Calabria: free legal defense for migrants

The President of the Criminal Court of Palmi, in Calabria (southern Italy) said that its lawyers will provide free legal assistance to migrants affected by the effects of the new law concerning immigration and introduces the crime of illegal immigration.

Free defense for migrants

The Criminal Chamber of Palmi will deal with expulsion cases

PALMI (RC) – The Criminal Court of Palmi has addressed the issue related to the theme of immigration, and has decided that its members will provide free legal defense for migrants affected by legal measures of expulsion or rejection from the Italian territory.

The news come from the chairman of Palmi’s criminal court, lawyer Armando Veneto. This is a position of most of the criminal lawyers of the Court of Palmi, which is a city situated in the Gioia Tauro’s plain. This is a territory that deals with the issue of immigration and illegal immigration since two decades and it is ever more dramatic.

<<The Directors of Criminal Court of Palmi – we read in the press release sent by the criminal lawyer and former MEP, Armando Veneto – in consultation with the Chairman of the Bar of Palmi, lawyer Francesco Napoli, decided to provide free defense of non-recipients of orders of deportation in L. 15/07/2009 Number 94>>.

The new legislation, precisely, is contained in the so-called security package, which is law since a few days [the 8 of August]. This law introduces the crime of illegal immigration. There are rules that go in the direction of a more rapid removal and discipline of expulsions of irregular migrants, make more difficult the renewing of permits, and imposes more restrictions in granting family reunifications.

“The list of colleagues willing to assume the free defense will be published on the website of the Criminal Court – President Veneto adds in his press release – my colleagues, including those not enrolled, may offer their availability by contacting lawyer Francesco Formica, information technology officer of the Court. The initiative is purely humanitarian”.

After the doctors who do not want to denounce patients with no permits, these are the lawyers who will defend for free those migrants forced by the new law to leave Italy.


Source: Calabria Ora

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