Canada Welcomes Results of Historic Tunisian Elections

OTTAWA, Canada, October 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird today welcomed the results of Tunisia’s parliamentary elections, which were held October 26, 2014.

“Tunisia’s peaceful, credible and well-organized elections were a testimony to the dedicated work of Tunisians to build a democratic society and political system based on the values of peace, protection of human rights and the rule of law. It was a historic and exciting day for all Tunisians, as shown by the very high turnout, particularly among women.

“I would like to offer my best wishes to all the women and men of Tunisia’s new parliament. These parliamentarians will devote the next five years to strengthening and building upon the important achievements the country has made, notably the full implementation of Tunisia’s new constitution and a continued rejection of extremism.

“In the months and years to come, I encourage these lawmakers to continue to strengthen Tunisia’s democracy and to work toward building a bright, prosperous and peaceful future for all Tunisians.”

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