The past 12 months were very intense on the African continent. Some very important elections stirred- up a whole lot of interests. Those interests went far more outside of the African borders for the simple fact that the outcome of each one of those elections defines the new frontiers of the shared zones of influence, […]

Christmas for an African

On this day of 25/12/2011, I do not want any Merry-Christmas, but “Best Wishes ” because long time ago I’m no more a Christian. It took me some time (29 years) to understand that I couldn’t be proud of myself when my religious choice proved that I was ashamed of my ancestors, that I was […]

Italian shot two Africans: racism or homicide?

The killings of Florence are not the result of racism but of injustice. Ewanfoh O. Peter argues.

Battered S.Africa diplomacy bruised by Durban

Envoys at the global climate conference ended on Sunday in Durban left late-night sessions shaking their heads about their South African hosts, saying in rather undiplomatic speech they had let the process go off the rails.

The Brutal Murder of Gaddafi

The Brutal Murder of Gaddafi and the Implications for All Those Who Stand in the Way of the War Criminals

Nigerian sends open letter to his President

A reader of has sent us an email with this open letter to the president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan. We publish it here below. These are his own views and we have no responibility in it.

Nigeria sect dialogue unlikely to stem unrest

By Joe Brock ABUJA, Sept 28 – Negotiating with a Nigerian Islamist sect behind a spate of bombings in Africa’s most populous nation is unlikely to succeed due to the sect’s disjointed structure and radical views.

The war in Libya is illegal

This is an interview with Giulietto Chiesa, Italian journalist and former member of the European parliament. He argues that the war on Libya is illegal according to the UN charter.

Outsourcing Protest

This is either a bad joke, a brilliant art project or another Dutch viral campaign.

Kenya price law well meant, seen destined to fail

NAIROBI, Sept 22 – Kenya’s new price control law that allows government to cap the cost of essential commodities is well intentioned with consumer prices soaring but will fail to tackle inflation and is the latest in a string of botched policies, analysts say.