Botswana National Day

WASHINGTON, October 1, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Press Statement

John Kerry

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

September 30, 2014

On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I send best wishes to the people of Botswana as you celebrate 48 years of independence on September 30.

The United States and Botswana are natural partners. Ours is a relationship built on the shared values of democracy, justice, equality, and the fundamental rights of all people. Together we are taking our partnership to the next level by investing in Botswana’s greatest natural resource of all—its people.

The Young African Leaders Initiative is lifting up Botswana’s youth. Our commitment to combatting HIV/AIDS through PEPFAR is healing the sick. And the listing of the Okavango Delta as the 1000th UNESCO World Heritage Site is raising the global profile of environmental issues.

It is with an eye to a shared, bright future that we work together as Americans and Batswana to strengthen the relationship between our governments and between our people.

I send warm wishes to the people of Botswana for continued peace and prosperity.

Special Representative of the UN Secretary General arrives in Accra to establish the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response Headquarters

ACCRA, Ghana, October 1, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — As the number of patients with Ebola in Guinea,

Liberia and Sierra Leone surpassed 6500 with more than 3000 deaths, the United Nations is

increasing the momentum to curb the spread of the disease. The Special Representative of

the Secretary General, Mr. Anthony Banbury, arrived in Accra Monday 29 September to

head the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER), which will join

governments and international partners to respond to the Ebola outbreak.

“Ghana has never had a case of Ebola, yet the leadership of this country recognizes the

impact this outbreak is having on the region” says Banbury. “We are extremely grateful to

the Government of Ghana and the people living here for their willingness to support our

work. Our task now is to work with the international community and support the national

authorities of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone to stop this outbreak from spreading any


Welcoming Mr. Banbury and the UNMEER team, Ghana’s Minister for Communications

expressed the Government of Ghana’s profound support to the United Nations. “Ebola is a

global problem that knows no boundaries. Ghana is happy to host the UNMEER as we work

together to contain and prevent further spread of the disease” says the Communications


Acting UN Resident Coordinator Ms Susan Namondo Ngongi, who leads the UN Country

Team in Ghana, sees an important role for a number of UN agencies to support the

establishment and the operations of UNMEER Headquarters in Ghana. The UN Country

Team will also continue to support the Government of Ghana in its own Ebola preparedness.

This is the first time in history that the UN has created a mission for a public health


“Our strategy is built around five pillars so we can move fast to stop the outbreak, treat the

infected, ensure essential services, preserve stability and prevent any further outbreaks,”

Banbury says.

UNMEER will be headquartered in Accra and have strong operational presences in Guinea,

Liberia and Sierra Leone. It will work with host governments and other partners to ensure all

components of the national plans to stop Ebola are rapidly put in place.

While most of the UNMEER team will remain in Accra this week to establish the

headquarters of the operation, Mr Banbury will visit the affected countries to see first hand

where the greatest needs are and discuss with the governments and other partners the

priorities for filling the gaps.

Churches and agencies formulate responses to Ebola outbreak

GENEVA, Switzerland, October 1, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — To respond to the Ebola crisis in West Africa, which has taken more than 3,000 lives, the World Council of Churches (WCC) brought to the table representatives of Christian aid organizations and United Nations agencies to learn from each other and to escalate their efforts.

The WCC consultation, held 29 September in Geneva, Switzerland, affirmed a greater role for the churches and faith-based organizations in helping to stop the epidemic.

The Ebola crisis in West Africa is the largest of its kind since the 1976 outbreak. More than 6,200 people have been infected with the virus in severely affected countries such as Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, according to World Health Organization (WHO) reports. It estimates that numbers of infected persons could top 1 million by January 2015.

A recent UN meeting in New York has strongly urged stepped-up efforts to stop Ebola, naming it a “public health crisis” and a “threat to peace and security.”

Dr Pierre Formenty, an epidemiologist and the coordinator of the WHO’s campaign against Ebola, while addressing the WCC consultation, explained how the Ebola virus appeared for the first time in the Democratic Republic of Congo. “Even with a good response the number of affected people has increased on the statistical graph,” he said.

“This is a situation where everyone needs to work together: politicians, media, communities, faith organizations. We all have to do something. If one fails, everybody will fail,” said Formenty.

In this situation, he said, “Faith organizations in Africa have a huge role to play.”

Participants stressed that churches and other religious communities not only have a constant and influential reach to the grassroots populations to offer practical advice about hygiene and safe funeral practices but can also directly address the deeper cultural and religious roots of widespread stigma and discrimination that have accompanied the epidemic.

Dr Gisela Schneider from the German Institute for Medical Mission, who was in Liberia a few weeks ago, shared observations from her visit. “Christian hospitals are highly vulnerable,” she said. “This is why ‘keep safe, keep working’ is an important slogan we promote for the health workers serving Christian hospitals. She said that “people working on the ground need a great amount of encouragement, training, mentorship and support.”

Schneider added that while it is important to increase health facilities that reach the household level, it is “crucial to empower local communities to take care of themselves.”

Dr David Nabarro, the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Ebola, joined the consultation via Skype from New York City. He shared details of the UN strategy and actions in addressing the Ebola crisis in collaboration with local governments and international bodies.

Nabarro also mentioned an increase in efforts from the Security Council and engagement from the African Union in dealing with the impact of Ebola.

Nabarro added that the “struggle is not just to prevent the virus, but to take into consideration the long-term effects risking stability of the economy and communities.” In many areas farming and agricultural activities have come to a halt due to the fear of Ebola.

Nabarro argued that to formulate an effective response it is important to empower women, traditional healers and health workers without putting them at a risk. He said churches and faith-based organizations have a massive role to play in dealing with emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of people’s lives, engaging them on questions of life and death.

Minister Sherlock travels to Sierra Leone to assess response to Ebola outbreak First European Minister to visit region since outbreak

DUBLIN, Ireland, October 1, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Minister for Development, Trade Promotion and North South Co-operation, Seán Sherlock, TD, today (1st October) travels to Sierra Leone to witness the impact of the Ebola crisis and assess the effect of the over €1 million in funding provided by Ireland to date.

Minister Sherlock will meet frontline aid workers from Goal, Concern, the Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières, in addition to key staff from the United Nations and the World Health Organisation.

He will also meet with the President of Sierra Leone, Ernest Bai Koroma, and Government representatives to discuss their response to the crisis and the support provided by the international community.

He is the first European Minister to visit Sierra Leone since the Ebola outbreak.

Minister Sherlock will visit an Ebola crisis response centre and a distribution centre for desperately-needed supplies, dispatched by Irish Aid.

Ahead of departing to Freetown, Minister Sherlock said:

“I remain extremely concerned about the situation in West Africa, in particular in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea. I want to pay tribute to the Irish public who have responded generously to this crisis.

“My visit this week allows me to demonstrate solidarity with those who have been worst-affected and to assess the response to the crisis by the Government in Freetown and also the work of the international community.

“Irish Aid has provided over €1 million in funding since this crisis began to provide nutritional supplies to children and much-needed blankets, tents, mosquito nets, and water tanks. These are practical measures to try and stem the virus and treat victims.

“More than 5,800 people are reported to have been infected and the World Health Organisation has warned of an exponential increase in cases over the coming months. It is essential that the international community do everything it can to assist the health services in the affected countries as they fight this epidemic,” Minister Sherlock added.

Entebbe na Bujumbura inakaribisha safari za ndege za uzinduzi za flydubai

KAMPALA, Uganda, September 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Ndege za shirika la ndege la flydubai lililo na makao yake Dubai zilizozindua safari za kuenda Entebbe na Bujunbura zilitua leo na zilikaribishwa kitamaduni na saluti za mizinga ya maji na waakilishi rasmi.


Photo : (flydubai fleet)

Photo : (flydubai Business Class)

Waakilishi wa flydubai ( waliongozwa na Hamad Obaidalla, Afisa Mkuu wa Biashara wa flydubai, na Sudhir Sreedharan, Naibu Mkuu wa Rais wa Biashara wa flydubai (GCC, Bara Dogo na Afrika), na katika Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Entebbe walilakiwa na Abraham Byandala, Waziri wa Uganda wa Kazi na Usafirishaji, na John Okalany, Meneja Mkuu wa Uwanja wa Ndege wa Entebbe.

Katika Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Bujumbura, waakilishi wa flydubai walilakiwa na Ciza Virginia, Waziri wa Usafiri, Kazi na Vifaa vya Umma, na waliburudishwa na wacheza ngoma za kitamaduni.

Kwa kuzindua safari za ndege za moja kwa moja kila siku hadi Entebbe, safari mbili za kuunganisha kila wiki za Kigali na safari tatu za kuunganisha kila wiki za Bujumbura, pamoja na utangazaji wa hivi majuzi wa njia tatu mpya nchini Tanzania, flydubai imeongeza vituo vyake barani Afrika mara mbili hadi vituo 12. Zaidi ya hayo, shirika hilo la ndege linatoa huduma za Kitengo cha Biashara na huduma za mizigo katika kila moja ya njia hivi mpya.

Akizungumzia kuhusu uzinduzi wa njia ya Entebbe, CCO wa flydibai Hamad Obaidalla alisema: “Tunafurahia safari zetu za ndege za Entebbe, moja ya kitovu kinachoongoza kibiashara barani Afrika. Tukiwa na safari za ndege za kila siku zinazotoa chaguo la kitengo cha uchumi na biashara, tutarahisisha utiririkaji wa watalii na biashara kati ya Uganda na Umoja wa Falme za Kiarabu.”

Mjini Bujumbura Obaidalla alisema: “Tunaamini kwamba bioanuwai tele nchini Burundi itawavutia watalii kutoka mtandao wetu wote na kwamba zaidi ya vituo 80 tunavyoendesha vitaipa nchi hii fursa kubwa kuimarisha uhusiano wake wa biashara.”

flydubai ndio shirika la ndege la kwanza la kitaifa kutoka Umoja wa Falme za Kiarabu kusafiri Rwanda na Burundi, likisisitiza ahadi yake kufungua masoko yasiyohudumiwa vya kutosha. Safari yake ya kwanza ya Kigali, Rwanda ilikuwa mnamo tarehe 27 mwezi Septemba.

flydubai inatoa safari za kuaminika na za bei nafuu hadi vituo 83 katika nchi 42. Kutoka Entebbe, Bujumbura au Kigali, abiria wanaweza kuweka nafasi za safari rahisi za kuunganisha kupitia Dubai hadi India, nchi za Ghuba na vituo mbalimbali nchini Urusi, pamoja na vituo vingine. Kitovu cha kimkakati cha shirika hilo la ndege kikiwa katika Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Dubai, abiria pia wanaweza kunufaika kutokana na makubaliano kati ya flydubai na mashirika mengine ya ndege, na kuwapa fursa za safari za kuendelea kwa zaidi ya vituo 200.

Maelezo ya Safari za Ndege:

Entebbe, Uganda

flydubai itaendesha safari saba za ndege kila wiki kati ya Entebbe na Dubai kuanzia tarehe 28 Septemba 2014.

Jumanne, Ijumaa na Jumapili: FZ622 imepangiwa kuondoka Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Entebbe saa 7:30 usiku saa za ndani, itue katika Kituo cha 2 cha Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Dubai saa 2:05 asubuhi saa za ndani.

Jumatatu, Alhamisi na Jumamosi FZ621 imepangiwa kuondoka Kituo cha 2 cha Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Dubai saa 10:10 jioni saa za ndani, iwasili Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Entebbe saa 8:30 usiku saa za ndani.

Jumanne na Ijumaa: FZ624 imepangiwa kuondoka Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Entebbe saa 4:10 usiku saa za ndani, itue katika Kituo cha 2 cha Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Dubai saa 10:35 asubuhi saa za ndani.

FZ623 imepangiwa kuondoka Kituo cha 2 cha Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Dubai saa 6:20 mchana saa za ndani, iwasili Uwanja wa Kimataifa wa Entebbe saa 4:40 jioni saa za ndani.

Jumapili: FZ620 imepangiwa kuondoka Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Entebbe saa 9:15 mchana saa za ndani, itue katika Kituo cha 2 cha Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Dubai saa 3:50 usiku saa za ndani. FZ619 imepangiwa kuondoka Kituo cha 2 cha Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Dubai saa 3:55 asubuhi saa za ndani, iwasili katika Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Entebbe saa 8:15 mchana saa za ndani.

Jumanne: FZ620 imepangiwa kuondoka Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Entebbe saa 7:15 mchana saa za ndani, itue katika Kituo cha 2 cha Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Dubai saa 1:50 jioni saa za ndani.

FZ619 imepangiwa kuondoka Kituo cha 2 cha Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Dubai saa 1:55 asubuhi saa ndani, iwasili katika Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Entebbe saa 6:15 mchana saa za ndani.

Nauli za safari ya pande zote

Nauli ya kuenda na kurudi ya Kitengo cha Uchumi kutoka Entebbe hadi Dubai itaanzia Dola 399 za Marekani ikijumuisha mzigo wa 20kg uliokaguliwa, huku nauli ya kuenda na kurudi ya Kitengo cha Biashara itaanzia Dola 1,100 za Marekani na inajumuisha kodi zote na mzigo wa 40kg uliokaguliwa.

Bujumbura, Burundi kupitia Entebbe

flydubai itaendesha safari mbili za ndege kila wiki kati ya Bujumbura na Dubai kupitia Entebbe kuanzia tarehe 30 Septemba 2014.

Jumanne na Ijumaa: FZ624 imepangiwa kuondoka Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Bujumbura saa 12:55 jioni saa za ndani, itue katika Kituo cha 2 cha Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Dubai saa 10:35 asubuhi saa za ndani na katizo la saa moja mjini Entebbe.

FZ623 imepangiwa kuondoka Kituo cha 2 cha Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Dubai saa 6:20 mchana saa za ndani, iwasili Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Bujumbura saa 11:55 jioni saa za ndani na katizo la saa moja mjini Entebbe.

Nauli za safari ya pande zote

Nauli ya kuenda na kurudi ya Kitengo cha Uchumi kutoka Bujumbura hadi Dubai itaanzia Dola 399 za Marekani ikijumuisha mzigo wa 20kg uliokaguliwa, huku nauli ya kuenda na kurudi ya Kitengo cha Biashara itaanzia Dola 1,100 za Marekani na inajumuisha kodi zote na mzigo wa 40kg uliokaguliwa.

Entebbe hadi Bujumbura

flydubai itaendesha safari mbili za ndege kila wiki kati ya Entebbe na Bujumbura kuanzia tarehe 30 Septemba 2014.

Jumanne na Ijumaa: FZ623 imepangiwa kuondoka Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Entebbe saa 11:40 jioni saa za ndani, itue katika Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Bujumbura saa 11:55 jioni saa za ndani.

FZ624 imepangiwa kuondoka Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Bujumbura saa 6:55 jioni saa za ndani, iwasili Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Entebbe saa 3:10 usiku saa za ndani.

Nauli za safari ya pande zote

Nauli ya kuenda na kurudi ya Kitengo cha Uchumi kutoka Entebbe hadi Bujumbura itaanzia Dola 400 za Marekani ikijumuisha mzigo wa 20kg uliokaguliwa, huku nauli ya kuenda na kurudi ya Kitengo cha Biashara itaanzia Dola 900 za Marekani na inajumuisha kodi zote na mzigo wa 40kg uliokaguliwa.

Kigali, Rwanda kupitia Entebbe

flydubai itaendesha safari tatu za ndege kila wiki kati ya Kigali na Dubai kupitia Entebbe kuanzia tarehe 27 Septemba 2014.

Jumatatu, Alhamisi na Jumamosi: FZ622 imepangiwa kuondoka Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Kigali saa 4:30 usiku saa za ndani, itue katika Kituo cha 2 cha Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Dubai saa 2:05 asubuhi saa za ndani na katizo la saa moja mjini Entebbe.

FZ621 imepangiwa kuondoka Kituo cha 2 cha Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Dubai saa 10:10 jioni saa za ndani, iwasili Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Kigali saa 3:30 usiku saa za ndani na katizo la saa moja mjini Entebbe.

Nauli za safari ya pande zote

Nauli ya kuenda na kurudi ya Kitengo cha Uchumi kutoka Kigali hadi Dubai itaanzia Dola 399 za Marekani ikijumuisha mzigo wa 20kg uliokaguliwa, huku nauli ya kuenda na kurudi ya Kitengo cha Biashara itaanzia Dola 899 za Marekani na inajumuisha kodi zote na mzigo wa 40kg uliokaguliwa.

Tiketi za safari hizo za ndege zinaweza kununuliwa kuanzia leo kutoka tovuti ya flydubai (, Kituo chake cha Simu (+971) 600 54 44 45, maduka ya usafiri ya flydubai au kupitia wabia wa usafiri. Taarifa na maelezo zaidi ya huduma za shirika hili za ukodishaji gari na bima ya safiri pia zinaweza kupatikana kwenye

Maelezo ya mawasiliano ya Uganda: +256-414-359-392

Maelezo ya mawasiliano ya Rwanda: +250-252-575-867

Maelezo ya mawasiliano ya Burundi: +257 79-988000

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of flydubai.

Media contact:

Houda Al Kaissi

Senior Press Officer

t. +971 4 603 3073

m. +971 56 683 0336

Kuhusu flydubai:

Shirika la ndege lenye makao yake Dubai linajikakamua kuondoa vizuizi vya usafiri na kuimarisha uhusiano kati ya tamaduni tofauti katika mtandao wake unao endelea kukua. Tangu uzinduzi wa biashara yake mnamo 2009, flydubai (

• Imeunda mtandao wa vituo 83, pamoja na safari 20 mpya zilitangazwa 2014.

• Imefungua safari 53 mpya ambazo hapo awali hazikuwa na safari za moja kwa moja hadi Dubai au hazikuwa zinahudumiwa na shirika la kitaifa la Umoja wa Falme za Kiarabu kutoka Dubai.

• Imeunda msafara wa ndege 40 mpya na inasubiri kuwasilishwa kwa zaidi ya ndege 100 ifikapo mwisho wa 2023.

Zaidi ya hayo, wepesi na urahisi wa flydubai kama shirika changa la ndege umeimarisha ukuaji wa uchumi wa Dubai, kufuatana na dira ya Serikali ya Dubai, kwa kuanzisha mtiririko wa biashara na utalii katika masoko ambayo hayakuwa na huduma hizi.

Kwa maelezo zaidi kuhusu huduma za flydubai, tafadhali tembelea

Entebbe and Bujumbura welcome flydubai inaugural flights

KAMPALA, Uganda, September 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Dubai-based flydubai’s inaugural flights to Entebbe and Bujumbura landed today and were welcomed with traditional water cannon salutes and official delegations.


Photo : (flydubai fleet)

Photo : (flydubai Business Class)

flydubai’s delegation ( was headed by Hamad Obaidalla, flydubai Chief Commercial Officer, and Sudhir Sreedharan, flydubai Senior Vice President Commercial (GCC, Subcontinent and Africa), and at Entebbe International Airport they were greeted by Abraham Byandala, Uganda’s Minister for Works and Transportation, and John Okalany, General Manager for Entebbe Airport.

At Bujumbura International Airport, flydubai’s delegation was met by Ciza Virginia, Minister of Transport, Public Works and Equipment, and was entertained by African dancers.

With the launch of daily direct flights to Entebbe, two onward flights a week to Kigali and three onward flights a week to Bujumbura, coupled with the recent announcement of three new routes in Tanzania, flydubai has doubled its presence in Africa to 12 destinations. In addition, the airline offers Business Class and cargo services on each of these new routes.

Commenting on the launch of the Entebbe route, flydubai CCO Hamad Obaidalla said: “We are delighted to be flying to Entebbe, one of Africa’s leading commercial centres. With daily flights offering the choice of economy and business class, we will facilitate the flow of tourism and business between Uganda and the UAE.”

At Bujumbura Obaidalla said: “We believe the rich biodiversity of Burundi will attract tourists from around our network and that the more than 80 destinations we operate to offer a great opportunity for this country to strengthen its trade ties.”

flydubai becomes the first national carrier from the UAE to fly to Rwanda and Burundi, underlining its commitment to opening up underserved markets. Its first flight to Kigali, Rwanda was on 27 September.

flydubai offers reliable and affordable travel to 83 destinations across 42 countries. From Entebbe, Bujumbura or Kigali, passengers can book convenient connections through Dubai to India, the Gulf countries and various points in Russia, among other destinations. With the airline’s strategic base at Dubai International Airport, passengers can also benefit from flydubai’s interline agreements with other carriers, providing opportunities for onward travel to more than 200 destinations.

Flight Details:

Entebbe, Uganda

flydubai will operate seven flights a week between Entebbe and Dubai starting from 28 September 2014.

Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays: FZ622 is scheduled to depart Entebbe International Airport at 01:30hrs local time, landing at Dubai International Terminal 2 at 08:05hrs local time.

On Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays FZ621 is scheduled to depart Dubai International Terminal 2 at 16:10hrs local time, arriving into Entebbe International Airport at 20:30hrs local time.

Tuesdays and Fridays: FZ624 is scheduled to depart Entebbe International Airport at 22:10hrs local time, landing at Dubai International Terminal 2 at 04:35hrs local time.

FZ623 is scheduled to depart Dubai International Terminal 2 at 12:20hrs local time, arriving into Entebbe International Airport at 16:40hrs local time.

Sundays: FZ620 is scheduled to depart Entebbe International Airport at 15:15hrs local time, landing at Dubai International Terminal 2 at 21:50hrs local time.FZ619 is scheduled to depart Dubai International Terminal 2 at 09:55hrs local time, arriving into Entebbe International Airport at 14:15hrs local time.

Wednesdays: FZ620 is scheduled to depart Entebbe International Airport at 13:15hrs local time, landing at Dubai International Terminal 2 at 19:50hrs local time.

FZ619 is scheduled to depart Dubai International Terminal 2 at 07:55hrs local time, arriving into Entebbe International Airport at 12:15hrs local time.

Round trip fares

Economy Class return fares from Entebbe to Dubai will start at USD 399 including 20kg checked baggage, while Business Class return fares will start at USD 1,100 and are inclusive of all taxes and 40kg checked baggage.

Bujumbura, Burundi via Entebbe

flydubai will operate two flights a week between Bujumbura and Dubai via Entebbe starting from 30 September 2014.

Tuesdays and Fridays: FZ624 is scheduled to depart Bujumbura International Airport at 18:55hrs local time, landing at Dubai International Terminal 2 at 04:35hrs local time with a one-hour stopover in Entebbe.

FZ623 is scheduled to depart Dubai International Terminal 2 at 12:20hrs local time, arriving into Bujumbura International Airport at 17:55hrs local time with a one-hour stopover in Entebbe.

Round trip fares

Economy Class return fares from Bujumbura to Dubai will start at USD 399 including 20kg checked baggage, while Business Class return fares will start at USD 1,100 and are inclusive of all taxes and 40kg checked baggage.

Entebbe to Bujumbura

flydubai will operate two flights a week between Entebbe and Bujumbura starting from 30 September 2014.

Tuesdays and Fridays: FZ623 is scheduled to depart Entebbe International Airport at 17:40hrs local time, landing at Bujumbura International Airport at 17:55hrs local time.

FZ624 is scheduled to depart Bujumbura International Airport at 18:55hrs local time, arriving into Entebbe International Airport at 21:10hrs local time.

Round trip fares

Economy Class return fares from Entebbe to Bujumbura will start at USD 400 including 20kg checked baggage, while Business Class return fares will start at USD 900 and are inclusive of all taxes and 40kg checked baggage.

Kigali, Rwanda via Entebbe

flydubai will operate three flights a week between Kigali and Dubai via Entebbe starting from 27 September 2014.

Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays: FZ622 is scheduled to depart Kigali International Airport at 22:30hrs local time, landing at Dubai International Terminal 2 at 08:05hrs local time with a one-hour stopover in Entebbe.

FZ621 is scheduled to depart Dubai International Terminal 2 at 16:10hrs local time, arriving into Kigali International Airport at 21:30hrs local time with a one-hour stopover in Entebbe.

Round trip fares

Economy Class return fares from Kigali to Dubai will start at USD 399 including 20kg checked baggage, while Business Class return fares will start at USD 899 and are inclusive of all taxes and 40kg checked baggage.

Flights can be purchased starting today from flydubai’s website (, its Call Centre (+971) 600 54 44 45, flydubai travel shops or through travel partners. Further information and details of the carrier’s car rental and travel insurance services can also be found on

Uganda contact details: +256-414-359-392

Rwanda contact details: +250-252-575-867

Burundi contact details: +257 79-988000

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of flydubai.

Media contact:

Houda Al Kaissi

Senior Press Officer

t. +971 4 603 3073

m. +971 56 683 0336

About flydubai:

Dubai-based flydubai ( strives to remove barriers to travel and enhance connectivity between different cultures across its ever-expanding network. Since launching its operations in 2009, flydubai has:

• Created a network of 83 destinations, with 20 new routes announced so far in 2014.

• Opened up 53 new routes that did not previously have direct air links to Dubai or were not served by a UAE national carrier from Dubai.

• Built up a fleet of 40 new aircraft and will take delivery of more than 100 aircraft by the end of 2023.

In addition, flydubai’s agility and flexibility as a young airline has enhanced Dubai’s economic development, in line with the Government of Dubai’s vision, by creating trade and tourism flows in previously underserved markets.

For more information about flydubai services, please visit

Invitation: First Bi-monthly Media briefing for October 2014 On the Occasion of: “World Habitat Day: Voices from the Slums

CAIRO, Egypt, September 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Invitation
Media Briefing
The United Nations Information Centre in Cairo cordially invites you to attend the First Bi-monthly Media briefing for October 2014
On the Occasion of:


Residual Special Court for Sierra Leone – PRESS RELEASE – Binta Mansaray Appointed RSCSL Registrar

THE HAGUE, Netherland, September 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Secretary-General of the United Nations has appointed Binta Mansaray as Registrar of the Residual Special Court for Sierra Leone. Ms. Mansaray made her Solemn Declarati…

The second Africa Global Business Forum will take place in Dubai on 1st and 2nd October 2014

DUBAI, UAE, September 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — APO (African Press Organization) ( has been invited as VIP Guest to attend the second Africa Global Business Forum (, the region’s leading international trade and investment Forum on Africa, to take place at the Atlantis The Palm, Dubai on 1st and 2nd October 2014.

Photo: (Nicolas Pompigne-Mognard, Founder and CEO of APO (African Press Organization)

Organised by Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry with content developed by The Economist Events and under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice-President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, the forum will explore new business partnerships and opportunities arising between Africa and Dubai.

The 2nd Africa Global Business Forum 2014 is by invitation only and will assemble high-level decision makers on the global business scene, including African Heads of State, Ministers, prominent CEOs operating globally, heads of private banks, sovereign wealth funds and private equity firms.

International speakers include: H.E. Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda; H.E. Armando Guebuza, President of Republic of Mozambique; H.E. Amama Mbabazi, Prime Minister of Uganda; Donald Kaberuka, President, African Development Bank Group.

Emirati speakers include H.H. Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman and CEO, Emirates Airline and Group; H.E. Reem Al Hashimy, UAE Minister of State and Managing Director, Dubai Expo 2020; H.E. Sultan Al Mansoori, UAE Minister of Economy ,H.E. Mohammed I. Al Shaibani, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Investment Corporation of Dubai (ICD), H.E Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, Chairman, DP and many more.

In its strategy of expanding into the African continent, Dubai has become a major trading partner for the region as the emirate’s non-oil trade with the continent increased by 141%, up from AED 37.9 billion in 2008 to AED 91.3 billion ($25 billion) in 2013.

According to a Dubai Chamber statistics, African companies operating in Dubai have seen a percentage growth of 171% from the period from 2008 to mid-2014.


Aïssatou Diallo

+41 22 534 96 97

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Intra-Africa trade key to boosting African economies – DHL

CAPE-TOWN, South-Africa, September 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — While international trade agreements such as AGOA (African Growth and Opportunity Act) and the recently announced Economic Partnership Agreement between European Union and Southern Africa are positive for the continent and should be encouraged, more emphasis needs to be placed on trade partnerships between African countries to drive seamless intra-Africa trade.


Photo Charles Brewer: (Charles Brewer, Managing Director for DHL Express Sub-Saharan Africa)

This is according to Charles Brewer, Managing Director of DHL Express Sub Saharan Africa (, who says that while progress is slowly being made, insufficient trade agreements exist in order to encourage and drive intra-Africa trade. As a result there tends to be a focus on doing business with regions outside of Africa, such as the United States or China.

He says that African countries desperately need to start trading amongst themselves, and that the push for trade agreements should therefore not only be with international trading partners, but amongst African countries too.

“The DHL Global Connectedness Index revealed that Africa is the world’s least connected continent, when considering the ease of moving people, trade, information and finance. All African countries should therefore be focused on developing connectedness on the continent and building trade relationships. From a DHL standpoint, we are focused on making logistics more accessible and connecting Africa, which has resulted in the expansion of our retail footprint to over 3300 outlets in less than 3 years,” adds Brewer.

When comparing intra-regional trade statistics, Africa rates amongst the lowest, with less than 20% of what is produced in the region staying within the region. This, in essence, means that over 80% of what is produced in Africa is exported, mainly to the EU, China and the US. By comparison, 60% of Europe’s trade is with its own continent, and in North America, the figure is 40%.

As is well documented, one of the region’s biggest challenge in terms of realizing its trade potential is an under developed infrastructure, but Brewer says that this is slowly improving as several Africa regions continue to invest large amounts of capital into infrastructure development.

“Under developed infrastructure directly impacts the speed at which goods are moved into, out of and across the region. It also drives up logistics costs, and it is estimated that supply chain costs are up to nine times more expensive in Africa in comparison to other regions in the world. These inflated costs also ultimately hamper economic growth in the region.”

Brewer adds that while progress on infrastructure development and investment should continue, a push now needs to be made by African countries towards developing and implementing trade agreements which will encourage trade between the regions.

“Angola is the only country in Africa that has a formal and declared de minimus, and whilst all other Sub Saharan Africa countries have informal agreements, the fiscal clearance levels vary greatly. For example, in Tanzania, anything with a value greater than USD 5 will require formal clearance, which creates an additional administrative burden and potential clearance delays with minimal returns for the government in terms of duty revenues.”

“With that said, the situation is improving, and more countries are recognising that they need to find ways to make their markets accessible and easier to do business with. A great example for the region is Rwanda, who is looking to strip away bureaucracy, remove the red tape and make their country an attractive destination for trade and investment. More African countries need to follow this example, and the region will reap the rewards,” concludes Brewer.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Deutsche Post DHL.

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Megan Collinicos. Head: Advertising & Public Relations, Sub-Saharan Africa

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