ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, July 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Lack of adequate physical infrastructure is one of the major bottlenecks standing in the way of integration to enable common and broad based development in Africa.

An African Union conference, the Seventh Conference of African Ministers in Charge of Integration, being held in Ezulwini, Swaziland to discuss infrastructure and integration in Africa has been informed that that despite robust GDP gains by many countries in recent years, Africa’s staggering infrastructure inefficiencies have been choking integration efforts, stunting growth and sapping national resources, public and private.

The experts meeting heard of some of the progress realized to date, at regional level, in terms of the infrastructure and integration agenda. The East African Community launched and consolidated its customs union and launched a common market in January 2005 and June 2010, respectively. The Economic Community of West African States has put in place an operational and functioning self-financing system, in the form of its community levy.

More progress has been realized through greater promotion of trade related infrastructure such as customs single windows (one stop border posts), and the utilization of computerized customs networks across member states. Free movement is also promoted by some of the regional economic communities (RECs), with regional passports and other travel and insurance documents in place. Some RECs are also working towards the harmonization of investment policies and are monitoring compliance with monetary convergence programmes . Further, efforts to bring a degree of order, simplification and coherence to Africa’s integration arrangement and address overlap have culminated in the EAC-COMESA-SADC tripartite arrangement.

Yet despite the noble progress, African infrastructure development and integration remains largely inadequate and fragmented. The road access rate in Africa is only 34%, compared with 50% in other parts of the developing world and transport costs are 100% higher. Only 30% of Africa’s population has access to electricity, compared to 70-90% in other parts of the developing world. Water resources are underused with only 5% of agriculture under irrigation. The internet penetration rate is a mere 6% (2012), compared to an average of 40% elsewhere in the developing world. Deficient infrastructure in today’s Africa has been found to sap growth by as much as 2% a year.

African Union Commissioner of Economic Affairs Dr Anthony Maruping urged more rapid, sustainable and inclusive growth and for Africa to diversify its economy and move away from exporting commodities. In his address to the experts’ meeting today, he cautioned Africa to be “cautious about distracting flattery”, e.g. the fact that Africa has had 6 out of the 10 fastest growing economies, while there are 54 member states of the AU. “Let’s keep focused, growth in Africa is still driven by commodities,” he added.

However, Dr Maruping highlighted that the continent is not starting from scratch as it seeks to implement infrastructure development programmes in line with its Agenda 2063. “We have today continental frameworks, such as the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP), the strategy for the Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa (AIDA) and the current efforts by the African Union to set up a continental free trade area (CFTA).” The PIDA programme is going through its priority Action Plan to bridge the infrastructure gap of Africa by putting in place an integrated African Continent where infrastructure and its services enable the free movement of goods and passengers by providing efficient, safe, secure, reliable and seamless network options and reducing costs to support environmentally and economically sustainable regional development.

Swaziland’s Minister of Economic Planning and Development, Honourable Prince Hlangusemphi Dlamini said, as part of its infrastructure development, the country has just completed the construction of an international airport, a convention center and five star hotel, “for mixing not only with the rest of Africa, but to expand Africa’s international market”.

Over the next three days, the experts will examine the status of integration report as well as the follow up report on the implementation of recommendations from the 6th conference of African ministers in charge of integration (COMA VI), for the consideration of ministers, who will meet from 17th to 18th July. The key outcomes of the meeting will be: concrete recommendations on the theme of the conference: the way forward regarding the African Regional Integration Fund; adoption of the Regional Integration Index as Africa’s M&E framework of Assessing the progress in the integration Agenda; and a Ministerial Declaration highlighting among others, the strategies and actions to speed up infrastructure development to support regional integration

Alcatel-Lucent Social Responsibility in South & East Africa

JOHANNESBURG, South-Africa, July 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ —

I- In South Africa: Take a girl child to work! – Alcatel-Lucent South Africa Employees Engage in Corporate Citizenship

II- In East Africa/Kenya: Winning combination with Kenya Red Cross Society: Sustainability, Green and Innovation!

In South Africa: Take a girl child to work! – Alcatel-Lucent South Africa Employees Engage in Corporate Citizenship (

The Alcatel-Lucent South Africa ( team conducts regular employee engagement activities and on Friday, May 30th 2014 they hosted 10 “Bridging for Life” ( learners from the Ponelopele High School, through the yearly campaign “Take a girl child to work”.



Valued Citizens Initiative’s (VCI) ( learners had the opportunity to engage with the team and learn about various career paths such as Pre-sales, Sales, Finance, Human Resources, Communication and Marketing. Our Bridging for Life learners questioned the world of work and how we plan growth in Africa as the second largest continent in the world, with rich diversity, culture and challenges.

Many questions were asked regarding internship opportunities and procedures relating to discipline, support and guidance when an intern does not perform accordingly, as the new B-BBEE (Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment) score cards will shift in October 2014. Inquisitive and relevant, the Bridging for Life learners explored deeper the layers of the world of work, from policies to the care and growth of employees within Alcatel-Lucent. They were fascinated about the branding of a company and its impact in society.

Mr. Ravin Naidoo, Enterprise Regional Director South & East Africa , delivered an inspirational talk looking at how technology can make us loose ourselves. He defined IT as Innovation and Transformation. He also emphasized the importance of understanding “Why” you choose this career path and not another one, and the importance of knowing your strengths in order to build from them. He also reflected on the fact that cell phones and new social media expose who we are and our families, and the importance of respecting the privacy of one’s life. Mr Vrek Meyer, Sales Manager at Alcatel-Lucent, left our learners with these words “Never give-up as failures will improve your success”.

Alcatel-Lucent South Africa has a long history in terms of corporate social responsibility in the country – Our company and employees’ volunteerism show clearly both our commitment to CSR and our strive to make a sustainable difference by supporting education and youth development programs…. I am very proud of our teams for their continuous and selfless involvement in social change initiatives and we will continue to support employees who contribute their time, skills and generosity to the nonprofit organizations of their choice or to global educational programs funded by the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation” said Nthabiseng Mashilwane, HR Director for Africa, Alcatel-Lucent.

About the “Bridging for Life” Program: The “Bridging for Life” programme was launched in 2010 in South Africa by Valued Citizens Initiative (VCI) with support from the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation ( VCI provides life skills support programs which are endorsed by the Department of Higher Education and Training of South Africa and the National Department of Basic Education. These programs offer a great mix of innovation and practicality, and the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation is pleased to support their efforts to help young people realize their potential.

“Bridging for Life” is an effort to raise well-rounded young citizens who will have a chance at a meaningful life despite disadvantaged backgrounds and challenging life conditions. The 2010/2011 edition started by covering six public high schools in rural and township communities from three provinces: Gauteng – SG Mafaesa and Forte’ Secondary Schools; Free State – Mohato and Thalabodiba Secondary Schools, and Limpopo – Bokamoso and Mphengwa Secondary Schools, with very successful results: 85.89% pass rate amongst the learners; 74.35% who qualified to enroll at University, and 30,12% who achieved distinctions in certain subjects. 300 committed candidates grade 11 initially took part in the program. The distinctions were achieved in Life Orientation, Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences. VCI currently supports grade 12 learners (124 learners) from Mamolemane (Ga-Moledji), Eqinisweni (Ivory Park) and Nkhobiso (Qwa-Qwa) public high schools, whom they motivate to achieve excellence.

VCI is passionate about building a citizenship movement where young people take responsibility for their future, strengthen their self-esteem and develop a “walk-the-talk” attitude towards constitutional values. In March 2014, after 4 years of successful partnership and continuous support, the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation has renewed its confidence in the Bridging For Life program, supporting two high schools – one in QwaQwa (Free State, rural) and Kopano High School, Lebowakgmo (semi rural- 38Kms from Polokwane) in the Limpopo province.

In East Africa/Kenya: Winning combination with Kenya Red Cross Society: Sustainability, Green and Innovation! (

The Alcatel-Lucent Foundation (( made a donation to the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) ( in 2011 ( to help combat the severe humanitarian crisis devastating East Africa, brought on by the worst drought in some 60 years. The donation was a result of a Global Matching Gift Program launched by the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation for Alcatel-Lucent employees. In 2012 and 2013 the foundation renewed its support by funding a new program of KRCS to improve food security and livelihood through climate change adaptation and environmental conservation in Inkisanjani – Loitokitok, Kajiado, by 2016.


Since then, the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation continued it support to KRCS program which aims to:

• To enhance food security and livelihood through sustainable and appropriate technologies.

• To mitigate the impact of climate change through protection of the springs.

• To enhance access to clean and safe drinking water in the community.

• To strengthen and build the capacity of Kajiado branch thereby enhancing the branch volunteers

The project targets the rural population in Enkaroni Sub-locations, Kuku location in Loitokitok, Kajiado County, on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, near the Tanzanian boarder. Once completed, the above components will directly benefit approximately 9,500 people with the irrigation component directly benefiting to more than 40 families.

No limits – Solidarity reached Kilimanjaro: From a distance of 240 Kms from Nairobi capital city of Kenya, a group of employees from Alcatel-Lucent East Africa accompanied by their CSO (Country Senior Officer) travelled to Loitoktok to support the KRCS during 2 days of full volunteering actions. Loitoktok is located in the South Eastern Kenya, at the international border with Tanzania. The town lies within the foothills and in full view of Mount Kilimanjaro.

“Armed with energy, enthusiasm, some stationeries and snacks for the kids in the community, a group of 12 employees boarded the van and left Alcatel-Lucent East Africa offices in Nairobi Kenya for a journey that turned out to be adventurous as well as educational!” said Philip Sakwa HR Director of Alcatel-Lucent East Africa. “The sight of the towering Mt. Kilimanjaro was a sign that we were closing in to our final destination. The members of the local community and KRCS staff were waiting for our arrival and we were so excited to start right away our 2 day activities with the local community and the KRCS team”. –

The Alcatel-Lucent team was given a tour of the project: already completed installations including boreholes, solar panels, water pumps and irrigation equipments. The volunteers were then briefed by the agronomist experts for their assignment, which was to prepare the beds where the crops in one of the demarcated one acre piece of land would be planted. A substantial achievement was realized from this target as this was done as a demonstration by theAlcatel-Lucent team and the expert agronomists for the local community, who will have to do the all the remaining 39 acres themselves.

The project is an ambitious one and its progression is very impressive – Thanks to the KRCS, the local community of Loitoktok is fully involved and one can already see them ripping big. However, there is a need to maintain sustainability before KRCS fully hands over the projects to the local community, at least after the second harvest.

The KRCS program also supports activities designed to meet the immediate needs of the disadvantaged and rural area affected, including training and innovative techniques and necessary skills to become self sufficient. It helps the local community acquire life skills that will lead to a healthier and more prosperous life.

“We are committed to improve and transform peoples’ lives in the communities we live and work and we hope that individuals and organizations will also support the KRCS in their projects. A volunteer serves others by supporting a cause without expecting anything return and this is the most efficient way to show solidarity and make a difference” said Tony Wood, Country Senior Officer of Alcatel-Lucent in East Africa. He added: “It was a really enriching moment and experience! It teaches you humility to see some of the obstacles they had to overcome to get out in the community and make their own contribution. I look forward for the next session”.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Alcatel-Lucent.

If you have any questions please contact Sherine Aziez, Alcatel-Lucent press officer: by email or via cell: +213770968348.

Child malnutrition rates skyrocket in South Sudan

GENEVA, Switzerland, July 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Children in parts of South Sudan are suffering from shocking rates of malnutrition, the international medical humanitarian organisation Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) said today.

More than 13,270 children, most under the age of five, have been admitted to MSF feeding programmes in South Sudan so far this year, amounting to 73 percent of the 18,125 admissions during the whole of 2013. Violence, displacement, and food shortages are the leading causes of the spike in malnutrition rates and the increasing numbers of children requiring urgent medical care in some locations where MSF is working.

“We are now witnessing the shocking, cumulative consequences of one million people being displaced from their homes,” said Raphael Gorgeu, MSF head of mission in South Sudan. “This is a man-made disaster. Some people have been living in the bush for six months, drinking dirty swamp water and eating roots to survive.”

Rates of malnutrition have skyrocketed in parts of Upper Nile, Unity and Jonglei States since conflict erupted in South Sudan in December. In the town of Leer in Unity State, MSF teams were treating 40 malnutrition cases each month before the outbreak of hostilities. More than 1,000 new cases per month are now being treated.

In Unity State, the scale of the malnutrition became clear when people who had been displaced by fighting returned to the town of Leer in May, following months living in the bush.

“They began streaming into the hospital,” said Sarah Maynard, MSF project coordinator in Leer. “It was overwhelming. The levels of malnutrition were startling.”

MSF has admitted more people for malnutrition in Leer during just the last two months (2,810 cases in May and June 2014) than in all of 2013 (2,142 malnutrition cases).

In Bentiu, a specialised MSF facility set up in May 2014 to treat severely malnourished people suffering from medical complications, including diarrhoea, chest infections and dehydration, has already admitted 239 children, of whom 42 have died.

In Jonglei state, MSF facilities in Lankien and Yuai have seen a 60% increase in admissions in the first six months of the year compared to the same period last year, from an average of 175 per month in 2013 to 290 admissions per month in 2014 so far.

In Upper Nile State, MSF teams have admitted 2,064 people, mostly children, in the area north of Malakal. A recent mortality survey carried out there revealed very high death rates.

“Displaced people are forced to endure terrible living conditions and are dying from preventable illnesses,” said Patricia Trigales, MSF emergency medical coordinator.

In Nasir, fighting in May forced MSF teams to evacuate its projects there and many people fled the town, crossing into neighbouring Ethiopia.

MSF teams providing primary healthcare to hundreds of refugees crossing the border every day into the Gambella region report newly arriving malnourished refugees and high malnutrition rates overall: 20% for global acute malnutrition and 6% for severe acute malnutrition, well above emergency threshold levels.

Testimonies from refugees describe food and safe shelter as important motivators for coming to Gambella. “In May, South Sudanese fled because of the fighting,” said Dr. Natalie Roberts, MSF medical coordinator in Gambella. “Now they say they have left their country because of food deprivation.”

The vast numbers of displaced people in the bush have lost their cattle, crops, seeds and farming implements. They are trying to survive on a diet of roots and leaves, while living amidst muddy swamp water.

The violence has interrupted planting and has prevented crop harvesting. Existing food stocks have been destroyed or looted. Markets have been disrupted and roads are impassable due to the conflict. The ongoing rainy season and annual “lean season” (usually from June to August, when food is scarce) are exacerbating the food crisis.

“Many people are now entirely dependent on humanitarian assistance to survive and will be for the foreseeable future” said Gorgeu. “Continued humanitarian assistance in South Sudan is absolutely crucial to alleviate some of the suffering this conflict has caused.”

Humanitarian actors on the ground must scale up assistance, preposition adequate supplies regionally to ensure food distributions, and meet funding goals to ensure people receive the assistance they deserve.

Parties to the conflict must ensure that everything is done to facilitate humanitarian assistance to populations in need. This includes securing safe access by road and river within South Sudan as well as cross-border corridors for the delivery of humanitarian aid.

Central African Republic: EU launches its first multi-donor trust fund for linking relief, rehabilitation and development

BRUSSELS, Kingdom of Belgium, July 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The EU is about to launch its first ever multi-donor development trust fund, in support of the Central African Republic (CAR). With an initial amount of €64 million the fund creates an effective and coordinated international instrument to help the population of the country and contribute to its stabilisation. This comes in addition to the important contribution of the European Commission in humanitarian assistance to CAR since December 2012 (€84.5 million).

EU Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs will co-sign the agreement that sets up the fund with the French Secretary of State for Development, Ms. Annick Girardin, the German Minister for Development and Cooperation, Mr. Gerd Müller and the Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Ms. Lilianne Ploumen, during the Informal Meeting of Development Ministers in Florence (Italy), in presence of the CAR Minister of Economy and International Cooperation, Ms Florence Limbio.

Prior to the signing ceremony, Commissioner Piebalgs said: “The Central African Republic is experiencing an alarming humanitarian, political and security crisis that needs a realistic and pragmatic approach in helping the people of the country as effectively as possible. We must think and act outside the box, collectively, in order to link emergency management, rehabilitation and development solutions. Acting together, combining our funds, our expertise and respective strengths will allow us to achieve much more than working separately. I am particularly grateful that the French, German and Dutch governments have decided to establish this innovative fund with the Commission and invite other donors from the EU and the international community to join us.”

“Linking relief, rehabilitation and development is essential if we want to make a long-term difference in a fragile situation like the CAR crisis. The “Bêkou” trust fund will benefit the long-suffering population of the country, and will also contribute to reducing the fragility caused by this crisis in the wider region,” said Kristalina Georgieva, the European Union Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response.

The EU trust fund for CAR “Bêkou” (which means “hope” in Sango, the country’s main language) will prepare the transition from emergency response, such as humanitarian aid, towards longer-term development assistance. It will contribute to the reconstruction of the country, in particular restoring the national and local administrations, re-establishing economic activity and essential services (such as electricity, transport, health and education) and stabilizing the country. The activities will also focus on enabling neighbouring countries to overcome the consequences of the crisis in CAR. Highly accountability standards will apply in the implementation of this Trust Fund, considering the particular context in the country. The initial contributions to the “EU Bêkou” trust fund include:

€39 million from the European Development Fund, and €2 million from the EU Humanitarian Aid budget, both managed by the European Commission

€5 million in 2014, and an additional €5 million envisaged for 2015 from France

€5 million in 2014, and an additional €5 million envisaged for 2015 from Germany

€3 million from the Netherlands

A donor conference is planned for later this year to mobilise additional funding.

Supporting the authorities in the transition process

Commissioner Piebalgs and Minister Florence Limbio will also co-sign an agreement for a so-called state building contract (€33 million) under which the EU will provide direct funding to the government budget of the CAR to support transition authorities, like ensuring the payment of the salaries for civil servants.

Ongoing EU support to the Central African Republic

The funds made available today come on top of previously announced packages; including €27 million of EU development funds for immediate needs in health and education in the CAR, in the form of contributions to the United Nations Children’s Rights and Emergency Relief Organisation (UNICEF) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) and €20 million to support the electoral process through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The European Union has been responding to the crisis in CAR since its outbreak in 2012 with a comprehensive approach that links humanitarian aid with long-term development assistance and also a military operation (EUFOR RCA) that contributes to a secure environment, as authorised by the UN Security Council.

More than 2.5 million Central Africans (out of a population of 4.6 million) are in need of humanitarian aid. As of 1 July, there were more than 535,000 internally displaced persons in CAR. At this point, over 388,000 Central Africans have sought refuge in neighbouring countries.

The overall amount of EU development assistance mobilised so far in 2014 alone is €120 million. Between 2008 and 2013, around €225 million were allocated for the whole country through the EU’s different financial instruments (€160 million through the 10th European Development Fund (EDF), and €65 million through the EU budget).

EU Trust Funds

Trust funds in EU external action are funds pooled from a number of donors, in particular the EU, its Member States, third countries, international organisations or private donors such as foundations or citizens to provide support to agreed objectives.

The trust fund “Bêkou” will allow the EU and other donors to respond collectively and with a clear division of tasks to the political and security crisis in the Central African Republic, where not many countries are present with embassies or their own development agencies. For more details, see MEMO/14/483 on the establishment of the EU trust fund “Bêkou”.

For more information

Website of EuropeAid Development and Cooperation DG:

Website of the European Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs:

EU to resume cooperation with Guinea-Bissau

BRUSSELS, Kingdom of Belgium, July 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Council today suspended the measures limiting EU cooperation with Guinea-Bissau, following the holding of free and credible elections.
The EU High Representative for…

Gemalto Signs Contract Renewal with APO for Press Release Distribution in Africa

DAKAR, Senegal, July 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — APO (African Press Organization) (, the sole press release newswire in Africa and the global leader in media relations relating to Africa, today announced its renewed and extended contract as exclusive supplier for press release wire distribution in Africa with Gemalto (, the world leader in digital security.


Photo : (Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard, Founder and CEO of APO (African Press Organization)

Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO) is the world leader in digital security with 2013 annual revenues of €2.4 billion and more than 12,000 employees operating out of 85 offices and 25 research and software development centers, located in 44 countries.

“We have built a solid relationship with Gemalto and are honored that they have renewed their contract with APO,” said Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard, APO Founder and CEO. “We’re dedicated to helping Gemalto expand their business in Africa.”

Gemalto’s press releases are distributed via Africa Wire®, the newswire service for press release distribution and monitoring in Africa. This reaches over 50,000 media outlets, bloggers and social networks, and redistributes content to more than 50 African websites, as well as to Bloomberg Terminal, Thomson Reuters, Lexis Nexis, Dow Jones Factiva, 250 million mobile subscribers in 30 countries, and more.

Used by some of the world’s largest companies, PR agencies, institutions and organisations, APO Africa Wire® has a potential reach of 600 million and guarantees the most extensive outreach in Africa, acting as a channel that allows APO’s clients to target audiences in all parts of the continent and also the world.

More information about Africa Wire®, the service for newswire press release distribution in Africa, is available at


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APO (African Press Organization) ( is the sole press release newswire in Africa and is a global leader in media relations relating to Africa.

With offices in Senegal, Switzerland, Dubai, Hong Kong, India, and Seychelles, APO owns a media database of over 50,000 contacts and is the main online community for Africa-related news.

It offers a complete range of services, including press release distribution and monitoring, online press conferences, interactive webcasts, media interactions, strategic advice, public diplomacy, government relations and events promotion. To find out more, please visit

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The Special Envoy of the African Union for Libya concludes his first visit to Libya

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, July 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The AU encouraged by the commitment of the Libyans stakeholders to successfully complete the on-going transition.
The Special Envoy of the Chairperson of the Commission of the A…

UK Foreign Office Minister concerned about violence in Libya

LONDON, United-Kingdom, July 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Hugh Robertson, Minister for the Middle East, urges an immediate end to violence at Tripoli International Airport.

Hugh Robertson said:

“The violence that has broken out around Tripoli International Airport and other areas of the Libyan capital is concerning. These actions are putting the lives of people in the area in grave danger. We urge all sides to cease violence immediately and to engage in meaningful dialogue.”

The Special Envoy commends the efforts of Burkina Faso for a durable peace in Sahel

DAKAR, Sénégal, July 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for the Sahel, Mrs. Hiroute Guebre Sellassie, today ended her two day- official visit to Burkina Faso.

The Special Envoy conferred with President Blaise Compaoré of Burkina Faso on the prevailing security situation in the region and on the challenges facing the Sahelian countries, as well as on the need to implement concrete and rapid projects in the framework of the United Nations Integrated strategy for the Sahel.

Mrs. Hiroute Guebre Sellassie commended President Compaoré for his role and efforts to ensuring peace and stability in the region.

During her meeting with President Compaoré, the Special Envoy also stressed the need to coordinate the G-5 initiative with the Ministerial Coordination Platform of Sahel strategies, and to maintain political engagement to ensure necessary changes and successful implementation of the UN Strategy.

For his part, President Compaoré expressed his personal and Government’s commitment to support the United Nations in the implementation of the UN Integrated Strategy for the Sahel. He also insisted on the urgent need to implement projects in the framework of the Strategy for the Sahel, in order to eradicate poverty and enable people of the Sahel to enjoy peace and development.

During her visit, Mrs. the Special Envoy also met with the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Cooperation, Mr. Yipènè Djibril Bassole, and the Minister of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Security, Mr. Jérome Bougouma, as well as with other representatives of the national authorities and the United Nations System in Burkina Faso.

Following her visit to Mali, Niger, Mauritania and Burkina Faso, the Special Envoy will travel to Chad, where she will conclude her official tour in the five countries of the Sahel region.

Request for Expressions of Interest (Consulting Services) – Design and Implementation of Technical Assistance [TA] Program for Capacity Building at NEXIM and SME Beneficiary Projects of Loan Facility

ABUJA, Nigeria, July 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Nigerian Export-Import Bank [NEXIM] ( has executed a Master Line of Credit [LOC] Agreement with the African Development Bank [AfDB] for the benefit of the Nigerian Real Sector, especially the SMEs. A Technical Assistance [TA] Program is an integral part of the LOC with the aim to strengthen risk management in SME financing and to promote product innovation by SME financial services providers and capacity building of SMEs. NEXIM is hereby extending invitation to reputable international consulting firm(s) whose qualifications and experience are acceptable to the Bank, to indicate interest for the design and implementation of the Technical Assistance Program.

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The Technical Assistance [TA] will be articulated in two main components:

S/N Assignment

1 Institutional Capacity Building at NEXIM

• The TA will provide expertise to NEXIM managers and staff in support of building efficient, profitable SME lending businesses that can achieve substantial outreach.

2 Capacity Building at SMEs

• Linked to the introduction of a non-asset-based lending methodology is the need for improving those capabilities that would turn SMEs into bankable clients.

• The TA will enhance and upgrade the capacity of SMEs through training and technical advisory services in the field on a regular basis.

The Nigerian Export-Import Bank now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultants may constitute joint-ventures to enhance their chances of qualification.

Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the Public Procurement Act and international best practice. NEXIM Bank is under no obligation to shortlist any consultant who expresses interest. The assignment is expected to start in August 2014.

Interested and competent consultants wishing to carry out the above assignment may obtain further information from the Secretary, Procurement Committee (2nd floor), Nigerian Export-Import Bank, Head Office, Abuja during office hours from 9.00am to 4.00pm on payment of a non-refundable fee of N50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand Naira only) or United States Dollar equivalent by oversea’ s bidders. The payment should be in Bank Draft payable to Nigerian Export-Import Bank or by telegraphic transfer by overseas bidders to NEXIM Bank account which would be made available on request.

Expressions of Interest must be delivered to the address below on or before Friday, July 25, 2014 at 12.00 noon and indicate “DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE [TA] PROGRAM FOR CAPACITY BUILDING AT NEXIM AND SMES”.

Attn: The Secretary, Procurement Planning Committee

Nigerian Export-Import Bank,

2nd Floor, NEXIM House,

Plot 975, Cadastral Zone AO,

Central Business District,



Tel:+234 9 4603630

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of the Nigerian Export-Import Bank (NEXIM).