“Give us access to land, seeds and credit facilities” – African Farmers

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, April 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — “The voice of farmers need to be heard to leapfrog agricultural transformation in Africa,” says Director of Programme at the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, (NEPAD) Agency Mrs Estherine Lisinge-Fotabong.

Speaking at a consultation Forum with farmers’ organisations in Addis Ababa, on the side-lines of an Agriculture Ministers meeting, Mrs Fotabong said that NEPAD values the relationship and engagement with farmers and wants to ensure that there is space for them to contribute to policy making.

The meeting brought together, representatives from Civil Society Organisations as well as the Pan African and Regional Farmers Organisation (PAFO and RFOs) to ensure that farmers drive and are at the centre of Africa’s transformation agenda.

President of PAFO, Mr Bagna Djibo, said that despite the progress made in agricultural development in the next 10 years, there was need for inclusive and coherent governance so that stakeholders can participate in the formulation of policies.

NEPAD’s engagement with farmers and other stakeholders is through CAADP, the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme. It is an African-led plan to stimulate agricultural development by raising agricultural productivity. The Programme has in the last decade promoted policymakers to engage with an array of stakeholders such as farmers and producers to optimise growth, triggering wider impact stemming from sound agricultural policies.

Mary Afan, representative of the Smallholder Women Farmers Organisation of Nigeria (SWOFON) lamented the absence of base facilities. “I want to own land and improved seedling; I want access to credit facilities. But no support is forthcoming from government. What are the support systems available to me?” she asked.

Martin Bwalya, Head of CAADP at NEPAD said that the Programme is just as valid today as it was in 2003 when it was established, and that smallholder farmers are an engine for economic transformation ought to be supported to enable them become a source of wealth.

The Forum agreed that policy makers should take into account the challenges faced by small scale farmers, when making important decision on agriculture. Issues raised by farmers will be included in the final document of the Agriculture Ministers meeting on May 1.


ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, April 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Media representatives are kindly informed that the 23rd African Union Summit is scheduled to take place from 20 – 27 June 2014 in Malabo, Republic of Equatorial Guinea.

Venue: Sipopo Conference Center, Malabo

Theme: The theme of the Summit is: “Agriculture and Food Security in Africa”

Specific dates for the meetings of the different AU organs and decision-making bodies during the Summit will be as follows:

Friday 20 & Saturday 21 June 2014: 28th Ordinary Session of Permanent Representatives Committee (PRC)

Monday 23 &Tuesday 24 June 2014: 25th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council

Thursday 26 & Friday 27th June 2014: 23rd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union

More information with regard to media accreditation and coverage of the Summit is provided on the 23rd AU Summit web link: http://summits.au.int/en/23rdsummit

South Sudan on verge of catastrophe – Pillay

GENEVA, Switzerland, April 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Opening remarks by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay at a press conference in South Sudan, Juba, 30 April 2014

“Good morning and thank you for coming.

As you may be aware I visited South Sudan almost exactly two years ago, in early May 2012. The new state was less than a year old, and while there were many human rights issues to discuss, and problems that needed rectifying, there was still plenty of optimism.

It therefore greatly saddens me that this second visit is the result of a drastic deterioration in the situation with a full-blown internal conflict taking place accompanied by numerous grave human rights violations. After the horrendous mass killings in Bentiu and Bor two weeks ago, the Security Council requested my Office to undertake an investigation, and the Secretary-General subsequently requested me personally to come and talk to the country’s leaders. He also requested his Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide Adama Dieng to visit South Sudan at the same time.

The murder of hundreds of people, many of them civilians, in Bentiu, and the retaliatory assault on displaced people sheltering in the UN compound in Bor, which led to the death of at least 50 more men, women and children, have starkly underlined how close South Sudan is to calamity. Without the strong intervention of Indian peacekeepers, hundreds more might have been killed.

The deadly mix of recrimination, hate speech, and revenge killings that has developed relentlessly over the past four and a half months seems to be reaching boiling point, and I have been increasingly concerned that neither South Sudan’s political leaders nor the international community at large seem to perceive quite how dangerous the situation now is. Unfortunately virtually everything I have seen or heard on this mission has reinforced the view that the country’s leaders, instead of seizing their chance to steer their impoverished and war-battered young nation to stability and greater prosperity, have instead embarked on a personal power struggle that has brought their people to the verge of catastrophe.

Mr Dieng and I have conveyed the Secretary-General’s and our own concerns to President Salva Kiir, and five senior Ministers in his Government – namely Ministers of Cabinet Affairs, Defence, Justice, Finance and Foreign Affairs – here in Juba.

Yesterday, with the assistance of UNMISS we flew by helicopter to Nassir, where we held similar talks with the opposition leader Riek Machar. On the way, we visited the UN camp in Bor which was attacked by an armed mob on 17 April and listened to the concerns of some of the survivors and heard their descriptions of this brutal assault which appeared to have the sole aim of killing as many civilians in the camp as possible, on the basis of their ethnicity. We were unfortunately not able to visit Bentiu on this visit, but we discussed the attack there with Dr. Machar, since the mass killings in Bentiu were carried out by forces associated with the SPLA in Opposition which he leads. He assured us that he is carrying out his own investigation into what happened and that he will do his utmost to stop his forces from committing similar revenge attacks on civilians.

I welcome this commitment to investigate, as well as the investigations the Government says it is undertaking into the mass killings of civilians in Juba in mid-December which set off the escalation of ethnic-based revenge killings that have ensued over the four and a half months since then. But, if the people of South Sudan are to believe that there is accountability, these investigations must move swiftly beyond statements of intent to action: in other words arrests and prosecution after investigations conducted by an independent body, in a transparent process consistent with international standards and principles. This must be carried out quickly and the outcome must be published. Without accountability, there is nothing to deter others from committing similar summary executions and mass killings. Ordinary people – those who are most defenceless – and the civil society organizations and religious leaders whom I and my team met all speak of their great fear, and their despair at the situation their political leaders have inflicted on them.

The slaughter in Bentiu and Bor was simply the latest in a long list of similar tit-for-tat attacks in towns and villages in many parts of the country, which have increasingly involved armed Dinka and Nuer targeting each other’s civilian populations, as well as foreigners. Many such attacks have gone largely unnoticed or unreported at the international level, but have served to accentuate the spiral of hatred and violence within South Sudan itself, with the Bentiu and Bor killings setting off further shockwaves in various tense ethnically-mixed areas around the country, and in the diaspora.

The towns of Bentiu and Malakal, situated in the oil producing region near the border with Sudan, have changed hands at least six times each since fighting broke out in mid-December, and there have been dozens of other violent incidents across a vast swathe of territory spanning the north, north-east and south of the country. These, and an increasing number of examples of incitement to violence on the basis of ethnicity carried out by elements on all sides, should ring loud alarm bells and inject much greater urgency into the peace talks being carried out under the auspices of the regional East Africa bloc, the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in Addis Ababa.

It is essential that the South Sudanese people and the international community impress on the country’s political leaders that they must stop blindly dragging their people down the path of self-destruction. Mr Dieng and I have warned those same leaders that current and future investigations will inevitably examine the extent to which political and military leaders either knew, should have known, or failed to take all necessary and reasonable measures to prevent war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by themselves or by subordinates under their effective authority and control.

With the rainy season just starting, we also urged the leaders to show more concern both for the 1.2 million people displaced inside South Sudan, or in neighbouring countries, and the many other South Sudanese who are now in real danger of facing famine, because the conflict has meant that this planting season will almost certainly be missed with devastating results on the country’s food supplies. If famine does take hold later in the year – and the humanitarian agencies are deeply fearful that it will – responsibility for it will lie squarely with the country’s leaders who agreed to a cessation of hostilities in January and then failed to observe it themselves, while placing all the blame on each other.

I was appalled by the apparent lack of concern about the risk of famine displayed by both leaders, when I raised the issue. The reaction to a call for 30 days of tranquility to allow people to go home to plant – although it may already be too late for this with the rains starting – was luke-warm: both leaders said they would if the other did, then made it clear they did not trust the other’s words. The prospect of widespread hunger and malnutrition being inflicted on hundreds of thousands of their people, because of their personal failure to resolve their differences peacefully, did not appear to concern them very much.

If, in the very near future, there is no peace deal, no accountability, no space to rebuild trust and promote reconciliation, and insufficient funds to cope with a looming humanitarian disaster, I shudder to think where South Sudan is heading. After so many decades of conflict and economic neglect, the South Sudanese deserve better than this, especially from their own leaders – but also from the international community, which has been slow to act. To give just one example: in December, the Security Council agreed that the number of UNMSS peacekeepers should be increased from 7,700 to 13,200, but the contributing countries have still not supplied some two thirds of the extra desperately needed troops.

I also urge donor countries to respond quickly to the humanitarian agencies appeal for funds, as well as applying their full political weight to the peace effort. The UN estimates that there are already 4.9 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, and that number is likely to climb, and their needs are likely to become more acute, if the fighting and violence are not halted immediately, and the international community does not lend more support.

The list of alarming statistics is long. Here are a few more: UNMISS unquestionably saved thousands of lives, when it opened the gates of several of its compounds to people fleeing deadly attacks. Some 80,000 people are now sheltering in these compounds. UNICEF reports that more than 9,000 children have been recruited into armed forces by both sides. 32 schools have been taken over by military forces, and there have been more than 20 attacks on clinics and health centres. Many women and girls have been raped, often brutally and sometimes by several fighters. Others have been abducted. Children have also been killed during indiscriminate attacks on civilians by both sides.

How much worse does it have to get, before those who can bring this conflict to an end, especially President Kiir and Dr. Machar, decide to do so?”

Egyptian Ambassador summoned to the Federal Foreign Office

BERLIN, Germany, April 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — At the request of Foreign Minister Steinmeier, the Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt, his Excellency Mohamed Higazy, was summoned to the Federal Foreign Office today (29 April…

Garmin, the Global Leader in GPS Satellite Technology, is calling on business partners in West Africa

ACCRA, Ghana, April 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The CEO of Garmin Sub-Saharan Africa (http://www.garmin.co.za), invites you to meet with our trade delegation in Accra, Ghana from the 12th to the 16th of May 2014. The purpose of the trade delegation is to engage with prospective businesses partners in West Africa who have strong distribution and/or reselling capabilities and a proven track record of successfully furthering brands into their designated markets.

Logo: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/plog-content/images/apo/logos/garmin-logo.jpg

With global annual revenues of over U$2.5 billion and a presence in 54 territories around the globe, Garmin has sold over 100 million products sold worldwide, and have realised that it is important to have the right mix of channel partners, products and tools available in each territory to provide product support.

The extensive ranges of products serve many industries including Marine, Outdoor, Automotive, Sports and Wellness. Garmin’s products or tools are suited to developing economies where infrastructure requirements are extensive and mapping out of new boundaries, roads, waypoints are key to the countries expansion.

Sustainable farming and the information required to plot out a field, calculate the area for planting seedlings or determining the land gradient of your farm to select the most suitable pump are just some key uses of our products.

Marine Echo range of fishfinders make use of GPS and sonar technology to map and view fish under water which is a great aid in subsistence fishing. Garmin Outdoor watches are great for hiking, where the handheld devices track waypoints. With the expansion of cities and roads in Accra, Lagos, Yamoussoukro, Yaoundé, Libreville and Dakar, the Garmin Automotive products become a valuable tool in navigating the streets, finding petrol stations, hotels, restaurants, and shopping centres.

GPS technology is used in sport and Garmin’s range of Fitness watches track personal data such as time, speed, distance, calories, cadence and when paired with a Heart Rate Monitor, tracks your heart rate. These products are used by coaches worldwide to improve athlete performance and fitness. New to the market is Garmin’s range of rugged Action Cameras to record HD footage, Virb Elite comes with a built in GPS and can pair with a Heart Rate monitor to record Heart Rate, speed, distance and route. Another exciting sector is the health and wellness market where Garmin VivoFit wellness band tracks your steps and sleeping patters encouraging you to stay active.

In conjunction with PDSA Ghana, Garmin will be hosting discussions on West African business opportunities to resell, distribute and service our wide range of GPS products and solutions. To register for a meeting visit http://www.garmin.co.za/westafrica or email us directly on mike.clarke@garmin.com

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Garmin Southern Africa (PTY) Ltd.

Contact: Michelle Hohls

Tel: +27 11 251 9964

Email: michelle.hohls@garmin.com

For review units and additional information on new products, features, pricing and availability regarding Garmin Southern Africa’s (GSA) products and services please contact Michelle or visit www.garmin.co.za. For additional fresh info, what’s happening, fun events and pics to prove it, follow GSA on:




Garmin (http://www.garmin.co.za), the global leader in satellite navigation has been successful in creating navigation and communication devices which embrace lifestyle needs and enrich the lives of customers’ since 1989. The brands innovative products span various areas of interest, including automotive, marine, fitness, outdoor recreation, and aviation and wireless applications. Garmin Southern Africa (GSA) is a member of Garmin Ltd. (Nasdaq:GRMN). This group of companies has designed, manufactured, marketed and sold navigation, communication and information devices and applications – most of which are enabled by GPS technology. Contact GSA for unmatched direct services and support on (011) 251 9999 or visit the GSA headquarters in Honeydew, Johannesburg, in the Kimbuilt Industrial Park at number 9 Zeiss Road, Laser Park.

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This release includes forward-looking statements regarding Garmin Ltd. and its business. Such statements are based on management’s current expectations. The forward-looking events and circumstances discussed in this release may not occur and actual results could differ materially as a result of known and unknown risk factors and uncertainties affecting Garmin, including, but not limited to, the risk factors listed in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2011, filed by Garmin with the Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission file number 0-31983). A copy of such Form 10-K is available at www.garmin.com/aboutGarmin/invRelations/finReports.html. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and Garmin undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

Austrian Foreign Minister Kurz sharply criticises latest death sentences in Egypt / The principles of rule of law must be observed

VIENNA, Austria, April 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — A criminal court in the Egyptian city of Minya sentenced 683 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood to death, including their leader Mohammed Badie. In a separate trial, the judge conf…

Nigeria’s Finance Minister Okonjo-Iweala Honoured by Time Magazine in New York

NEW YORK, April 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister for the Economy of Nigeria, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (http://www.fmf.gov.ng) and a host of others who were last week named to the Time Magazine annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world have been honoured at a gala in New York

Photo 1: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/index.php?level=picture&id=1027 (L-R Halima Dangote, Chairman of Dangote Group Aliko Dangote, Minister of Finance of Nigeria, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and her husband Dr. Ikemba Iweala during the Time 100 Gala in New York where Okonjo-Iweala and Dangote were honoured after being named to the list of the Most Influential People in the World)

Photo 2: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/index.php?level=picture&id=1028 (Minister of Finance of Nigeria Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala at the Time 100 Gala in New York where she was honoured as one of the Most Influential People in the world)

Photo 3: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/index.php?level=picture&id=1029 (Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala being interviewed at the Time 100 Gala in New York where she was honoured as one of the Most Influential people in the world)

Logo: http://www.photos.apo-opa.com/plog-content/images/apo/logos/nigeria-1.png

The full list and related tributes appear in the May 5 issue of TIME.

The Minister was named in the “Leaders” category, which features Presidents and Prime Ministers such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Shinzo Abe of Japan, Xi Jinping of China, President Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Nerandra Modi of India and Iran’s Hassan Rouhani.

Described as the “Guardian of Nigeria’s Public Funds”, the Minister whose proflile was written by world acclaimed musician Bono was hailed for taking up “one of the toughest jobs on the planet.”

In her response, Okonjo-Iweala stated that “I am delighted and honoured to be included in this August list. I could not be happier that someone of Bono’s distinction, a lover of Africa wrote about me.

“I am grateful to God that two Nigerians were recognized this year. It is wonderful for Nigeria. I see that other Africans were also recognized. So, I think it is a measure of where our continent is heading despite all our challenges.”

The gala was organized by Time to honour those that were listed as the 100 Most Influential People in the World. It also had in attendance many other high profile personalities.

Now in its 11th year, the list recognizes the activism, innovation and achievement of the world’s most influential individuals.

As TIME has described the list in the past, “They’re scientists, they’re thinkers, they’re philosophers, they’re leaders, they’re icons, they’re artists, they’re visionaries. People who are using their ideas, their visions, their actions to transform the world and have an effect on a multitude of people.”

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Finance, Nigeria.

Media contact:

Constance Ikokwu

US response force praised by South Sudan ambassador following return to Djibouti

STUTTGART, Germany, April 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The East Africa Response Force (EARF) returned to Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, April 20 2014, following a four-month forward-deployment to secure U.S. Embassy-South Sudan.

The EARF, assigned to the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), flew into Juba, the capital, Dec. 18, 2013, following an outbreak of violence in South Sudan. The EARF had just transferred authority 96 hours previously, but upon notification, were able to assemble their gear and were ready to go within hours.

The group evacuated 700 U.S. and foreign national noncombatants, and was expected to be there two weeks, but their stay was extended because continued security was needed.

Ambassador Susan Page, U.S. Embassy-South Sudan, praised the unit’s efforts in a diplomatic cable sent to the State Department.

“The EARF’s consistent stance toward the U.S. mission’s leadership was ‘tell us what you need, and we will do it,’” Page stated. “They provided continuous 24/7 security to the two embassy compounds, allowing the embassy to remain open. By making continued embassy operations possible, the EARF facilitated U.S. government’s efforts toward humanitarian relief and ending South Sudan’s conflict.”

The EARF, made up of Soldiers from the 1st Combined Arms Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, accomplished the mission in two waves. Bravo Company sent the initial team to perform the evacuation of personnel and to establish parameter security.

A second team, led by U.S. Army Capt. Mark Vidotto, Headquarters Headquarters Company commander, replaced Bravo Company in mid-January, and continued security operations.

“We were there to provide security for U.S. personnel and the infrastructure of the embassy compound and provided added assistance as directed by the U.S. ambassador,” Vidotto said. “I feel like it was a successful mission. We were there for three months and constantly improved defensive posture positions.”

He said his Soldiers were always coming up with ideas to make things better.

They’re the second unit assigned to the EARF mission, part of a new initiative of Regionally Aligned Forces, which provides the commander of U.S. Africa Command an additional capability to respond to crises and contingencies within East Africa.

Although comprised primarily of Soldiers, the EARF functions as a joint response force, the U.S. Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy all provided personnel during the operation. The joint effort allowed CJTF-HOA to be effective in accomplishing its mission of ensuring peace and stability throughout the region.

Vidotto said the people from CJTF-HOA’s J6, communications directorate, played a huge role in providing access to non-classified internet protocol and secure internet protocol routers. This allowed his team to have reliable back-and-forth communication with CJTF-HOA leadership and J2, intelligence directorate.

Intelligence personnel on Camp Lemonnier were able to relay situations on the ground in South Sudan to Vidotto’s team that was protecting the embassy.

The job well done by members of the EARF was greatly appreciated by the 700 people who were evacuated.

“EARF service members were professional at all times,” Page stated. “The embassy community holds EARF team members in great respect, admiration and affection. We are deeply grateful to them for a job very well done.”

With the situation in Juba stabilized, the EARF was directed to redeploy to Camp Lemonnier and was replaced with a Marine Security Augmentation Detachment.

The capabilities the EARF provide are pivotal in the Horn of Africa region, and key to the CJTF-HOA mission to strengthen East African partner nation militaries by conducting crisis response and personnel recovery supporting U.S. military, diplomatic and civilian personnel throughout East Africa.


NEW YORK, April 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at the ceremony for handing over United Nations documents to the Central African Republic today:

I am honoured to be here. The United Nations is working hard to help the suffering people of the Central African Republic. The Security Council has authorized a new United Nations peacekeeping operation called MINUSCA. United Nations humanitarian staff are providing food, shelter and protection to thousands of people displaced by the fighting and violence. United Nations human rights officials are in the country to help its people.

I went to Bangui and saw how much people want peace. The United Nations will do everything possible to help them build a united future. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, H.E. Mr. Toussaint Kongo-Doudou, used to be a staff member here. He understands the great value of the United Nations. He asked the Department of Public Information (DPI) to replace documents — including copies of the United Nations Charter — that were lost or looted during the recent violence.

I thank the Dag Hammarskjöld Library and other colleagues in DPI for working quickly to honour this request. Mr. [Mesmin] Dembassa [Worogagoi] from the Permanent Mission of the Central African Republic, it is my pleasure to be able to give you these essential documents. They include DVDs containing records dating back to when the Central African Republic became a United Nations Member State in 1960, the originals of which you can see beside us.

The United Nations stands ready to provide as much aid and expertise as we can to the Central African Republic. Beyond that, the principles in these documents can help the country restore peace and contribute to our world.

Canada Welcomes Formation of New Government in Madagascar

OTTAWA, Canada, April 30, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Honourable Deepak Obhrai, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and for International Human Rights, today issued the following statement:

“Canada welcomes the formation of a new government in Madagascar and the progress made in following the road map for the restoration of democracy.

“This is a critical step toward the return to constitutional order and greater democratic governance grounded in the rule of law.

“Canada encourages the new government to seize the opportunity to promote national reconciliation, restore democratic governance and the rule of law, and create conditions favourable to the country’s economic development.”