IMF Executive Board Completes Fifth Review Under Extended Credit Facility Arrangement, Approves US$7.6 Million Disbursement, and Concludes 2014 Article IV Consultation with Burundi

BUJUMBURA, Burundi, August 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — On August 25, 2014, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) completed the fifth review of Burundi’s economic performance under a three-year program supported by the IMF’s Extended Credit Facility (ECF) arrangement, and also concluded the 2014 Article IV Consultation1 with Burundi. The completion of the fifth review enables the immediate release of an amount equivalent to SDR 5 million (about US$7.6 million), bringing total disbursements under the arrangement to an amount equivalent to SDR 25 million (about US$38.1 million).

In completing the fifth review, the Executive Board also approved the authorities’ requests for a modification of performance criteria and indicative targets for September–December 2014 for net foreign assets and net domestic assets of the central bank and net domestic financing of the government, as well as for gross fiscal revenue and reserve money.

The three-year ECF arrangement in the amount equivalent to SDR 30 million (about US$ 45.7 million) was approved by the Executive Board on January 27, 2012 (see Press Release 12/35).

Following the Executive Board’s discussion on Burundi, Mr. Naoyuki Shinohara, Deputy Managing Director and Acting Chair issued the following statement:

“Burundi has made satisfactory progress under the ECF-supported program. Economic growth is expected to pick up to about 4.7 percent in 2014, while inflation has been declining aided by moderating international food and fuel prices and stable monetary conditions. However, the medium-term economic outlook remains difficult, with downside risks arising from political uncertainties ahead of the 2015 elections, vulnerabilities to external shocks given Burundi’s narrow export base, and the large influx of refugees.

“Revenue slippages that emerged in the first quarter of the year were addressed through corrective measures which formed the basis for a revised budget that was adopted by parliament. Sustaining revenue mobilization, enhancing tax administration, and rationalizing discretionary exemptions are critical to the success of the economic program.

“Monetary policy should continue to focus on stabilizing inflation expectations. While underlying inflation has declined in recent months, a potential fiscal deterioration financed by recourse to central bank financing could reignite inflation and reverse recent gains.

“Debt sustainability remains the anchor underpinning medium-term fiscal policy. Burundi continues to be at high risk of debt distress, therefore, it is important to rely mainly on grants and highly concessional loans. The new debt law will provide an overarching framework for effective public debt management and policy.”

The Executive Board also completed the 2014 Article IV consultation.

The economic recovery continues to gain momentum in the aftermath of the recent food and fuel shocks. In 2013, real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth picked up to an estimated 4.5 percent, underpinned by the agriculture and construction sectors as well as the implementation of major infrastructure projects. Inflation decelerated to 8 percent at year end, supported by favorable international food and fuel prices, fiscal consolidation, and stable monetary conditions. The implementation of swift corrective measures in mid-2013 helped remedy revenue slippages and, together with a relative containment of expenditure, helped contain the overall deficit at 1.6 percent of GDP in line with the authorities’ economic program supported by the ECF. Gross international reserves stood at 3.4 months of imports at end-2013.

The macroeconomic outlook is expected to improve in 2014 and in the medium term but remains subject to various risks. Real GDP growth is projected to improve slightly to 4.7 percent in 2014 and is expected to improve further over the medium term on the back of solid agricultural and construction activity, including the implementation of large hydroelectric projects. Deeper integration with the East African Community (EAC) is expected to spur investment in the tourism, wholesale and retail sectors, as well as in finance and telecommunications. Inflation should stabilize to single digits over the medium term in line with lower projected international food and fuel prices. The fiscal position is expected to improve over the medium term on the backdrop of durable revenue-enhancing measures and prudent spending policy. The current account deficit is projected to narrow to about 17 percent of GDP in 2014, as coffee exports rebound, and improve over the medium term reflecting higher exports and moderate growth in imports following earlier surges associated with humanitarian assistance. Greater exchange rate flexibility would help shore up international reserves to more comfortable levels. Key risks to the outlook include: (1) a deterioration of the political and security situation; (2) a further decline in donor support; (3) a worsening in the terms of trade; and (4) a protracted period of slower growth in advanced and emerging economies.

Executive Board Assessment1

Executive Directors noted that performance under the ECF had been satisfactory under challenging circumstances. Directors welcomed the adoption of corrective measures to address revenue shortfalls and to bolster revenues over the medium term.

Directors agreed that sustaining revenue mobilization efforts are critical to the success of the program. They underscored the need to step up revenue collection in order to respond to contingencies in the run-up to the 2015 Presidential elections, safeguard pro-poor spending, and to address the rising demand for public services from a rapidly growing population. They welcomed efforts to reform tax exemptions to mitigate the erosion of the revenue base while simplifying procedures associated with doing business.

Directors underscored the need to strengthen public financial and debt management to mitigate fiscal risks. They welcomed the progress made in implementing the public financial management strategy and encouraged the authorities to address outstanding weaknesses. To preserve debt sustainability, Burundi should continue to rely mainly on grants and highly concessional loans in light of its high risk of debt distress.

Directors stressed that monetary policy should continue to focus on stabilizing inflation expectations and welcomed the notable deceleration of inflation in recent months. Going forward, they encouraged the authorities to enhancing monetary transmission mechanism.

Directors noted that the exchange rate remains an important tool in facilitating external adjustment, enhancing external competitiveness and safeguarding foreign reserves.

Directors underscored the importance of deeper structural reforms to foster stronger and sustainable growth and to reduce poverty. They highlighted that reforms priorities should focus on improving competitiveness and the business climate, and addressing infrastructure gaps, including increasing energy supply. Directors concurred that enhancing financial intermediation, while maintaining financial stability, will be critical to facilitate credit to the private sector and support growth.

Directors encouraged the authorities to accelerate and expand efforts to increase data coverage and improve quality, to better inform policy making.

UBA Group Appoints Tony O. Elumelu as Chairman

LAGOS, Nigeria, August 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Board of United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) yesterday announced the appointment of Mr. Tony O. Elumelu, C.O.N. as Chairman, succeeding Ambassador Joe Keshi.


Photo Tony Elumelu:

Mr Elumelu is Chairman/CEO of Heirs Holdings (, the pan-African proprietary investment company, which he founded in 2010 and which holds stakes in a number of leading African businesses, including Nigeria’s largest conglomerate by market capitalisation, Transcorp, and UBA. Elumelu retired as Group Managing Director and CEO of UBA in 2010, following the introduction by the Central Bank of Nigeria of 10 year tenure limits for bank CEOs. He had served as CEO of the UBA Group for 13 years, where he was responsible for the creation of today’s UBA – a financial services institution that built a reputation for innovation and the democratisation of banking services and now spans Africa, providing services to more than 10 million customers across the continent and in London, Paris and New York.

Widely regarded as one of the leading business figures in Africa, Elumelu has developed a reputation for identifying value and bringing a long term investment orientation and discipline to sectors critical to Africa’s development, including financial services, power, oil and gas, agribusiness, real estate and hospitality. As the founder of the Tony Elumelu Foundation, an Africa-based and African-funded philanthropic institution, Mr Elumelu is committed to the promotion of entrepreneurship in Africa, based on his championing of Africapitalism, the philosophy that the African private sector is the critical enabler of the continent’s economic and social transformation.

The Chairmanship of UBA will complement Mr Elumelu’s existing positions with other Heirs Holdings’ portfolio businesses, including the Chairmanship of Transcorp, Nigeria’s largest listed conglomerate by market capitalisation.

“Tony Elumelu’s track record at UBA speaks for itself. His return to the Board brings a depth of knowledge and experience of the African financial services industry that is second to none. We are privileged to have him lead the Board at this critical stage in our development,” said Mr. Phillips Oduoza, Group Managing Director/CEO UBA.

With operations in 19 African countries and a presence in New York, London and Paris, UBA is one of the largest financial services institutions in Africa. The Bank recently unveiled its Project Alpha, a 3-year road map of key transformation initiatives, designed to consolidate the Group’s strategic positioning and fully exploit the opportunities provided by Africa’s economic renaissance and the UBA Group’s unique platform.

“I am very much looking forward to returning to the Group – UBA represents a tremendous investment opportunity, and is at an inflection point in its growth path. We have an extremely powerful executive team and I am looking forward to bringing my experience and energy to guide UBA’s long term strategy. Financial services remain one of the key drivers of African growth, both in terms of social inclusion and regional integration, and the UBA Group provides a unique platform to deliver both extraordinary value and drive Africa’s economic success.”

‘’I would also like to thank my predecessor, Ambassador Keshi and the entire board for their contributions to the growth and development of the bank” said Mr Elumelu.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Heirs Holdings.

For further information, please go to: or contact:

Nigel Sonariwo – (+234 810 966 4926)

Katherine Ambler – (+44 207 087 3780)

Tony Elumelu Profile

Tony O. Elumelu ( is an entrepreneur and a philanthropist. Born, raised and educated in Africa, Mr. Elumelu has been responsible for creating businesses across the continent, in sectors critical to Africa’s economic development. In 2010, he founded Heirs Holdings, an African investment holding company, with investments in financial services, power generation, oil and gas, agribusiness, real estate and hospitality. In the same year, he established the Tony Elumelu Foundation, an Africa-based and African-funded philanthropic institution dedicated to catalyzing entrepreneurship across Africa.

He is Chairman of Heirs Holdings as well as UBA Group Plc and Transcorp Plc, which is Nigeria’s largest listed conglomerate.

Mr. Elumelu is the author and leading proponent of “Africapitalism,” an economic philosophy which advocates for the private sector’s commitment to Africa’s development through long-term investment in strategic sectors of the economy, that drive economic prosperity and social wealth.

In 2013, Mr. Elumelu received the Leadership Award in Business and Philanthropy from the Africa-America Institute Awards. He was also named African Business Icon at the 2013 African Business Awards.

Mr. Elumelu presently serves as a member of the Global Advisory Board of the United Nations Sustainable Energy for All Initiative (SE4ALL) and USAID’s Private Capital Group for Africa Partners Forum.

Mr. Elumelu is on Twitter @TonyOElumelu.

Afriwise launches first-of-its-kind consulting firm in Africa

JOHANNESBURG, South-Africa, August 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Two well-known lawyers on the African scene, Steven De Backer and Olivier Binyingo, recently launched Afriwise consult ( to offer clients a more holistic consulting approach and access to genuine on-the-ground expertise in Sub Saharan Africa, with procedures for quality assurance and a strong underlying ethical culture. Having worked together for a number of years, both as local and regional counsel on the African continent, they recognized the opportunity for a different kind of professional services firm.


Photo Olivier Binyingo:

Photo Steven De Backer:

Press kit:


Afriwise is launching a groundbreaking consulting model for Africa, designed to assist clients with advice that is genuinely tailored to situations and local environments in African countries, through collaboration between the best African experts.

Afriwise consult provides one point of contact for private and public organizations that need legal, tax, transaction, risk and management consulting services in Sub Saharan Africa and teams up with the right professionals to deliver solutions that work.

Africa’s rapid growth has captured the world’s attention, triggering unprecedented business interest and investment. Sub Saharan Africa is now perceived to be one of the world’s greatest opportunities for corporate expansion. At the same time not all the countries are moving at the same pace and Africa remains a diverse and complex continent, with different countries presenting different challenges and obstacles.

Afriwise consult is dedicated to helping organizations navigate through these increasingly complex legal, regulatory, tax and socio-economic environments in Sub Saharan Africa. For that purpose it has constituted a core team of experienced Sub Saharan Africa focused consultants with diverse skills and expertise across a broad range of industries. The team comprises business lawyers, tax advisers, risk advisers and management consultants.

“Traditional solutions often don’t work in African markets” says Olivier Binyingo. “There is a need for flexibility and creativity when tackling country specific challenges, which calls for an interdisciplinary approach. With Afriwise, we try to break free from silo thinking. Taking into account the different angles to a project or a transaction from the outset, in an integrated way, saves time and costs to clients.”

In addition to its own core team of consultants, Afriwise created the Afriwise community which brings together top in-country professionals with diverse skills and expertise throughout Sub Saharan Africa. The careful identification and selection of the right local experts and advisers as members of the Afriwise community is really at the core of Afriwise’s value proposition. The Afriwise community enables the firm to put together tailored teams on each of its clients’ projects and transactions to reflect the required skills and expertise, on-the-ground knowledge and local socio-cultural and language affinity.

As Steven De Backer explains, the idea behind adopting a collaborative consulting model for Africa was developed by the two founders over a long period of time: “Africa is not a country but a continent, home to 54 very different countries. Clients have come to realize that understanding local customs, sensibilities and having access to on-the-ground expertise in the markets in which they operate is key. Various advisory firms are adopting different models to try to cater for that need – from hub offices in key jurisdictions to alliances and networks with local firms – but we don’t believe these strategies will enable them to always include the right local professionals in their clients’ engagements. These traditional models are too rigorous for African markets; what you want is flexibility and the ability to partner with the right individuals for each assignment. We have been confronted with this throughout our careers and have thought long and hard about the most suitable model to advise clients properly, which lead us eventually to the concept of the Afriwise community.”

“We plan to be quite disruptive to the traditional consulting model”, adds Binyingo. “We are dramatically increasing access to local expertise for clients active in Sub Saharan Africa, in the most affordable and yet integrated way.”

Some of the services Afriwise consult offers include legal and tax advisory, risk advisory and management, transaction advisory, corporate governance consulting and specialist advisory services such as strategic advice around market entry, PPP structuring, stakeholder engagement and assistance with putting in place local partnerships and alliances.

The name Afriwise is a play on streetwise. Being ‘afriwise’ means having the experience, skills and knowledge but also the awareness and resourcefulness required for success in Africa. Afriwise is also based on core values such as integrity and sustainability. “We strive to deliver projects for our clients which generate value for all stakeholders, adhere to ethical principles and demonstrate innovativeness and creativity” notes De Backer. “We encourage everyone with a passion for the African continent to use the #afriwise hastag on social media to promote ‘afriwise’ solutions and concepts”.

Distributed by the African Press Organization on behalf of the Internet Corporation for Afriwise consult.

To arrange a media interview with its founders or one of its experts, please contact:

Steven De Backer (+27 10 593 8516 –; or

Olivier Binyingo (+27 10 593 85 17 –

An electronic press kit with extensive background information is available to the media on

A video containing more details about Afriwise, as explained by the founders is available on

About Afriwise consult

Afriwise consult ( is a multi-disciplinary and Sub Saharan Africa focused consulting firm providing services to companies, governments, project developers and development organisations. Afriwise’s value proposition combines deep insight into the dynamics of local markets in Africa with a practical and solution-oriented mindset and a strong underlying ethical culture. To achieve this, Afriwise consult has hired a number of seasoned professionals with backgrounds in law, tax, risk advisory, banking and management consulting in Africa who team up, in a seamless way, with the right in-country professionals in Sub Saharan Africa when working for clients. These local professionals are generally members of the Afriwise community, a unique pool of like-minded experts who have formalized arrangements and collaborate with Afriwise consult to deliver value. Afriwise consult’s central management team is headquartered in the offices of Afriwise Consult (PTY) Limited in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Statement of Mr. Ali Al-Za’tari, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, on humanitarian corridor between Sudan and South Sudan

KHARTOUM, Sudan, August 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The United Nations welcomes the approval last week by representatives of the Governments of South Sudan and Sudan of an operational plan that will open a humanitarian corridor betwe…

Ebola Epidemic confirmed in Democratic Republic of Congo : MSF sends specialists and material to the epicentre

KINSHASA, Dem. Rep. of Congo (DRC) August 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has launched a response to the confirmed Ebola viral hemorrhagic fever outbreak in Equateur Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The medical organization, present in DRC for more than thirty years, is sending doctors, nurses, logistics experts and hygiene specialists to the epicenter of this outbreak.

“We received confirmation on Sunday that four of the samples our team took last week have tested positive for Ebola virus,” says Jeroen Beijnberger, MSF Medical Coordinator in DRC. “We are responding fast to try to isolate the suspect and confirmed patients and to start the work of contact tracing.”

Working with the Congolese Ministry of Health, MSF is setting up an Ebola management centre in Lokolia, the area most affected by the outbreak in the Boende health zone. “Our key objective for now is to do all we can to stop the outbreak spreading and to protect other people from catching the virus,” says Beijnberger.

No link with the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has been established, although that cannot be categorically discounted. “For now, we consider this outbreak as an unfortunate coincidence,” says Beijnberger. “We are trying to confirm the origin of the outbreak, but at this time nothing points to a direct link with the epidemic in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.”

In the first phase of response to a new hemorrhagic fever outbreak, protection of patients and health workers is the top priority. Good coordination is also required to ensure that all levels of leadership – from the highest government levels to the local community leaders and village chiefs – pass accurate and constructive information to the population, that burial teams are organised with proper infection control measures, and that contact tracing and epidemiological monitoring are done swiftly and efficiently to avoid the spread of the outbreak.

“Usually we would be able to mobilise specialist hemorrhagic fever teams, but we are currently responding to a massive epidemic in West Africa,” says Beijnberger. “This is limiting our capacity to respond to the epidemic in Equateur Province. We need other organisations to step up and joint the efforts to support the Ministry of Health: we will not be able to do this one alone.”

Ethiopia: Tens of thousands of South Sudanese refugees receive cholera vaccine

PARIS, France, August 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — A vaccine against cholera is being used on a large scale for the first time in Ethiopia by teams from the international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF). The mass immunisation campaign will protect South Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia’s Gambella region, as well as the host community, against the risk of cholera spreading across the border from neighbouring South Sudan, where an epidemic had been declared in June.

Cholera is endemic in the Gambella region, while overcrowding and poor sanitation in the area’s refugee camps could provide a perfect breeding ground for the Vibrio cholerae bacillus. More than 185,000 South Sudanese refugees have been registered in the Gambella region by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

The cholera vaccine is given in two doses. MSF teams administered the first dose between 24 July and 2 August to refugees in Lietchuor, Kule and Tierkidi camps, and to newly arrived refugees in Pagak, Pamdong and Matar transit centres. Given the movement of people and trade between the camps and surrounding villages, protecting the host population against the disease is also crucial.

The cholera vaccine is relatively easy to administer, but the mass campaign presents some major logistical challenges. “The vaccine against cholera is taken orally, is easy to administer, and is more than 60% effective,” says Madi Foura Sassou, MSF’s emergency coordinator in Gambella. “However, the campaign requires a great deal of organisation, in terms of logistics and staff.”

The vaccine, which must be stored between 2° and 8°C, needs to be transported in refrigerated trucks from the capital, Addis Ababa, to the vaccination sites, and then kept in portable coolers. More than 300 MSF staff have been deployed in the refugee camps and surrounding villages, with medical teams administering the vaccine and community health workers raising awareness about the campaign amongst refugees and locals.

MSF teams are vaccinating children of one year and over and adults excluding pregnant women. Fixed vaccination sites are being staffed by teams of five, while mobile teams of two are travelling door-to-door to provide vaccinations within people’s houses and tents.

In the first round of the campaign, 151,723 people – or 85% of the target population in the refugee camps – were vaccinated against cholera. This is a good coverage rate despite the overestimated population. Each one received a vaccination card enabling them to receive the second dose of the vaccine. The second round of the campaign began on 15 August and will last for two weeks. All those vaccinated also receive a bar of soap, as one of a number of measures – which include vaccinations, good hygiene, and water and sanitation provision – to limit the risk of cholera breaking out.

The mass vaccination campaign is being supported by the Ethiopian authorities, and conducted under the supervision of a committee which includes health authorities and the Administration for Refugee and Returnee Affairs (ARRA), with technical support provided by UN agencies including the World Health Organization, UNHCR and UNICEF.

Heavy rains, which occur frequently at this time of year, have threatened to disrupt the campaign at times, but the teams have been well prepared for all eventualities, while both refugees and the host community understand the importance of the vaccinations to protect against a possible epidemic.

Mediterranean Migrant Deaths Multiply in Summer Sailing Season

GENEVA, Switzerland, August 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The series of tragedies last weekend in the Mediterranean marks one of the deadliest periods of 2014, with an estimated 230 migrants lost and presumed dead.

Witnesses described to IOM seeing the corpses of 18 African men in one craft that had to be abandoned Sunday 120 nautical miles from the Italian coastline, the same day after another 6 passengers drowned after a fishing boat capsized with some 370 migrants on board.

Earlier, on Saturday, about 200 migrants went missing during a shipwreck 32 nautical miles off the Libyan coasts.

“One more time, these tragic events show that something must be done to solve the problem of irregular immigration across the Mediterranean,” said IOM Director General William Lacy Swing.

“The obligation to save lives surpasses everything else. But rescue at sea is not the ultimate solution. Alternatives are needed: providing safe and legal entry into Europe; resettlement opportunities; family reunification; and voluntary return for economic migrants who do not need protection,” he added.

With this weekend’s deaths, IOM believes that as many as 1,500 migrants may have died trying to reach Italy from North Africa so far in 2014. That is compared to an estimated 700 during the whole of 2013.

The Italian Navy ship “Sirio” on Sunday rescued 73 migrants from a rubber dinghy and recovered the bodies of eighteen victims on the craft. Another eight migrants from that vessel reportedly remain missing.

“Migrants rescued from the dinghy—mainly sub-Saharan Africans—told IOM that they were forced onto the vessel. Some had been beaten by the smugglers,” said IOM Rome spokesperson Flavio Di Giacomo.

Fourteen hours after their departure, their dinghy started to take on water and its engine suffered a fuel leak. “Those who were in good shape left the boat to swim. Those who were severely injured stayed on board and died,” says Di Giacomo.

An Italian Navy helicopter patrolling the area threw down lifesaving jackets and life rafts, part of a weekend-long rescue effort in which Italian authorities saved about 4,000 migrants and asylum seekers.

The 102,000 migrants arriving in Italy by sea so far this year nearly triples 2013’s seaborne inflow, when the number of migrants reaching Italy from North Africa was 42,925. By contrast, some 60,000 came in 2011 during and after the Arab Spring.

“Some say the Mare Nostrum rescue policy is a pull factor that encourages more migrants to cross the sea because they know that there will be someone to receive them. But the reality is that there are more significant factors, including violence and increased hardship in both origin and transit countries. People are fleeing war, persecution and totalitarian regimes. Recent arrivals in Italy have included 14 Yazidis from Iraq and 180 Gazans,” says IOM Rome official Simona Moscarelli.

Eritrea and Syria are the two largest countries of origin for irregular migrants arriving in Italy by sea. In the first seven months of 2014, over 25,200 Eritreans and 16,240 Syrians arrived by boat, according to the Italian authorities. Other nationalities included Malians, Nigerians, Gambians and Somalis.

The current unrest and instability in Libya is also stimulating the deadly passage. Organized smuggling gangs are taking advantage of the growing number of migrants seeking flight. Victims say smugglers are becoming increasingly reckless, putting migrants aboard unsafe vessels without sufficient fuel and without life jackets.

“If the basic human rights of these people are to be protected, the international community must act together to crack down on these brutal smuggling networks and provide alternatives for these desperate people,” said Ambassador Swing.

$75,000 Anzisha Prize for Young Entrepreneurs Announces 2014 Finalists

JOHANNESBURG, South-Africa, August 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — For the first time ever, African Leadership Academy and The MasterCard Foundation are delighted to have Anzisha Prize finalists from Togo and Ivory Coast (, revealing strong growth in entrepreneurship activity amongst youth in West Africa. Five young women are among the 12 finalists in the running for the $75,000 prize money that will be awarded on 23 September 2014, and will fly to Johannesburg from DRC, Kenya, Ghana, South Africa and Nigeria.


Photos (file name contain name of each country):

The Anzisha prize scours the continent seeking to find entrepreneurial youth between the ages of 15 and 22, who have identified opportunities to better their communities and done so inclusively. This year’s finalists have started ventures in a diverse range of economic sectors including energy, health care, tourism and hospitality.

Sam Kodo (Togo), 22, began designing robots at the age of eight and now runs an IT hardware company that assembles low cost computers that he sells to students. He has six employees and plans to expand the rest of Togo and neighbouring countries. Gabriel Kombassere (Ivory Coast), 17, runs a farming association geared to eradicated poverty in his community. Annually, he produces maize and cassava feeding the association’s 30 members and their families.

“2014 has been an exciting one for the Anzisha Prize search team. We brokered partnerships with key local organisations enabling them to play a primary role in evangelising the Anzisha Prize in their country. This has led to not only a stronger pool of applications but also more female applicants than ever before.” said Chi Achebe, Program Manager, Anzisha Prize.

“We are excited to see such a talented cohort of innovative and entrepreneurial young people join the Anzisha prize community,” said Deepali Khanna, Director of Youth Learning at The MasterCard Foundation. “This Pan-African prize has had tremendous success over the past four years and is inspiring other young entrepreneurs across Africa to develop their own businesses or social innovation ventures.”

Now in its fourth year, the Anzisha Prize received 339 applications this year from 32 countries for Africa’s premier youth entrepreneurship award.

The 2014 finalists are:

 Benedicte Mundele, 20, DRC. Founder of Surprise Tropical, an organic local produce canteen to promote a healthy lifestyle in her community.

 Gabriel Kombassere, 17, Ivory Coast. Founder of Rible Neda, a farming association that produces 20 bags of maize and 1 cargo of cassava per year feeding its members and their families.

 Noah Walakira, 21, Uganda. Founder of Namirembe Sweater Makers, a community based organization that provides school uniform sweaters to over 40 schools across the country.

 Nteff Alain, 22, Cameroon. Founder of the gifted Mom project, an e-content platform for pregnant women to combat the high mother and infancy deaths.

 Winifred Selby, 19, Ghana. Founder of the Ghana Bamboo Bikes Initiative, a bamboo bike making technology to manufacture affordable multi-purpose bikes suitable for the Ghanaian terrain.

 Tom Osborn, 18, Kenya. Founder of Greenchar, a clean energy project that produces smokeless charcoal briquettes and distributes clean cook stoves throughout Kenya.

 Martha Chumo, 19, Kenya. Founder of Nairobi Developer School, an institution that provides the youth with computer programming knowledge and skills to build sustainable solutions using technology.

 Chineye Okoro Onu, 19, Ghana. Founder of the Mosaicpiration Project, an initiative that uses recycled material to create art and impact entrepreneurial skills to young people through training and mentorship.

 Chukwuwezam Obanor, 22, Nigeria. Founder of Prepclass, an online platform that provides study content (past tests, answers etc.) for local Nigerian schools in preparation for national exams.

 Thato Kgatlhanye, 21, South Africa. Founder of Repurpose Schoolbags, an initiative that designs school bags made from up-cycled plastic shopping bags that integrate solar technology, charging up during the day and transforming into light for learners to study after dark.

 Jeffrey Mulaudzi, 22, South Africa. Founder of Mulaudzi Bicycle Tours, a lifestyle tour in Alexandra township that engages members of the community by telling their stories and enveloping them into the business, creating a socio-economic transformation.

 Sam Kodo, 22, Togo. Founder of LC-COM (Low cost-Computer) / Infinite Loop, a company that produces low cost personal computers for students.

The Anzisha Prize is a partnership between African Leadership Academy and The MasterCard Foundation. Our 12 finalists will be flown to Johannesburg, South Africa for the 2014 Anzisha Week taking place from 18 – 25 September where a panel of judges from across the entrepreneurial sphere will convene to select the grand prize winners. They will receive training from African Leadership Academy’s renowned Entrepreneurial Leadership faculty and engage with industry leaders, mentors as well as engage with change agents from across the continent.

The Anzisha Prize team is running a social media campaign where members of the public can rally behind the young entrepreneurs and offer words of support and encouragement on their Anzisha journey. For more information on the Anzisha Prize and the campaign, go to:

➢ Website:

➢ Facebook:

➢ Twitter: @anzishaprize

Distributed by the African Press Organization on behalf of the Internet Corporation for the Anzisha Prize.

Media contact:

Lydia Byarugaba – or +27 84 375 1222

Should you write an article using this press release, Anzisha Prize would like to link to the article on its website. Please email any articles to


About the Anzisha Prize

The Anzisha Prize is managed out of African Leadership Academy’s Centre for Entrepreneurial Leadership, which was established through a multi-year partnership with The MasterCard Foundation. Through the Anzisha Prize, the organisers seek to catalyse innovation and entrepreneurship among youth across the continent.

About African Leadership Academy

African Leadership Academy (ALA) seeks to transform Africa by developing a powerful network of entrepreneurial leaders who will work together to achieve extraordinary social impact. Each year, ALA brings together the most promising young leaders from all 54 African nations for a pre-university program in South Africa with a focus on leadership, entrepreneurship and African studies. ALA continues to cultivate these leaders throughout their lives, in university and beyond, by providing on-going leadership and entrepreneurial training and connecting them to high-impact networks of people and capital that can catalyse large-scale change. For more information, visit

About The MasterCard Foundation

The MasterCard Foundation is an independent, global organization based in Toronto, Canada, with more than $9 billion in assets. Through collaboration with partner organizations in 49 countries, it is creating opportunities for all people to learn and prosper. The Foundation’s programs promote financial inclusion and advance youth learning, mostly in Africa. Established in 2006 through the generosity of MasterCard Worldwide when it became a public company, the Foundation is a separate and independent entity. The policies, operations and funding decisions of the Foundation are determined by its own Board of Directors and President and CEO. For more information on the Foundation, please visit

Press briefing by UN aid chief in South Sudan

JUBA, South Sudan, August 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Media Advisory

What: Journalists are invited to a press briefing with the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan, Mr. Toby Lanzer. Mr. Lanzer will brief on the humanitarian …

South Sudanese Opposition’s Detention of a Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (MVM) Observer Team

WASHINGTON, August 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Press Statement
Jen Psaki
Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
August 25, 2014

The United States government strongly condemns the temporary detention of six members of the Intergovern…