This is an email we received coming from sources close to the Gbagbo presidency in Cote d’Ivoire.
Category: Opinion
The Roots of the Côte d'Ivoire Crisis
This tropical West African nation, once the most prosperous in the region, is sliding even deeper into civil war.
Rodolfo Graziani writes to Obama, Sarkozy, Cameron
Letter from the former Governor of Libya, Field Marshall Rodolfo Graziani.
To the three Governors-to -be Obama, Sarkozy and Cameron (aided by Secretary of the Interior Maroni, a descendant of mine)
The universal reach of popular uprisings-A.Badiou
“The Tunisian and the Egyptian people are telling us: raise up, build up a public space for the communism of movement, protect it by all means while inventing the sequential course of action.”
North Africa: Rebellion, Surprise & Strategy
A survey of of recent rebellions in the Maghrib generates questions of strategy in this essay, written for Kasama by Eddy Laing — a piece of insights studded with wonderful quotations from some of the participants in these revolts.
The west is losing it-Dambisa Moyo
In 2010 when the US based Zambian author released her first book, “Dead Aid”, the world was shocked. The feature by Ewanfoh Obehi Peter.
Telling A Lie; How Unethical?
…what really matter is not the fact that a lie has been told; it is whether the lie itself is justifiable within the given situation.