NEW YORK, April 8, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

The Secretary-General condemns in the strongest terms today’s cold-blooded killing of two col…


NEW YORK, April 8, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The following Security Council press statement was issued by Council President U. Joy Ogwu ( Nigeria):

The members of the Security Council are outraged by the killing today of two UN person…


MALABO, Equatorial Guinea, April 8, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Senior officials and experts from ministries and agencies responsible for transportation from the African Union Member States and other stakeholders are meeting in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, in preparation for the Third Session of the African Union Conference of African Ministers of Transport (CAMT), scheduled for 10-11 April 2014, under the theme “Speeding-up Transport Program Delivery for Facilitating Africa’s Economic Growth”.

Addressing the opening Session, on behalf of Dr. Elham M. Ibrahim, AU Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy, Mr Aboubakari Baba-Moussa, Director For Infrastructure and Energy,highlighted Africa’s economic capacity, demonstrated in its implementation of strong economic growth in many countries, and the regional and continental infrastructure projects linking different part of Africa.

The Director acknowledged that the continent has the lowest rate of access to modern infrastructure of energies, ICT, water, sanitation and transport services, emphasising on the linkages between infrastructure and economic growth.

The Director said that Africa needs to address the challenges of modernization of infrastructure and transport services. In particular, the continent needs to deal with the major issues of innovative investments, participation of the private sector to develop financial instruments of mixing, strengthening institutional capacity, legislative and regulatory environment conducive to investment and coordinated regional and continental of the different parties involved in the transportation sector in synergy. (See the full speech of the Director on the AU website

Representing the host country, Mr. Francisco Mba Olo Bahamonde, Minister of Transportation Technology, Postal Services and Telecommunications of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, stressed in his remarks on the importance of the meeting for the success of the Conference of African Ministers, which should have certain critical attitudes in relation to the various problems of the transport sector of Africa’s regional and sub regional areas, to effectively contribute to solve and analyze them from various possible angles in order to get a comprehensive and full vision on the issue concerned.

The Minister added that the conference will “avail an opportunity to have a collective reflection that will enable to enrich the knowledge of the various phenomena of the African transport and the factors that influence them and that will lead us Africans to be more receptive to jointly and severally work for all our governments, public and private institutions and the people to achieve the best results in this sector, reaffirming the links and historical ties existing between them”. (See the full speech of the Minister on the AU website

CAMT Third Session aims to review the implementation of the various sub-sector plans of action, target specific outcomes, and identify constraints as well as new challenges to facilitate rapid implementation of transport development activities. It will provide strategic direction to the AU Commission and all stakeholders on the appropriate actions to take for a coherent development of the transport sector on the continent. Additionally, the conference will elect a new bureau to manage its activities during the period from 2014 to 2015.

Over three days, the African senior officials and experts will consider various reports on implementation of programs for road, air, maritime, railway transportation. The meeting will also consider the revised action plans, daft declaration, agenda, working program and the final communiqué of the Ministerial meeting.

The meeting is attended by African senior officials of ministries and agencies responsible for transport regulations in AU Member States, heads of regional and continental transport specialized institutions, AUC, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), RECs, African Development Bank (ADB), United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), stakeholders and others.

The senior officials will conclude their deliberations on 9th April and will report their conclusions and recommendations to the Ministerial meeting to be open on 10th April 2014.

Attack on UN Employees in Somalia

WASHINGTON, April 8, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Press Statement
Jen Psaki
Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
April 7, 2014

The United States strongly condemns the killing of two employees of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in Punt…

Africa: 20th Commemoration of the Rwandan Genocide

WASHINGTON, April 8, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
April 7, 2014

It is almost inexpressible to think that the world is now marking 20 years since the start of the Rwandan genoci…

MISCA remembers victims and survivors of Rwanda Genocide

BANGUI, Central African Republic, April 8, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Rwandan contingent in the African-led International Support Mission in the Central African Republic (MISCA), today, organized in Bangui a memorial service for the victims of the 1994 Rwanda Genocide against the Tutsis. The event was attended by the MISCA Head of Mission and Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Gen. Jean Marie Michel Mokoko, the MISCA Force Commander, Brig. Gen. Martin Tumenta, half a dozen members of the Transitional Government of the Central African Republic (CAR), including the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Toussaint Kongo Doudou, who represented the Prime Minister as Chair of the event. Under the theme “Remember, Unite, Renew,” the 20th anniversary service included a documentary on the Rwanda Genocide, video testimonies of survivors, the laying of a memorial wreath and a minute of silence in honor of the victims which was synchronized with the live-streamed main memorial service in Kigali.

Speaking on the occasion, the CAR Minister of Foreign Affairs challenged Central Africans and all of humanity to ensure that Genocide never happens again. The Minister added: “It is our responsibility as Central African citizens to build peace and learn the lessons of history, so that we do not repeat the mistakes and atrocities of the past. Rwanda inspires us in the Central African Republic to believe that we can overcome the challenges of the moment and rebuild our country.”

On his part, the MISCA Head of Mission commended the Rwandan Battalion for organizing the memorial service at this time in Bangui. He further stated: “This event is of high symbolic value universally, to MISCA and to the Rwandan Battalion. It is an opportunity for us all to stop and ponder human folly in the name of which many atrocities have been committed. Rwanda is an example of revival and renewal and the participation of Rwanda in MISCA is very important; it should inspire and encourage the Central African people to believe that reconstruction and revival are indeed possible.”

NUSOJ condemns closure of another critical newspaper in Somaliland

MOGADISHU, Somalia, April 8, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) has today expressed serious concern over the closure of yet another critical newspaper in Hargeisa by Somaliland authorities.

The shutdown order was today implemented by Somaliland police after it was issued by Marodi Jeeh Regional court in Hargeisa against the independent daily newspaper Haatuf which is yet another example of Somaliland’s determination to gag independent voices.

“While working in our office, several police officers led by commander Mohamed Mohamud entered who showed us letter from the court which was signed by judge Ahmed Ismail Dalmar. The court ordered the newspaper to be shut down after it insulted ministers and members of parliament,” said editor of Haatuf newspaper, Ahmed Ali Igeh, who rejected that they published any insult but factual reports.

According to Haatuf newspaper, some hundred police forces came to the headquarters of the newspapers and ordered journalists and media workers to vacate. Police currently occupies the premises of the newspaper.

“The closure of Haatuf newspaper is another black mark on freedom of the press in Somaliland. It is an attempt to silence the voice of dissent,” said Omar Faruk Osman, NUSOJ Secretary General. “With Hubaal newspaper still closed and police in their offices, this is a definite deterioration of press freedom,” said Omar Faruk Osman,

It is widely believed that the closure of the newspaper was caused by its coverage of activities by Somaliland ministers. Haatuf recently published critical reports over “alleged corruption” by Somaliland Minister of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources, Mr Hussein Abdi Duale. The newspaper also published reports concerning recent travel to Kenya by Somaliland Minister of Interior, Ali Mohamed Waran Ade.

NUSOJ demands Somaliland authorities to remove police from offices of both Haatuf and Hubaal newspapers, immediately stop judiciary harassment against these newspapers and allow journalists working for independent media to operate without fear of repercussion

Central African Republic: Cooperation dispatches humanitarian aid

ROME, Italy, April 7, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — A flight will be dispatched tomorrow from the Orio al Serio Airport (Bergamo) to the Central African Republic by the Italian Cooperation, carrying aid to the population severely affected by the crisis under way.

Responding to an appeal by Italian volunteer associations, the Directorate General for Development Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will cover the costs of a shipment of medical and food supplies valued at approximately 300,000 euro, collected by the “Maniverso” and “Amici per il Centroafrica” associations and the diocesan Caritas of Treviso. The goods will go to the “S. Pietro Celestino V” Hospital in Bimbo, a short distance from the capital city of Bangui. The flight was organised in collaboration with the UN logistics base in Brindisi (UNHRD).

This latest intervention falls within the broader framework of 2.5 million euro’s worth of initiatives the Italian Cooperation intends to carry out this year on behalf of the Central African Republic in the sectors of education, healthcare and the protection of internally displaced persons. An initial shipment was dispatched back in February 2014 in collaboration with the UNHRD base and the NGO Intersos.

FCO Press Release: Foreign Secretary condemns murder of UN staff in Somalia

LONDON, United-Kingdom, April 7, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Foreign Secretary condemns murder of two UN officials earlier today in Somalia.

The Foreign Secretary, William Hague, expressed his horror and outrage at the murder today of two UN officials, one British, at Galkayo Airport in Somalia.

The Foreign Secretary said:

“It is with deep regret that I can confirm the murder of a British national and a colleague today at Galkayo Airport in the Puntland region of Somalia. I condemn these brutal murders in the strongest terms and offer my deep condolences to both families.

“Both were working for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to help deliver a better future for Somalia. I urge the Somali authorities to urgently investigate these murders, so as to bring the perpetrators to justice.”

Statement by the IMF Mission at the Conclusion of its Visit to Rwanda

KIGALI, Rwanda, April 7, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission, led by Mr. Paulo Drummond, visited Kigali during March 25-April 6 to conduct the first review under the Policy Support Instrument (PSI). 1 The mission met with Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Amb. Claver Gatete, Governor of the National Bank of Rwanda Hon. John Rwangombwa, as well as with other senior government officials, development partners, and representatives of the business community and civil society. The mission wishes to thank the authorities for the constructive discussions, and expresses its appreciation for the kind hospitality provided during its visit.

At the conclusion of the mission to Kigali, Mr. Drummond issued the following statement:

“Rwanda’s economic growth slowed to 4.6 percent in 2013, reflecting weak agriculture as well as aid-related delays in the implementation of government financed projects. Meanwhile, inflation has been subdued, reflecting weak activity and low food and fuel import prices.

“Performance under the IMF-supported program remains satisfactory. Structural reforms advanced as planned, and the government is moving ahead with much-needed revenue mobilization efforts.

“For 2014, economic growth is projected at 6 percent, driven by a rebound in agriculture and a pick-up in the services sector. This will require firm execution of the government’s investment program. Inflation is expected to be about 5 percent at end-2014.

“The mission reached a preliminary agreement with the authorities on economic policies for the remainder of 2014 that are expected to support near term growth and strengthen resilience to shocks. In particular, the 2014/15 budget, to be presented to parliament in June, is in line with PSI objectives: it sustains efforts on revenue mobilization, adjusts current spending to available resources, minimizes domestic financing, and protects priority spending. On monetary policy, the National Bank of Rwanda plans to continue to pursue a prudent monetary stance. The agreed monetary program is consistent with keeping inflation low, preserves the level of foreign reserves, and allows for exchange rate flexibility.

“The IMF’s Executive Board is expected to consider the first PSI review in May 2014.”

1 The PSI is an instrument of the IMF designed for countries that do not need balance of payments financial support. The PSI helps countries design effective economic programs that, once approved by the IMF’s Executive Board, signal to donors, multilateral development banks, and markets the Fund’s endorsement of a member’s policies (see Details on Rwanda’s current PSI are available at