"Africa's plan" for "shared development"

A plan to develop business relations with the Continent. It’s called the Africa Plan of the Italian ministry of Economic Development which will be inaugurated on 26 and 27 February with a visit of Undersecretary Adolfo Urso in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Angola.

Foreign companies in Italy are growing

The leaders in foreign business ownership in Italy are Moroccans, with a registered business every 13 residents. The last ones are from Philippines. Foreign firms are growing in Italy, with over 165 thousand immigrant entrepreneurs, as revealed by the report made by Ethnoland Foundation in partnership with the editors of the statistical Dossier Caritas / […]

Kenya: mobile phone text messages help democracy

Mobile phones text messages in Kenya are quite a good tool for the country’s democracy, one of the strongest in Africa. The Kenyan newspaper Daily Nation reports on its website, recalling “a global press freedom group”. As reported on the Daily Nation website, “the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) highlights the Kenyan media’s […]

Tanzania: it’s time for Sauti za Busara festival

One of the most “friendly” music festival in Zanzibar has started yesterday. It is called “Saut busara za” and it will last in the famous East African island until February 17. The Saut za busara music festival is an appointment defined by many as one of the most interesting festivals and events across the entire […]

Senegal: Frattini ends visit in Africa

Italian foreign secretary, Franco Frattini, has ended today his visit in Africa after meeting with journalists and visiting some Ngos partially funded by the Italian foreign ministry. In the last few days Frattini visited Angola, Nigeria, Sierra Leone e Senegal.

Burundi: imprisoned journalist runs for president

What we publish here is a short video showing journalist Alexis Sinduhije explaining what is happening between Africa-West relations and how is the situation in Burundi. As he says in the video, he is about to leave journalism to run for President of Burundi at the next 2010 elections. Alexis Sinduhije is a very famous […]

Santiago Zannou wins the Spanish Goya award

Director Santiago Zannou has recently won the Goya award in Madrid, according to the website cinemafrica.org.

Frattini starts visiting Africa

Italian foreign minister, Franco Frattini, has arrived today in Africa.  Until the 13th of February he will visit Angola, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Senegal. “Italy – as written in a press release by the Italian foreign minister – thinks that Africa is an important actor for the solution of global and regional problems. In this […]

Ethiopia asks for more Italian investments

The Ethiopian foreign minister visiting the Italian foreign ministry stressed the interest of his country to allow more Italian investments. This is what emerged from a meeting, held yesterday, between the foreign ministers of Ethiopia and Italy, Seyoum Mesfin and Franco Frattini.

Libya: Gaddafi and the 'United States of Africa'

The Libyan leader Gaddafi wants the unification process of Africa to be as fast as possible. Though not everyone of the African leader gathered recently in Addis Ababa, for the African Union summit, would agree with him about the speed of the process. Reporter Ewanfoh Obehi Peter review the situation and the political debate. Like […]