Burkina Faso: Italian undersecreatry Boniver is back – Farnesina

Margherita Boniver concluded her mission to the capital of Burkina Faso this morning.

During her stay in Ouagadougou, Minister Frattini’s Special Envoy for Humanitarian Emergencies met with President of the Parliamentary Assembly Foreign Minister, Bedouma Alain Yoda, and Head of State, Blaise Comaporé.

The Burkina Faso authorities reiterated their assurances of commitment and proactive collaboration on the liberation of Sergio Cicala and Burkina Faso citizen Philomene Kaborè.

Before returning to Italy, the Hon. Boniver also met with Mrs. Kaborè’s siblings, to whom she expressed her hopes for a timely conclusion to this painful situation.

Boniver will be meeting this evening with Minister Franco Frattini to report in detail on the results of her visit.

Source: Italian Foreign Office press service

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