"Change relations or go out of globalisation", Riccardi

“If we will not change our relations with Africa, we will not be part of globalisation”, Luca Riccardi, representative of Italian premier for Africa, said during the conference on Africa’s development in Taormina, Sicily.  “We have to understand – Riccardi added – that we’re in the middle of an anthropological change. It is true that […]

"Our rights have been deleted", Mrs Ortu

“Italy did not defend the rights of its own citizens“, Giovanna Ortu, president of Airl, Italian association of deported people from Libya, said today to Africanews.it during a telephone interview. Italians of Libya are angry, disappointed and they feel neglected by their own government. “Italy – Mrs Ortu added – has stepped over the rights […]

Libya: Frattini reply to Italian deported from Libya

“I have no reply to Mrs. Ortu nor to her incredible personal insults”, Italian minister for Foreign Affairs, Franco Frattini, said today in a press release published on the foreign ministry website (www.esteri.it). This reply comes after a protest carried out by Mrs. Giovanna Ortu in front of government building palazzo Chigi in Rome. This […]

La Reunion: international film festival

The “Festival international du film d’Afrique et des îles” will be hosted in La Reunion island, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, from tomorrow 4 of October until the 12. The event is dedicated to the best African movies and its diasporas.

Touadi will speak at a conference about human rights in Rome

The first Italian Mp with African origins, Jean Leonard Touadi, will take part in a conference about human rights manages by the “La Gabbianella Onlus” and Rita Levi-Montalcini foundation. Nobel Montalcini will be honour guest of the conference in Rome. After the presentation and the speech of Luciano Ardesi, national secretary of Lega per i […]

“Investors come to Africa” governor Fundanga

“Conferences like this one are a good opportunity to show Italians a little about Africa and about good opportunities both for Africans and Europeans”, Caleb Fundanga, governor of the Bank of Zambia said during the conference on Africa development in course in Taormina, Sicily. Below you can watch the video “Everybody is welcome”, Fundanga, Bank […]

Ethiopia: foreign minister Seyoum meets Italian counterpart Frattini

Italian foreign ministry secretary, Franco Frattini, has met in Rome the Ethiopian minister, Mesfin Seyoum. The meeting, just after a couple of weeks of the replacement of the Axum obelisque – for which the Ethiopian diplomacy thanked Italy during its intervention in the UN General assembly – represents a chance to stress how special the […]

Ghanian student beaten by Italian police in Parma (Italy)

A student from Ghana, Emmanuel Bonsu, 22 years old, has been beaten by Italian police in the north Italian city of Parma. It seems that he was mistaken for a drug dealer. The version of the student about what happened to him will be checked by the Carabinieri, the Italian police, after he made an […]

African geospatial industry focus on open source software

The FOSS4G conference opened yesterday in Cape Town, South Africa, by the title “Open Source Geospatial: An Option for Developing Nations”. Developing nations are very interested in this topic. Proving that open source software is a truly affordable solutions could lead to the development of a competitive geospatial industry for countries which could not afford […]

Egypt: Italian foreign ministry confirms liberation

The Italian foreign ministry, mr. Frattini, has confirmed the liberation of Italian hostages taken in Egypt last 19 of September with other tourists. The news has been published on the Italian foreign ministry website. From Belgrade, where the ministry is for a mission, Frattini said that the liberation “is the result of an international partnership […]