Camerun: Bangwa people will remember Chiara Lubich

Italian blogger and passionate about Africa, Riccardo Barlaam, writes about the party held today and tomorrow in honour of late Chiara Lubich of the Focolari christian catholic movement, organised by the Bangwa people of Cameroon.

This is what Riccardo Barlaam writes on his blog held on pages.

“She is called Mafua Ndem. It means “Mom sent by God”. She is Mafua Ndem Chiara Lubich.

Today and tomorrow the Bangwa people [of Cameroon] dedicates to her the “Cry die”, a party for the end of mourning.

Chiara, who died in March 2008, is the founder of the religious Focolari movement. This is a branch of Catholicism that here in the forest has created from the 60s until today a town with a hospital, houses, schools, some jobs, a church where people are living a harmonious coexistence between Christians and followers of traditional African religions.

More than 10 thousand Africans from different tribes are expected to join the party. Among them religious and civil authorities in the region are also expected with the new president of the Focolari movement, Maria Voce (Emmaus) and the co-president Giancarlo Faletti. These are the leaders of a movement that spread almost all across the African continent.

It will be a celebration with rituals and songs and never ending dances.

A foundation, that now has her name, will be inaugurated and a bronze statute will be erected in front of the hospital.

The party has been a will of the Bangwa people as a way to say thank you and to remember Chiara. “Her solidarity, spirituality and sharing cannot die” it’s written in the invitation card.”

Because of this ceremony Mafua Ndem Chiara will be remembered as a Bangwa ancestor and from that moment on she will be remembere.

of the Bangwa people are followers of traditional African religions“.

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