Shirika la ndege la flydubai limetangaza njia tatu nchini Tanzania

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, September 23, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Shirika la ndege lenye makao yake Dubai leo limetangaza uzinduzi wa safari za ndege za Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar na Kilimanjaro nchini Tanzania. Safari za ndege za nchi hii ya Afrika Mashariki zitaanza Oktoba, zikikuza mtandao wa shirika hili la ndege barani Afrika hadi vituo 12.


Photo 1: (Ghaith Al Ghaith, Chief Executive Officer of flydubai)

Photo 2: (flydubai fleet)

Photo 3: (Sudhir Sreedharan, Senior Vice President Commercial (GCC, Subcontinent and Africa)

Photo 4: (flydubai Business Class)

Photo 5: (Economy seats)

Photo 6: (flydubai Business Class Lounge)

Photo 7: (Downtown Burj Khalifa)

Akizungumzia kuhusu uzinduzi wa safari hizi, Ghaith Al Ghaith, Afisa Mkuu Mtendaji wa flydubai (, alisema: “Kwa kuongeza safari hizi tatu mpya nchini Tanzania tumekuza mtandao wetu mara mbili katika Afrika ya Kaskazini na Mashariki mwaka huu, tukiimarisha ahadi yetu ya kuhudumia masoko ambayo hayakuhudumiwa vya kutosha.”

Hivi karibuni flydubai ilitangaza uzinduzi wa safari za ndege za Bunjumbura nchini Burundi, Entebbe nchini Uganda na Kigali nchini Rwanda na safari za vituo hivi zitaanza mwishoni mwa Septemba.

Tanzania ni kitovu cha eneo upande wa utalii wa Afrika Mashariki na mwakani 2013 nchi hiyo iliwakaribisha watalii milioni 1. Kulingana na Bodi ya Utalii Tanzania (TTB), idadi hii inatarajiwa kuongezeka mara mbili na watalii milioni 2 wakitarajiwa ifikapo 2017.

Makamu Mkuu wa Rais wa Biashara, Sudhir Sreedharan (GCC, Bara Dogo na Afrika), alisema, “Mtandao wetu unaoendelea kukua unaunga mkono Dira ya Utalii ya 2020 ya Dubai inayolenga kuwavutia wageni milioni 20 katika Umoja wa Falme za Kiarabu ifikapo 2020.

Kwa kutoa huduma za kuaminika, kwa bei nafuu na zilizo rahisi za usafiri kutoka Tanzania, tunawapa abiria fursa ya kusafiri Dubai na kuunganisha safari zao na zaidi ya vituo 200 duniani kote kupitia Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Dubai.”

Tanzania ni nchi inayojulikana kwa uzuri wake wa asili na wanyamapori. Dar es Salaam ni kitovu cha biashara nchini Tanzania na mji huo una bandari linalovutia na vivutio tele vya kitamaduni na kihistoria. Unguja, inayojulikana kama Kisiwa cha Viungo, imefunikwa na pwani nyeupe na imejaa utamaduni, historia na wanyamapori wanaopatikana huko tu. Zaidi ya hayo, vilele vya Mlima Kilimanjaro vilivyofunikwa na theluji huwakaribisha watalii kwa matembezi na kuteleza juu ya theluji mwaka mzima.

flydubai imeunda mtandao mpana barani Afrika ulio na safari za ndege za Addis Ababa nchini Uhabeshi, Alexandria nchini Misri, Khartoum na Port Sudan nchini Sudani, Djibouti mji mkuu wa Djibouti, Juba nchini Sudani Kusini pamoja na Bujumbura nchini Burundi, Entebbe nchini Uganda na Kigali nchini Rwanda.

Maelezo ya Safari za Ndege”

Dar es Salaam

flydubai itaendesha safari za ndege kila siku kati ya Dubai na Dar es Salaam kuanzia tarehe 16 Oktoba 2014.

FZ670 imepangiwa kuondoka Uwanja wa Kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere saa 6:20 machana saa za ndani, itue katika Kituo cha 2 cha Kimataifa cha Dubai saa 12:55 jioni saa za ndani.

FZ672/674 imepangiwa kuondoka Uwanja wa Kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere saa 12:20 jioni saa za ndani, itue katika Kituo cha 2 cha Kimataifa cha Dubai saa 7:00 usiku saa za ndani.

FZ669/671/673 imepangiwa kuondoka Kituo cha 2 cha Kimataifa cha Dubai saa 12:40 asubuhi saa za ndani, iwasili Uwanja wa Kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere saa 5:20 asubuhi saa za ndani.

Nauli za safari ya pande zote

Nauli ya kuenda na kurudi ya Kitengo cha Uchumi kutoka Dar es Salaam hadi Dubai itaanzia Dola 399 za Marekani ikijumuisha mzigo wa 20kg uliokaguliwa, huku nauli ya kuenda na kurudi ya Kitengo cha Biashara itaanzia Dola 1,499 za Marekani na inajumuisha kodi zote na mzigo wa 40kg uliokaguliwa. Hizi ni nauli maalum za uzinduzi za mwezi mmoja.

Kilimanjaro kupitia Dar Es Salaam

flydubai itaendesha safari mbili za ndege kila wiki kati ya Kilimanjaro na Dubai kupitia Dar Es Salaam kuanzia tarehe 17 Oktoba 2014.

Jumatatu na Ijumaa:

FZ674 imepangiwa kuondoka Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Kilimanjaro saa 10:10 jioni saa za ndani, itue Kituo cha 2 cha Kimataifa cha Dubai saa 7:00 usiku saa za ndani na katizo la safari la saa moja mjini Dar es Salaam.

FZ673 imepangiwa kuondoka Kituo cha 2 cha Kimataifa cha Dubai saa 12:40 asubuhi saa za ndani, iwasili Uwanja wa Kimataifa wa Kilimanjaro saa 7:25 mchana saa za ndani na katizo la safari la saa moja mjini Dar es Salaam.

Nauliza pande zote mbili

Nauli ya kuenda na kurudi ya Kitengo cha Uchumi kutoka Kilimanjaro hadi Dubai itaanzia Dola 399 za Marekani ikijumuisha mzigo wa 20kg uliokaguliwa, huku nauli ya kuenda na kurudi ya Kitengo cha Biashara itaanzia Dola 1499 za Marekani na inajumuisha kodi zote na mzigo wa 40kg uliokaguliwa. Hizi ni nauli maalum za uzinduzi za mwezi mmoja.

Zanzibar kupitia Dar Es Salaam

flydubai itaendesha safari mbili za ndege kila wiki kati ya Unguja na Dubai kupitia Dar Es Salaam kuanzia tarehe 19 Oktoba 2014.

Jumanne na Jumapili: FZ672 imepangiwa kuondoka Uwanja wa Ndege wa Unguja saa 9:40 mchana saa za ndani, itue Kituo cha 2 cha Kimataifa cha Dubai saa 7:00 usiku saa za ndani na katizo la safari la saa moja mjini Dar es Salaam.

FZ671 imepangiwa kuondoka Kituo cha 2 cha Kimataifa cha Dubai saa 12:40 asubuhi saa za ndani, iwasili Uwanja wa Ndege wa Unguja saa 7:05 mchana saa za ndani na katizo la safari la saa moja mjini Dar es Salaam.

Nauli za safari ya pande mbili

Nauli ya kuenda na kurudi ya Kitengo cha Uchumi kutoka Unguja hadi Dubai itaanzia Dola 399 za Marekani ikijumuisha mzigo wa 20kg uliokaguliwa, huku nauli ya kuenda na kurudi ya Kitengo cha Biashara itaanzia Dola 1499 za Marekani na inajumuisha kodi zote na mzigo wa 40kg uliokaguliwa. Hizi ni nauli maalum za uzinduzi za mwezi mmoja.

Tiketi za safari hizo za ndege zinaweza kununuliwa kuanzia leo kutoka tovuti ya flydubai (, Kituo chake cha Simu cha ndani +255 (22) 2124005, maduka ya usafiri ya flydubai au kupitia wabia wa usafiri. Taarifa na maelezo zaidi ya huduma za shirika hili za ukodishaji gari na bima ya safirini pia zinaweza kupatikana kwenye

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of flydubai.

Media contact:

Houda Al Kaissi

Senior Press Officer

t. +971 4 603 3073

m. +971 56 683 0336

Kuhusu flydubai:

Shirika la ndege lenye makao yake Dubai linajikakamua kuondoa vizuizi vya usafiri na kuimarisha uhusiano kati ya tamaduni tofauti katika mtandao wake unao endelea kukua. Tanug uzinduzi wa biashara yake mnamo 2009, flydubai (

• Imeunda mtandao wa vituo 83, pamoja na safari 20 mpya zilitangazwa 2014.

• Imefungua safari 53 mpya ambazo hapo awali hazikuwa na safari za moja kwa moja hadi Dubai au hazikuwa zinahudumiwa na shirika la kitaifa la Umoja wa Falme za Kiarabu kutoka Dubai.

• Imeunda msafara wa ndege 40 mpya na inasubiri kuwasilishwa kwa zaidi ya ndege 100 ifikapo mwisho wa 2023.

Zaidi ya hayo, wepesi na urahisi wa flydubai kama shirika changa la ndege umeimarisha ukuaji wa uchumi wa Dubai, kufuatana na dira ya Serikali ya Dubai, kwa kuanzisha mtiririko wa biashara na utalii katika masoko ambayo hayakuwa na huduma hizi.

For more information about flydubai services, please visit

Somalia: Urgent food aid for 36 000 displaced people

GENEVA, Switzerland, September 23, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), assisted by the Somali Red Crescent Society, just completed a distribution of food to over 36,000 displaced people in the town of Beletweyne, in the central part of the country. In addition, 4,000 children under five years of age and 860 pregnant women were provided with one-month supplies of therapeutic nutritional products.

“In the Hiiran region, a combination of poor harvest, drought and protracted conflict forced many people in remote areas to relocate from their homes to Beletweyne, increasing the density of displaced people in the surrounding camps and exacerbating the already fragile food security situation there,” said Kristy Manners, the ICRC’s nutrition specialist for Somalia.

The distribution just completed is part of an ongoing response. Earlier this year, an ICRC survey of the food security of displaced people in the camps revealed that aid was urgently required. A first round of food distributions took place in early July for the same displaced people – 6100 families. The second round just completed provides them with a month’s supply of food to help them cope with lingering food shortages.

In Somalia, the ICRC works with the Somali Red Crescent to help victims of conflict or natural disaster. The organization provides emergency assistance, boosts self-reliance, promotes international humanitarian law, visits detainees and restores contact between family members separated by conflict.

On the Occasion of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau’s National Day

WASHINGTON, September 23, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
September 23, 2014

On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I congratulate all Bissau-Guineans o…

flydubai announces three routes in Tanzania

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, September 23, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Dubai-based flydubai ( today announced the launch of flights to Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar and Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Flights to the East African country will commence in October, expanding the airline’s network in Africa to 12 destinations.


Photo 1: (Ghaith Al Ghaith, Chief Executive Officer of flydubai)

Photo 2: (flydubai fleet)

Photo 3: (Sudhir Sreedharan, Senior Vice President Commercial (GCC, Subcontinent and Africa)

Photo 4: (flydubai Business Class)

Photo 5: (Economy seats)

Photo 6: (flydubai Business Class Lounge)

Photo 7: (Downtown Burj Khalifa)

Commenting on the launch of flights, Ghaith Al Ghaith, Chief Executive Officer of flydubai, said: “With the addition of these three new destinations in Tanzania we’ve doubled our network in North and East Africa this year, strengthening our commitment to serving previously underserved markets.”

flydubai recently announced the launch of flights to Bujumbura in Burundi, Entebbe in Uganda and Kigali in Rwanda and flights to these destinations will commence at the end of September.

Tanzania is a regional hub for tourism in East Africa and in 2013 the country welcomed over 1 million tourists. According to the Tanzania Tourism Board (TTB), this figure looks set with to double with 2 million tourists forecast by 2017.

“Our ever-expanding network supports Dubai’s Tourism Vision 2020 that aims to attract 20 million visitors to the Emirate by 2020. By offering reliable, affordable and convenient travel services from Tanzania, we provide passengers with the opportunity to travel to Dubai and connect onwards to more than 200 worldwide destinations through Dubai International Airport,” commented Sudhir Sreedharan, Senior Vice President Commercial (GCC, Subcontinent and Africa).

Tanzania is a country renowned for its natural beauty and its extraordinary wildlife. Dar es Salaam is Tanzania’s economic hub and offers a picturesque seaport and a wealth of cultural and historic attractions. Known as the Spice Island, Zanzibar is encapsulated by white sandy beaches and is bursting with culture, history and endemic wildlife. In addition, the snow-capped peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro welcome tourists for hiking and skiing all year round.

flydubai has built up a comprehensive network in Africa with flights to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, Alexandria in Egypt, Khartoum and Port Sudan in Sudan, Djibouti’s capital Djibouti, Juba in South Sudan as well as Bujumbura in Burundi, Entebbe in Uganda and Kigali in Rwanda.

Flight Details:

Dar es Salaam

flydubai will operate daily flights between Dar es Salaam and Dubai starting from 16 October 2014.

FZ670 is scheduled to depart Julius Nyerere International Airport at 12:20hrs local time, landing at Dubai International Terminal 2 at 18:55hrs local time.

FZ672/674 is scheduled to depart Julius Nyerere International Airport at 18:20hrs local time, landing at Dubai International Terminal 2 at 01:00hrs local time.

FZ669/671/673 is scheduled to depart Dubai International Terminal 2 at 06:40hrs local time, arriving into Julius Nyerere International Airport at 11:20hrs local time.

Round trip fares

Economy Class return fares from Dar es Salaam to Dubai will start at USD 399 including 20kg checked baggage, while Business Class return fares will start at USD 1,499 and are inclusive of all taxes and 40kg checked baggage. These are special inaugural fares valid for one month.

Kilimanjaro via Dar Es Salaam

flydubai will operate two flights a week between Kilimanjaro and Dubai via Dar Es Salaam starting from 17 October 2014.

Mondays and Fridays:

FZ674 is scheduled to depart Kilimanjaro International Airport at 16:10hrs local time, landing at Dubai International Terminal 2 at 01:00hrs local time with a one-hour stopover in Dar es Salaam.

FZ673 is scheduled to depart Dubai International Terminal 2 at 06:40hrs local time, arriving into Kilimanjaro International Airport at 13:25hrs local time with a one-hour stopover in Dar es Salaam.

Round trip fares

Economy Class return fares from Kilimanjaro to Dubai will start at USD 399 including 20kg checked baggage, while Business Class return fares will start at USD 1,499 and are inclusive of all taxes and 40kg checked baggage. These are special inaugural fares valid for one month.

Zanzibar via Dar Es Salaam

flydubai will operate two flights a week between Zanzibar and Dubai via Dar Es Salaam starting from 19 October 2014.

Wednesdays and Sundays: FZ672 is scheduled to depart Zanzibar Airport at 15:40hrs local time, landing at Dubai International Terminal 2 at 01:00hrs local time with a one-hour stopover in Dar Es Salaam.

FZ671 is scheduled to depart Dubai International Terminal 2 at 06:40hrs local time, arriving into Zanzibar Airport at 13:05hrs local time with a one-hour stopover in Dar es Salaam.

Round trip fares

Economy Class return fares from Zanzibar to Dubai will start at USD 399 including 20kg checked baggage, while Business Class return fares will start at USD 1,499 and are inclusive of all taxes and 40kg checked baggage. These are special inaugural fares valid for one month.

Flights can be purchased starting today from flydubai’s website (, its local Call Centre +255 (22) 2124005, flydubai travel shops or through travel partners. Further information and details of the carrier’s car rental and travel insurance services can also be found on

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of flydubai.

Media contact:

Houda Al Kaissi

Senior Press Officer

t. +971 4 603 3073

m. +971 56 683 0336

About flydubai:

Dubai-based flydubai ( strives to remove barriers to travel and enhance connectivity between different cultures across its ever-expanding network. Since launching its operations in 2009, flydubai has:

• Created a network of 83 destinations, with 20 new routes announced so far in 2014.

• Opened up 53 new routes that did not previously have direct air links to Dubai or were not served by a UAE national carrier from Dubai.

• Built up a fleet of 40 new aircraft and will take delivery of more than 100 aircraft by the end of 2023.

In addition, flydubai’s agility and flexibility as a young airline has enhanced Dubai’s economic development, in line with the Government of Dubai’s vision, by creating trade and tourism flows in previously underserved markets.

For more information about flydubai services, please visit

Shirika la ndege la Etihad Airways litaongeza safari zake barani Afrika kwa kuzindua safari mpya ya kila siku ya mji wa Dar es Salaam

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, September 23, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Shirika la ndege la Etihad Airways (, ambali shirika la ndege la kitaifa la Umoja wa Falme za Kiarabu, litaongeza safari zake barani Afrika kwa kuzinfua safari mpya ya kila siku Mjini Dar es Salaam, mji mkubwa zaidi Tanzania.


Download Etihad New Routes 2015 Map:

Safari hizi za ndege kati ya Abu Dhabi na Dar es Salaam, zitaanza tarehe 1 mwezi Desemba 2015, zikiendeshwa kwa kutumia ndege ya Airbus A320 yenye viti 16 vya kitengo cha Biashara na 120 vya kitengo cha Uchumi.

Dar es Salaam itakuwa kituo cha 110 cha Etihad Airways duniani kote, na kituo cha 11 barani Afrika na Bahari ya Hindi. Ratiba hii ya kila siku itatoa njai mbili za uunganishwaji katika kitovu cha Etihad Airways mjini Abu Dhabi, pamoja na uunganishaji rahisi wa safari zingine za vituo 45 maarufu katika Mashariki ya Kati, Ulaya, Bara Dogo la India, Asia Kaskazini na Kusini-Mashariki, na Australasia.

Hasa, inatarajiwa kwamba mahitaji ya njia hii mpya yataongezwa na wasafiri wengi wa kibiashara na utalii, pamoja na viwango vya mizigo, kati ya maeneo ya Afrika Mashariki na Bara Dogo la India na China.

James Hogan, Rais na Afisa Mkuu Mtendaji wa Etihad Airways, alisema:”Dar es Salaam ni njia muhimu kwenye mtandao mkuu wa Etihad Airways. Inaimasharisha kuwepo kwetu Afrika, na kusaidia uhusiano wa karibu wa kibiashara kati ya Umoja wa Falme za Kiarabu na Tanzania.”

Umoja wa Falme za Kiarabu ni mbia mkuu wa kibiashara wa Tanzania katika eneo la GCC. Kati ya 2007 na 2012, biashara kati ya Umoja wa Falme za Kiarabu na Tanzania imeongezeka kwa zaidi ya asilimia 350 hadi Dola milioni 761 za Marekani.

Aliendelea kusema, “Afrika ina uchumi unaokua haraka sana duniani kote, na uzinduzi wa njia hii mpya pia unaongeza ufikiaji na utiririkaji wa baishara na utalii pande zote mbili kati ya bara hilo na vituo msingi katika mtandao wetu mkuu, unaongeza watalii kutoka nje, unahamasisha uwekezaji, na utatoa ajira zinazohitajika sana barani humu.”

Tanzania ni nchi ya siti barani Afrika kwa idadi ya watu (watu milioni 51), ambapo zaidi ya watu milioni nne wanaishi katika mji mkublwa zaidi, Dar es Salaam. Sehemu kubwa ya jamii hiyo inajumuisha wanabiashara na wamiliki wa biashara ndogondogo ambao asili ya familia zao ni Mashariki ya Kati na Bara Dogo – maeneo ya dunia ambayo wakazi wa pwani ya Tanzania wamekuwa na uhusiano mkubwa wa kibiashara nao.

Nchi hii pia inakua haraka, na kwa sasa ina takriban Dola bilioni 19 za Marekani katika miradi ya miundombinu ya usafiri na huduma inayopangwa. China imejihusisha pakubwa katika kugharamia miradi hiyo mikubwa, na inaendelea kuwa mbia wa kwanza kibiashara na nchi hii ya Afrika Mashariki, biashara kati ya nchini hizi mbili ikikuwa kwa Dola bilioni 3.7 za Marekani katika 2013.

Katika 2013, Tanzania pia ilitajwa kama moja ya maeneo yanayowavuti watalii sana duniani kote, na imebarikiwa na vivutio vingi vya watalii wa kitaifa na kimataifa ikiwa ni pamoja na Mlima Kilimanjaro, mbuga za wanyama za kitaifa za Serengeti, na kisiwa cha viungo cha Unguja.

Uchumi wa Tanzania ni wa pili katika Afrika Mashariki, na Dar es Salaam ndio njia ya kimkakati ya usafirishaji wa bidhaa na biashara katika nchi sita jirani zisizokuwa na bahari za Zambia, Malawi, Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo, Uganda, Rwanda na Burundi.

Download the table “Ratiba ya Etihad Airways ya safari za ndege za Dar es Salaam, kuanzia tarehe 1 Desemba 2015”:

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Etihad Airways.

Kwa maelezo zaidi wasiliana na:

Damian James, Mawasiliano ya Shirika ya Etihad Airways

Saa: +971 (0) 2 511 1035 / Barua Pepe:

Kuhusu Etihad Airways

Shirika la ndege la Etihad Airways ( lilianza shughuli zake mwaka wa 2003, na mnamo 2013 lilikuwa limewasafirisha watu milioni 11.5. Kutoka makao yake mjini Abu Dhabi Etihad Airways husafirisha abiria na mizigo kwa vituo 110 vilivyoko au vilivyotangazwa katika Mashariki ya Kati, Afrika, Ulaya, Asia, Australia na Amerika. Shirika hili la ndege lina msafara wa ndege 104 za Airbus na Boeing, na zaidi ya ndege 200 ambazo zimeagizwa, ikiwa ni pamoja na Boeing 787 71, Boeing 777-X 25, Airbus A350 62 na Airbus A380 10. Etihad Airways ina uwekezaji katika airberlin, Air Seychelles, Virgin Australia, Aer Lingus, Air Serbia na Jet Airways, na iko katika mchakato wa kurasimisha uwekezaji katika Alitalia na Etihad Regional* yenye makao yake Uswisi. Kwa maelezo zaidi, tafadhali tembelea:

*Inaendeshwa na Darwin Airline

Great Lakes leaders meet to review progress on the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the DRC and the region

NEW YORK, September 23, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The signatories of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the DRC and the region met on Monday (22 September 2014) under the chairmanship of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the Deputy Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Mr.Erastus Mwencha, for the Fourth Meeting of the Regional Oversight Mechanism (ROM) to review progress on the implementation of the Framework.

“As we tackle the challenges that lie ahead of us, it is critical that the region and the international community continue to speak with one voice and to coordinate our strategies and actions,” noted the Secretary-General. For his part, the AU Deputy Chairperson welcomed the significant progress made especially in the area of security following the military defeat of the M23 and the military actions against ADF-Nalu, and encouraged the efforts of ICGLR, under the leadership of H.E. President Eduardo dos Santos, and those of SADC, in addressing the FDLR.

Signatories noted the sustained engagement by stakeholders at the national, regional and international levels. They welcomed the progress achieved in bringing durable peace, security and development to eastern DRC and the region.

The regional leaders reaffirmed their political will to fully implement their commitments under the PSC Framework and their resolve to overcome persisting challenges. They endorsed a number of critical recommendations aimed at achieving better results in the implementation of the Framework.

These include: increasing efforts to neutralize all negative forces, especially FDLR and ADF-NALU; accelerating the implementation of the Nairobi Declarations of the Kampala Dialogue; fighting impunity; strengthening the Expanded Joint Verification Mechanism (EJVM) and enhancing regional cooperation.

The regional leaders expressed their appreciation to former Special Envoy Mary Robinson for her valuable efforts to achieve peace and stability in eastern DRC and the region, and welcomed Mr. Said Djinnit as the new Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for the Great Lakes Region.

Speaking to the assembly of leaders for the first time, Special Envoy Djinnit noted: “The Great Lakes region is at a crossroads. It can only realize its vast potential once sensitive security concerns are fully resolved and relations between neighboring countries improve.” He pledged to work closely with all key stakeholders to ensure that the Framework of Hope delivers on its promises.

Africa SME Champions Forum: 300 African SMEs to get together in Dakar on 11 and 12 November 2014

DAKAR, Senegal, September 23, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Dakar, the capital of Senegal, is hosting the first Africa SME Champions Forum on 11 and 12 November 2014 ( The specialist recruitment agency AfricSearch, the African Guarantee Fund and the pan-African bank Ecobank are coming together to organise this, the first forum devoted exclusively to African SMEs.


300 SMEs, from the five regions of Africa, will be invited to this forum according to strict criteria: they must be officially registered in Africa, have been legally created at least three years ago, have turnover of at least $1.5 million and a minimum workforce of 10 employees. The SMEs are invited to submit their application on the forum site:

In addition to these 300 SMEs, a number of financial institutions will be present as well as high-quality experts and policymakers. “This forum will be the first direct access platform to finance for the SMEs,” states Didier Acouetey, founder of recruitment agency AfricSearch. In total, some 600 people are expected in Dakar.

SMEs represent 90% of privately-owned African companies, 33% of the continent’s GDP and account for 45% of new jobs. “SMEs are vascularising the African economy,” states Didier Acouetey. “The African champions will be at the heart of the transformation of the continent,” declares Gervais Koffi Djondo, co-founder of the Ecobank group.

The Africa SME Champions Forum will focus on concrete solutions to the numerous challenges facing African managers. Masterclasses, customised consultancy spaces bringing together high-quality experts, and a mentoring programme will make it possible to meet these people’s expectations. “The idea is to bring together at a single location an entire range of tools, networks and services dedicated to SMEs to allow them to put in place, on their return, the methods shared by the community of the Africa SME Champions Forum,” explains Didier Acouetey.

A further highlight of the forum, the Africa SME Champions Awards, sponsored by the African Guarantee Fund, will reward the champions of the future and the top-class financial institutions in support of SMEs.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Africa SME Champions Forum.

Media contact

Abdoulaye Kanoute

Communication and public relations officer


Tel.: +221 776 613 093

About AfricSearch

Created in 1996, AfricSearch is the leading recruitment and head-hunting agency specialising in Africa. It has eight offices on the continent, 40 consultants and offers 500 new jobs every year. It also works towards creating sustainable African companies via forums such as the Africa South East Asia business forum and the Africa SME Champions forum. In addition, it organises recruitment fairs in Paris, Dakar and Abidjan.

458th Meeting of the Peace and Security Council on South Sudan

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, September 23, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), at its 458th meeting held on 17 September 2014, was briefed by the Commission on the situation in South Sudan. Council took note of the statements made by the representatives of South Sudan, the United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU), as well as by those of France, Rwanda, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, as members of the UN Security Council.

Council recalled its earlier communiqués and press statements on the situation in South Sudan. Council expressed its deep concern over the lack of progress in the political negotiations, including the non-compliance with the sixty days deadline for the formation of the Transitional Government of National Unity, and the deterioration of the humanitarian situation. Council also strongly condemned all violations of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement of 23 January 2014.

Council reiterated its gratitude to the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and its Chairperson, Prime Minister Haile Mariam Dessalegn of Ethiopia, as well as the Team of Special Envoys, for their tireless efforts in the search for a lasting solution to the conflict in South Sudan. In this respect, Council welcomed the outcome of the 27th Extraordinary Session of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government on the situation in South Sudan, held in Addis Ababa, on 25 August 2014, which, inter alia, endorsed the Agreed Principles on Transitional Arrangements Towards Resolution of the Crisis in South Sudan. Council urged the South Sudanese stakeholders to conclude, within six weeks, negotiations on the necessary details to fully operationalize these Principles, as requested by the above-mentioned IGAD Summit.

Council welcomed the resumption, since 15 September 2014, of the South Sudan multi-stakeholders talks in the city of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, under the auspices of IGAD. Council reminded the South Sudanese stakeholders of their primary responsibility in ending the untold suffering inflicted upon their people and achieving lasting peace, security, stability and reconciliation in their country.

Council reiterated its appeal to the parties to honour their commitments under the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement and other subsequent Agreements, including the Implementation Matrix they signed and which sets out a timetable for disengagement, separation and disposition of forces.

Council, once again, reiterated its determination, in coordination with IGAD, to take the necessary measures against any party that fails to honour its commitments and continues to undermine the search for a negotiated solution to the current crisis. In this respect, Council requested the Commission to urgently initiate consultations with IGAD, with a view to making concrete recommendations on the way forward.

Council expressed its deep concern about the prevailing humanitarian situation in South Sudan and called for renewed efforts to assist the affected populations.

Council reiterated its full support to the AU Commission of Inquiry, mandated, as per communiqué PSC/AHG/COMM.1(CDXI) adopted at its 411th meeting, held in Banjul, The Gambia, on 30 December 2013, to investigate the human rights violations and other abuses committed during the armed conflict in South Sudan and make recommendations on the best ways and means to ensure accountability, reconciliation and healing among all South Sudanese communities. Council looks forward to the submission of the report and recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry.

Council reiterated its gratitude to the international partners for their invaluable support to the AU and IGAD efforts in South Sudan, and called upon them to pursue and increase their assistance.

Council agreed to remain actively seized of the matter.

458th Meeting of the Peace and Security Council on the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR)

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, September 23, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), at its 458th meeting held on 17 September 2014, adopted the following decision on the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR) decision:


1. Takes note of the briefing given by the Commission, the statements made by the representatives of Chad, Chair of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the Republic of the Congo, Mediator of ECCAS in the CAR crisis, the United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU), as well as by those of France, Rwanda, the United Kingdom and the United States of America in their capacity as members of the UN Security Council;

2. Reiterates its previous communiqués and press statements on the situation in the CAR, including communiqué PSC/PR/COMM.2(CCCLXXXV) adopted at its 385th meeting held on 19 December 2013, authorizing the deployment and specifying the mandate of the African-led International Support Mission to the Central African Republic (MISCA), and communiqué PSC/PR/COMM (CDXXII), adopted at its 422nd meeting held on 7 March 2014, through which Council, among others, welcomed the envisaged deployment of a UN peacekeeping operation to consolidate the gains made by MISCA, with the support of the French Operation Sangaris, facilitate the long-term stabilization of the CAR and support the efforts aimed at tackling the root causes of the recurrent crises faced by the CAR;

3. Commends the outstanding work done by MISCA, with the support of Operation Sangaris and the EU Operation (EUFOR), in the fulfillment of the different aspects of its mandate, which led to a substantial improvement in the security situation, facilitated the commencement of the process aimed at restoring State authority, established the conditions for the resumption of the political process and the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the civilian population affected by the crisis. Council notes with satisfaction that the completion by MISCA of the initial stabilization phase of the situation in the CAR has created conditions conducive for the deployment of a UN peacekeeping operation;

4. Pays tribute to the MISCA personnel for their commitment, courage and professionalism in the discharge of their mission, reiterates the sincere condolences of the AU to the families and countries of the 32 soldiers and police personnel who lost their lives in the accomplishment of their duties and conveys its wishes for a speedy recovery to the 179 injured uniformed personnel in the course of MISCA’s operations. Council welcomes the organization of a ceremony to pay tribute to the MISCA uniformed personnel, on 13 September 2014, in Bangui, in the presence of the CAR authorities and representatives of the troop and police contributing countries. Council expresses its deep appreciation to the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the Commission and Head of MISCA, General Jean-Marie Michel Mokoko, as well as to the Force Commander, General Martin Chomou Tumenta, and the Head of its Police component, Colonel Patrice Ostangue Bengone, for their dedication and high sense of responsibility;

5. Pays tribute also to the troop and police contributing countries, namely Burundi, Cameroon, the Republic of the Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Rwanda and Chad, for their remarkable contributions to MISCA. Council pays tribute to ECCAS and its Member States, as well as to other African countries concerned (Algeria, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Namibia, Nigeria and South Africa), for their financial and logistical support to the MISCA;

6. Expresses, once again, its appreciation for the important contribution of the Sangaris and EUFOR operations to the stabilization of the situation in the CAR, as part of their support to MISCA and, in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council;

7. Reiterates its gratitude to the multilateral and bilateral partners who provided financial and logistical support to MISCA, particularly the EU and its Member States (Luxembourg and the United Kingdom), the United States of America, Canada, Japan and Norway. Council also welcomes the technical support extended by the UN to MISCA;

8. Welcomes the successful transfer of authority from MISCA to the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the CAR (MINUSCA), which took place in Bangui, on 15 September 2014, in the presence of the Chairperson of the Commission. Council congratulates the Commission and the UN General Secretariat on their close cooperation and work for the smooth transfer of authority;

9. Reiterates the importance of the continued role of the region, particularly through the actions of the current Chairperson of ECCAS and the Mediator of ECCAS in the CAR crisis, Presidents Idriss Déby Itno and Denis Sassou-Nguesso, and the AU, in support of the peace efforts in the CAR, including support for the ongoing political transition and other aspects of the stabilization process in the country, as well as the coordination of international efforts through the International Contact Group on the CAR (ICG-CAR), co-chaired by the AU Commission and the Republic of the Congo;

10. Encourages the ECCAS Mediator, with the support of the AU and UN Vice-Mediators, Soumeylou Boubeye Maiga and Abdoulaye Bathily, to pursue his efforts to consolidate the outcome of the Forum held in Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo, from 21 to 23 June 2014, especially the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, and enable the implementation of Phases II and III of the process, as agreed to by the CAR stakeholders, which will take place in the CAR, with the holding of popular consultations in the 16 prefectures of the country and the convening of a National Reconciliation Forum in Bangui;

11. Fully supports the steps being taken by the Commission to maintain a strong presence in the CAR to enable the AU to continue to support the efforts to promote peace, security and stability in the CAR. In this regard, Council requests the Chairperson of the Commission to take urgently the necessary measures for the transformation of MISCA into an AU Mission for the CAR and Central Africa (MISAC), so as to enable the AU, in close coordination with ECCAS, MINUSCA and other relevant international actors, to continue to support the ongoing national efforts, with particular focus on: (i) support to the political transition, (ii) the organization of elections, (iii) national reconciliation, (iv) support to the disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration process, as well as to the security and justice sectors reform, (v) post-conflict reconstruction, (vi) gender, and (vii) facilitation of coordination between the AU-led Regional Cooperation Initiative for the Elimination of the Lord’s Resistance Army (RCI-LRA) and MINUSCA, in the discharge of their respective mandates;

12. Encourages the Commission, through MISAC and in close cooperation with ECCAS, as well as with other relevant international actors, to support more effectively the efforts of the countries of the region aimed at promoting peace, security and stability in the region;

13. Urges Member States to provide the necessary financial support to enable MISAC to play the role expected of it in the current phase of the process in the CAR. Council also appeals to the international partners, particularly the EU, within the framework of the African Peace Facility, to contribute to the financing of MISAC;

14. Urges the CAR stakeholders to redouble their efforts to successfully conclude the ongoing Transition in their country, in strict compliance with the principles that underpin the Transition. In this respect, Council reiterates the relevant provisions of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance;

15. Reiterates its appeal to the CAR stakeholders to place the supreme interest of their country above partisan and other considerations, bearing in mind the spirit of the Brazzaville Forum, in order to effectively address the challenges facing their country, and stresses their primary responsibility. Council renews its support to the institutions and authorities of the Transition and urges them to leave no stone unturned to ensure the successful completion of the Transition and the organization of free, fair and credible elections;

16. Appeals to the international community to pursue and further enhance its support to the CAR, as well as to extend the required support to the countries of the region to enable them cope with the consequences of the CAR crisis;

17. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

UNAMID welcomes conviction of attackers against peacekeepers in North Darfur

EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, September 22, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) welcomes the court verdict convicting three individuals accused of attacking the private residence of female…