate/state speakers on the program and over 160 exhibition booths displaying a wide range of growing service and supply industry operators found across Africa’s oil and gas-LNG value chain.

Confirmed Speakers Include:

Cosmas Pitia Kujjo, Director General of Petroleum, Juba, South Sudan

Immanuel Mulunga, Petroleum Commissioner, Windhoek, Namibia

Guy Maurice, Senior Vice President, Africa, Total Exploration

Hon Edward Fast, Minister of International Trade, Government of Canada

Papa Boucar Faye, Dakar, Senegal

The HON Gabriel Nguema Lima, Minister of Mines, Industry & Energy, Equatorial Guinea

Serge-Marie-Ndeko, Director General, Ministry of Hydrocarbons, Congo

Ahmed Salem Ould Tekrour, Director General of Petroleum, Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mines, Mauritania

Ketsela Tadesse, Director of Petroleum, Licensing and Administration, Ministry of Mines, Ethiopia

Strategy briefing

The 16th Annual Scramble for Africa: Strategy Briefing 2014, held during the 21st Africa Oil Week 2014 will track changing competitor maps in Africa for oil and gas-LNG companies. Key focus lies on Minnows “Born In Africa”, Worldwide Independents, Super Independents & Super-Majors and Foreign African National Oil Companies.

The 21st Africa Oil Week includes the following:

• Special Sessions on: “Hydrocarbon Hardball” with leading thinkers and on Africa’s exploration technologies

• Allied Showcase components on corporate Farmouts and Government Roadshows

• Young Professionals In Oil, Gas & Energy Session

• Global Women Petroleum & Energy Club: Africa Business Breakfast

• 21st Annual “Big Five” Board Awards (2014), and related Awards

• The 66th PetroAfricanus Dinner in Africa

• Numerous all-inclusive social and five-star dinner functions and official conference receptions including the Grand Africa Beach Café Annual Braai-BBQ

• Canadian Government hosted breakfast meeting

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Global Pacific & Partners.

Note for the press:

For further information, please contact:

Global Pacific & Partners

Babette van Gessel

Tel: +31-70.324.6154

@: babette@glopac.com


Amanda Wellbeloved

Tel: +27-11.880.7052

@: amanda@glopac.com


Sonika Greyvenstein

Tel: +27-11.880.7052

@: sonika@glopac.com

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Statement at the Conclusion of an IMF Mission to Guinea

CONAKRY, Guinea, June 10, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — An IMF mission led by Harry Snoek visited Conakry during May 22 – June 6, 2014 to conduct discussions on the fourth review of a program supported by an arrangement under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF),i which was approved by the IMF Executive Board on February 24, 2012 (see Press Release No. 12/57) in the amount of SDR 128.52 million (about US$198 million). The mission met with President Alpha Condé, Prime Minister Fofana State Minister of Economy and Finance, Mr. Mohamed Diaré, the Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Guinea, Mr. Lounceny Nabé, and other senior government officials. The discussions focused on recent economic developments and growth prospects, policy implementation under the ECF-supported program in 2013, and policies and structural reforms for 2014.

At the conclusion of the mission Mr. Snoek issued the following statement:

“The Guinean authorities and IMF staff have reached agreement on a set of policies that, subject to approval by IMF management and the Executive Board, could be supported by the fifth disbursement under the ECF arrangement of SDR 18.36 million (about US$ 28 million).

“In 2013, Guinea’s economy suffered from a difficult socio-political situation and a slowdown in mining activity. As a result, growth slowed to 2.3 percent. Despite the difficult environment, the fiscal deficit remained under control and all quantitative program targets for end-2013 were met. Prudent fiscal and monetary policies supported a continued decline in inflation, from around 13 percent at end-2012 to around 10 percent in April 2014. The Central Bank’s international reserves remained at safe levels and the exchange rate of the Guinean franc has remained stable.

“Preliminary data indicate that economic activity in the first five months of 2014 has remained subdued. This reflects the impact of the Ebola epidemic, but also continuing electricity shortages and slow progress on structural reform. The mission would like to take this opportunity to express its sympathy for the heavy toll in human life of the Ebola virus.

“Growth is projected to rebound in the second half of the year, buoyed by higher agricultural output, an increase in public infrastructure spending, and a gradual pick-up in mining sector activity following the recent signing of the investment framework for the Simandou iron ore project. The authorities are targeting a continued decline in inflation to 8.5 percent by end-2014, and reserves should remain at around 3 months of imports. Within the limits of these targets, the authorities intend to continue to gradually ease monetary policy in support of higher growth.

“The discussions in the fiscal sector focused on the outlook for the budget for the remainder of the year. Revenue is projected to remain considerably below the initial budget’s target. However, additional available financing will allow maintaining a substantial increase in much needed investment. The mission encourages the authorities to press ahead with reforms to improve public financial management and build capacity, in particular in project preparation and implementation. Strong efforts to strengthen the electricity company are also needed to minimize its recourse to public funds and relieve the serious power shortages.

“The IMF mission stressed the need to accelerate structural reform to deliver Guinea’s growth potential and improve living conditions for the population. The mission encourages the swift adoption of the new investment code to reduce uncertainty and promote investment. It welcomes the new action plan to reform the judiciary and urges the authorities to quickly finalize the implementing regulations of the public procurement code and of the mining code. In this regard, the government’s recent steps to coordinate and monitor structural reforms are encouraging.

“The IMF team thanks the authorities for their hospitality and for the constructive discussions.”

i The ECF is the IMF’s main tool for medium-term financial support to low-income countries. Financing under the ECF currently carries a zero percent interest rate, with a grace period of 5½ years, and a maturity of 10 years.

SRSG Johnson inaugurates new protection- of-civilians site in Malakal

JUBA, South Sudan, June 9, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for South Sudan, Hilde F. Johnson, today inaugurated a new protection-of-civilians (PoC) site under UNMISS’ protection and adjacent to the Mission’s Base in the state capital Malakal.

Intended to relieve congestion in the existing site inside the UNMISS compound, the new facility has an area of 100,000 square metres and can accommodate between 8,000 and 9,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs).

Of the estimated 19,000 civilians currently living inside the Mission’s Malakal facilities, slightly over 3,100 had already moved to the new site as of last Saturday, 7 June and the SRSG hailed its opening as an excellent example of cooperation between UNMISS and its humanitarian partners..

“As long as people feel afraid, they can know they have our protection,” said the SRSG during a ceremony in the context of the inauguration of the new PoC site. “That commitment remains, and UNMISS has received a new mandate from the UN Security Council where protection of civilians is not only important, it’s a top priority.”

UNMISS threw open its gates to all unarmed civilians facing an imminent threat of physical violence when the crisis in South Sudan erupted in Juba on 15 December 2013. Over 93,000 civilians are currently living in ten of the Mission’s compounds nationwide, the largest number of IDPs to be housed by UNMISS since hostilities forced hundreds of thousands of South Sudanese residents to flee their homes.

A new PoC site adjacent to the United Nations House complex on the southwestern outskirts of Juba has also been opened where a large-scale relocation of IDPs from the Mission’s Tomping compound t! o the new site is expected to take place during the second half of this month.

The trip marked the SRSG’s second visit to Malakal this year, and during her stay Ms. Johnson met with Upper Nile State deputy governor Awer Dua Agany and the state government’s cabinet of ministers and spoke to a number of IDPs..

“Today, 9 June, is the date of the meeting in Addis Ababa between His Excellency Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan, and Riek Machar Teny,” she told reporters after seein g the deputy governor. “We really hope that progress will be mad! e so that there will be full compliance with the cessation of hostilities agreement and major steps are taken towards comprehensive peace. Ultimately, it is peace and stability that will permit people to feel safe enough to return to their communities and neighborhoods,” said SRSG Hilde F. Johnson.

USA and Cameroon arrive in Brazil

GENEVA, Switzerland, June 9, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Following their 2-1 victory on Saturday over fellow 2014 FIFA World Cup participants Nigeria, the USA national team arrived in Brazil this Monday morning.
From Guarulhos airport in…

AUC Chairperson Approves the Deployment of an African Union Electoral Observation Mission to June 21, 2014 Presidential Election in Mauritania

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, June 9, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Chairperson of the African Union Commission has approved the deployment of an African Union Election Observation Mission (AUEOM) to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania’s Presidential election scheduled for 21 June 2014.

The AUEOM will be led by the former Prime Minister of the Tunisian Republic,

H.E. Beji Caïd Essebsi. The mission comprises forty (40) trained African Union observers drawn from various African institutions including members of Pan-African Parliament, human right organizations and civil society organizations in Africa. This Mission will be deployed from 13 to 28 June 2014.

The mandate of the AUEOM involves the observation of the electoral process in Mauritania and will operate in accordance with relevant AU instruments for election observation, such as: the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance; the AU/OAU Declaration on the Principles Governing Democratic Elections in Africa; and the AU Guidelines for Elections Observation and Monitoring Missions.

The Mission will present its preliminary findings shortly after Election Day, when a preliminary statement will be released. This will be followed by a detailed and comprehensive final report two (2) months after the election.

Conference on better trade opportunities in Somalia

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, June 9, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — On 10 June 2014, the Government will arrange the ‘Conference on Somali Business Opportunities’ in Stockholm.

Increasing investment, in which the Somali diaspora plays an important part, has strengthened interest and confidence in the region among foreign investors. The Swedish Government, together with Business Sweden, is therefore organising a trade and investment conference on 10 June for 150 representatives, primarily from Somali and Swedish businesses.

The Horn of Africa is one of the regions in Africa at an economic turning point. In Somalia – a country marked by long periods of conflict and where great challenges still remain – it is possible to discern a growing optimism.

“The Government hopes that the ‘Somali Trade and Investment Opportunities’ conference will promote trade relations between Sweden and Somalia, as well as the private sector in Somalia. This could contribute to economic growth, new job opportunities and income for the severely affected Somali population. It could also give Swedish companies an opportunity to find new markets and opportunities for cooperation in the Horn of Africa,” says Minister for Trade Ewa Björling, who will deliver the opening address at the conference.

UN Special Representative for Somalia appeals for end to hostilities in Lower Shabelle

MOGADISHU, Somalia, June 9, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG), Nicholas Kay, expressed his deep concern as clan-based militias clashed in Lower Shabelle region of southe…