ICA conference starts in Rome

The conference of the Infrastructure consortium for Africa (ICA) has started in Rome today.  This is a meeting held as part of the G8 that this year is held by Italy. The main topic of the whole G8 is Africa and the development of the continent. The conference is attended by the Commissioner for Infrastructure […]

Sierra Leone: designer builds african fashion empire

We report here an article that has appeared on csmonitor.com about a fashion designer moving from New York to Sierra Leone to build a fashion empire, a project many people think is pure craziness. But up until now they’re proved somehow wrong. If she were still in New York or Paris – anywhere but here, […]

Black job, how about making it white?

Guardia di Finanza (the custom police) in Arzignano, Vicenza province identified 14 irregular workers after an intense control of factories and other work places, ‘in Città’, a local newspaper reported yesterday. According to the story, the irregular workers, originally from India, among whom four were illegal in Italy were strained to work from 10/12 hours […]

Namibia: Himba, the beautiful people

What we publish here is more of a photo show than a feature or a review. We believe these images show a beautiful part of Africa. Photographer Luka Esenko has been in Namibia not so long. He met there the Himba people, the “beautiful people”. See for yourself.

Burkina Faso: itinerant cinema tour ends

Today ends in Burkina Faso the “itinerant cinema tour” for the sensibilation of the people on Aids. The tour started last 7 February and throughout the days many activities took place in Burkina Faso: radio programs, movie shows and documentaries and more. More information on cinomade.org   Source: africultures.com

Lampedusa: Italian evangelicals write open letter

The Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy, Fcei, sent an open letter to the president of the republic, Napolitano, and to all major authorities of Italy. The evangelicals with other organisations are protesting against the choice of the government to let all immigrants arriving in Italy to stay on the island, regardless of their legal […]

China's march in Africa doesn't stop

Even though the chinese are being hit by the global economic downturn, they are still keeping on investing in Africa. Budapest Business Journal online reports. Chinese businessmen are taking a long-term view and pursuing strategic expansion in Africa even though China’s multiplying investments on the continent have lost some luster in the global downturn.

Tunisia: this is the fine art of Faouzi Maaouia

We receive and we publish this review of the Tunisian artist Faouzi Maaouia. Faouzi Maaouia is a remarkable painter and poet, who expresses his world through the symbolism of his canvases. Most of his paintings are accompanied by a poignant poem, whilst the canvases themselves are very strong – painted in vibrant colours; rich, warm […]

Leaving Africa is not easy

In a time when all Italians, and maybe Europeans too, seems to be enraged against all immigrant, we found on Flickr a photo that explains what does it mean to leave for west Africa. Here you can read the story of Solomon Audu.

Morocco: photo exhibition about Saint Exupéry

It will last until the 13th of March the photo exhibition about Saint Exupéry. The event will take place in the French Institut of Casablanca and it started last 13th of February. For more informations: French embassy in Morocco