Goukouni returns to Chad with hope

“I have decided to come back definitively to Chad to be of use to my country,” the former Chad president told APF. His decision to return to his country after nearly a quarter of century in exile, he said, was based on two main reasons. Chad has changed from the way it used to be […]

OIL: "We're number one in Africa" – Scaroni (ENI)

”We are the number one in Africa as energy producers, we are the first in Egypt, Tunisia, Congo and we have a major presence in Nigeria, Mozambique and Angola”, Paolo Scaroni, CEO of Italian oil company Eni, said during a meeting in Cortina d’Ampezzo in the north of Italy.

Africans are promoting peace in Italy

Kenyans in Salento and Nafsi Afrika Acrobats are promoting the Peace Vision Tour in Italy to celebrate cultural diversity “for a common future”. What follows is their press release. As our societies become increasingly multicultural, we need alternative visions of what it means to co-exist, interact, and learn from/in the community. Recently the European society […]

Nigeria: Nigerian cops sweep up bodies

We republish below the report from Bauchi in northern Nigeria about the clashes with Islamists extremists. The report by AFP has been published on news24.com. Bauchi – Police in Nigeria are picking up bodies of slain militants from the streets of the capital Borno where a curfew has been imposed by the presidency.

TED conference: Kamkwamba builds wind generator

The speech made in July by US president Barack Obama in Accra, Ghana, stressed that Africa must take charge of its own destiny. During the latest TED Global conference held in Oxford (UK) from 21 to 24 of July, the fantasy and the skills of Africans people came out.

Sudan: "worst than Darfur” – Internazionale

The Italian weekly Internazionale has published this week a report from the Observer. “Peggio del Darfur” (Worst than Darfur) is the title of the Italian translation of the report published this week. The feature by TRACY McVEIGH, analyse the situation in the southern and easter regions of Sudan and explains how comes that it is […]

Niger: president Tandja calls for general elections

Niger’s president, Mamadou Tandja, has made a decree calling for general elections on October the 20, 2009 to renew the parliament. French news agency Agence France-Presse reports quoting Niger’s state radio station.

Nhka Africa not yet ready for WARC

JOHANNESBURG – The Dutch Reformed Church of Africa (Nhka) is not yet ready to be readmitted into the World Alliance of Reformed Chruches (WARC). This is the conclusion reached last May 23 by the Executive Board after having heard the report of a committee. The Nhka had been expelled in 1982 by the communion of […]

DR Congo: 10 people dead in diamond mine accident

At least 10 miners died in the collapse of a mine of diamonds in the center of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the Italian news agency Ansa reports. Local sources explain that the victims are all miners who extracted for the company Miba and they could be more than 10, the same Italian press […]

Barack Obama: the realisation of M.L.King’s dream?

The election of Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States of America has raised in the world am immense hope and a great emotion. The arrival of a black man to the White House is the highest tribute to Martin Luther King. Forty years earlier, the leader of the civil rights movement made […]