“In Africa you’ll not be treated like we are in Italy”

Emmanuel Appiah from Liberia, Adjli Amoako and Habib Sag from Ghana are three young Africans. They are wounded. They are victims of an unfair world. At this time, they survive working in the fields in Rosarno, near Reggio Calabria (southern Italy). Besides its face of hospitality and unparalleled humanity, the city of Rosarno also shows […]

Italy as the USA in the ‘50s

We receive and we publish a review by Roberto Malini: “Città dal cuore di metallo” (A city with an iron heart). This was sent via email to Africanews.it by poet and writer Hamid Barole Abdu. “Città dal cuore di metallo” is a short report of what is happening in Pesaro, Italy, between Italian institutions, citizens, […]


It’s over 60 years since the world ended its brutal war which saw horrible death and destruction in many parts of the world. It was only natural that in trying to heal the wounds resulted from the human failure, the world leaders wanted to demonstrate that they care, by putting on paper a fine proposal […]

Movies: "Kady, la belle vie"

Italian websites cinemafrica.org publish a reviews of film “Kady, la belle vie” directed by Claude Mouriéras. A film about immigration, France and life between Africa, Mali and Europe. What follows is a rough translation of the reviews.

South Africa: economy grows despite global crisis

“South Africa is still enjoying the longest period of economic upswing in our history, and this looks set to continue despite the global financial crisis”, as written on sagoodnews.co.za The South African economy is fairly well insulated against the global slowdown and should continue to grow as a result of an increase in Government spending. […]

Rosarno: where Africans works without living

We publish here a video (in Italian) that clearly shows how Africans work and “live” in tragic conditions in Rosarno, southern Italy.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dQ8m1AmY4g&feature=player_embedded Viaggio a Rosarno (RC) nell’inferno degli immigrati.

Rome will host a "cultural diversity" meeting

Next Thursday, Rome will host a meeting about cultural diversity.  “In altre parole: una giornata per la diversità culturale” (In other words: a day for cultural diversity) is the title of the conference sponsored by Regione Lazio and dedicated to the “Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions”. The day […]

Turin hosts debate about Dag Hammarskjöld's death

Next 22 December, the Italian city of Turin will host a debate about the death of Dag Hammarskjöld, Swedish diplomat and secretary-general of the United Nations. The debate will be held after the film “In volo verso la morte – La fine violenta di Dag Hammarskjöld“. The meeting will be in Cineteatro Baretti, TORINO, Monday […]

Zimbabwe: Mugabe belittle cholera

Whilst cholera is spreading all through Zimbabwe and beyond in South Africa, president Mugabe is in denial mode and he belittle this tragedy.

Zimbabwe: South Africa helps fighting cholera

As Zimbabwe is facing cholera, even nearby countries are engaged against this disease. One of these is South Africa. In a press release of its embassy in Italy, the country of Nelson Mandela recently took different steps to fight cholera. As a member of the South African Development Community (SADC), South Africa “is concerned about […]