The Special Envoy for the Sahel concludes her official tour in Europe

DAKAR, Sénégal, July 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for the Sahel, Mrs. Hiroute Guebre Sellassie, concluded today her first official tour in Europe. From 15 to 25 July 2014, the Special Envoy visited Brussels, London and Paris and met with officials of UK and France governments, as well as with high level representatives of the European Union and the Organisation for the Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Mrs. Guebre Sellassie conferred with European leaders on issues pertaining to the situation in the Sahel region. She took this opportunity to brief her interlocutors on the existing initiatives in the Sahel and ways of enhancing cooperation between the United Nations and European and regional partners.

The Special Envoy commended partners’ efforts to help the region in addressing the challenges that hinder stability and development in the Sahelian countries and urged them to act collectively and in close collaboration with Governments of the region, in order to implement a common vision for Sahelian and international stakeholders. All agreed on the need to strengthen mechanisms and tools for coordination of the existing initiatives for the Sahel, especially under the Ministerial Coordination Platform.

Concluding today her tour in Paris, the UN Envoy met with representatives of the French government, to discuss the threat of terrorism that is facing the Sahel and beyond, and the importance of a coordinated approach between all stakeholders, in order to support Sahel efforts to address the insecurity.

Ms. Guebre Sellassie welcomed France efforts to stop this threat and called for more regional cooperation, as the risk of new connections between terrorist groups operating in the regions of the Sahel / Sahara and the Horn of Africa is growing.

« We shall act together for the Sahel. We have to do more, better and faster, in order to translate strategies into tangible reality for the peoples of the Sahel”, stated the Special Envoy

During her 10-day visit, the Special Envoy also met with the European Commissioner for Humanitarian Action, Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva ; the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Mr. Mark Simmonds ; the United Kingdom Special Representative for the Sahel, Rt Hon Stephen O’Brien ; and the French Minister for Development, Mrs. Annick Girardin; as well as the Secretary-General of the Organisation for the Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), M. Angel Gurria.

Liberia National Day

WASHINGTON, July 25, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Press Statement

John Kerry

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

July 25, 2014

On behalf of President Obama and all Americans, I congratulate the people of Liberia as you observe 167 years of independence on July 26.

Liberia and the United States share a special bond dating back to the first days of your republic. Centuries later, that bond is stronger than ever. We remain dedicated to working with you to consolidate peace and reconciliation, support economic development, and strengthen democratic institutions.

Next month, President Obama will host 50 African heads of state – including your own president, Ellen Sirleaf – at the African Leaders Conference in Washington, D.C. We will discuss the interests the United States shares with the entire African continent.

The United States believes that Africa’s future and the future of the globe are intertwined. You are at the center of two great promises of the 21st century: tapping the economic potential of all people and making an AIDS-free generation a reality. Achieving these goals is not just important for Liberia; it’s critical for all of Africa and the globe.

Together, we will work toward an ever brighter future marked by economic prosperity, dignity, and stability for all Liberians. On this day of celebration and reflection, I extend my best wishes to the people of Liberia.

On Meriam Ishag and Family

WASHINGTON, July 25, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
July 25, 2014

Around the world, supporters of religious freedom celebrate the arrival of Meriam Ishag and her family in Rome. …

The United Nations welcomes the signing in Brazzaville of a commitment to peace in the Central African Republic

BRAZZAVILLE, Republic of the Congo, July 25, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Mr. Abdoulaye Bathily and Lt-General (rtd) Babacar Gaye, Special Representatives of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, respectively for the Central African Region and for the Central African Republic, participated in the Forum on the inter-Central African National Reconciliation held in Brazzaville between 21 and 23 July. They both welcomed the signing, today, by the Central African parties of the Agreement on the cessation of hostilities and violence. This agreement comes a few weeks before the deployment of the UN Peacekeeping Force in the CAR.

The United Nations officials also expressed satisfaction that the Central Africans respected their commitment made in Brazzaville to “approach with serenity issues that are likely to enable the finding of lasting solutions to the recurring crisis” in their country, as stated in the Code of conduct adopted at the opening of the Forum. In this spirit, the next steps of this process launched in Brazzaville will be conducted in the Central African Republic. These are popular consultations at the local level, and a forum of national reconciliation and reconstruction in Bangui.

“The success of the Brazzaville Forum”, stated the Special Representative and Head of MINUSCA, General Babacar Gaye, “echoes the remarkable commitment of the Mediator, President Denis Sassou N’Guesso, and the tireless efforts of Abdoulaye Maiga Bathily and Soumeylou Boubèye Maïga, respectively the United Nations and African Union representatives in the International Mediation”.

“We still have a long road ahead of us; I am however convinced that the spirit that prevailed during this forum which helped to make significant progress, will lead us towards the end of the road” said the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNOCA, Abdoulaye Bathily. He also reaffirmed the commitment of the UN Secretary-General to monitor and support the process.

Death of British national in Air Algerie crash

LONDON, United-Kingdom, July 25, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — It is with deep regret that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office confirms the death of a British man onboard Air Algerie flight AH 5107.

We are providing consular support to hi…

Japanese Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Nobuo Kishi’s visit to Egypt

TOKYO, Japan, July 25, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — 1. On July 19, Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Nobuo Kishi visited Egypt and paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Abdel Fattah Al Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and held discussions with H.E. Mr. Sameh Shoukry, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

2. During his courtesy call on H.E. President Al Sisi, Mr. Kishi delivered him a letter from Japanese Prime Minister Abe, and conveyed to him following messages:

(1) Japan expects that, under the leadership of President Al Sisi, Egypt will achieve its stability and prosperity through political and economic management which allows participation of wide range of people. Japan also expects that free and fair parliamentary election will be carried out.

(2) Japan appreciates newly launched painful economic and financial reforms by the Egyptian Government. Japan supports Egypt’s reforming efforts.

(3) Japan continues its supports that help Egypt’s efforts in order to build a democratic society and the stability of the society and the economy. Japan is heading towards extending a new soft loan to “The Project for Construction of the New Dirout Group of Regulators”, the project that will contribute to improving agricultural productivity which is the main axis of Egypt’s economy.

(4) Japan hopes to promote the exchange and the cooperative relations between the two countries at various levels in order to deepen strategic partnership. Japan also hopes that President Al Sisi will visit Japan in the near future.

3. Besides, the Parliamentary senior Vice-Minister Kishi exchanged views in these meetings about tense situations in the region, including the Middle East Peace Process. In particular, regarding to the situation in Gaza, Mr. Kishi stated that Japan upholds that Egypt is playing a huge role through diplomatic efforts including the Egyptian initiative for cease-fire, and wants to cooperate closely with the international community including Egypt for easing the situation as early as possible and reaching a continuous cease-fire.

Statement by National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice on Meriam Yahya Ibrahim Ishag

WASHINGTON, July 25, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The United States is delighted that Meriam Yahya Ibrahim Ishag is now safe and free and will soon be traveling to the United States. For months, Americans of all faiths kept Ms. Ishag in their thoughts and prayers as Sudanese authorities sentenced her to death for the alleged crime of apostasy. Today, she and her family have left Sudan on their journey to freedom. Her departure with her immediate family—including her infant daughter, born in custody—is a testament to her unyielding faith and the support she received from friends and allies, including our Embassy in Khartoum and the broader US government.

On behalf of the American people, I am proud to celebrate the arrival of Ms. Ishag and her family in Rome. We look forward to the day when they arrive in America. In addition to heralding the tireless efforts of my U.S. government colleagues to ensure her safety, I also want to extend my profound thanks to the Italian Government for its dedicated efforts on their behalf. Ms. Ishag’s freedom, while meaningful in its own right, also serves as a reminder that all countries, including Sudan, must uphold the universal right to freedom of religion. The United States has and will continue to support those denied this freedom, drawing strength from Ms. Ishag’s example.

Senator Meredith to Promote Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship in Nigeria

OTTAWA, Canada, July 25, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Senator Don Meredith, on behalf of the Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, will announce new funding for a project that aims to inc…

UN says more support urgently needed to tackle growing food insecurity in the Sahel / Funding gap of $100 million is hampering fight against hunger in the Sahel

ROME, Italy, July 25, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The United Nations today called on the international donor community to renew a commitment to fight hunger and food insecurity in the Sahel by protecting and strengthening the resilience …

IOM staff released in South Darfur

EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, July 25, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — A staff member with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mr. Felix Ngoma, who was abducted in Nyala, South Darfur, on 6 July 2014, was freed today after 20 da…