Somalia: leader defends peacekeepers’ killings

A radical Islamist leader in Somalia said Sunday that a suicide attack that killed 21 African Union peacekeepers was the right thing to do. Mr Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys said Thursday’s attack was meant to defend Islam. “The Islamic religion permits such kinds of attacks if they are against known enemies and in the defence […]

Africa and climate change: the imported disaster

Italian website has published an interesting interview to Robert Molteno of SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies, about how climate change will affect mostly Africa and why it will be so.


Standing 36cm tall, weighing 6kg and made of solid gold, the original World Cup trophy is the most coveted trophy in the world. So precious and priceless is this piece of metal that only state presidents and world cup winners can touch it. But with every rule there are exceptions – and former president Nelson […]

South Africa:security alert for US embassies – AGI

Italian news agency AGI report about the order to close all US official representations in South Africa given by the security office in southern Africa. What follow is a rough translation from the Italian text.

The U.S. and Africa: great expectations

Suggested by Clive Tasker THE U.S. AND AFRICA – GREAT EXPECTATIONS by the IHS – Global Insight From: “IHS – Global Insight in Focus”, September 2009. Reproduced by The European House-Ambrosetti for the Forum “Developing Africa: an opportunity for Europe, Italy and Sicily“, Taormina, October 1 and 2, 2009

South Africa: Zuma cracks down on ANC conspirators

President Zuma revealed on on Monday that the ANC national executive committee had decided at the weekend to “develop a code of conduct on lobbying” as a way of stopping the currently raging succession battle, which he described as “premature” and “opportunistic”. “The promotion of a succession debate so prematurely is a mischievous diversion that […]

North Africa: Arab bank partnership

“Thanks to the agreement, SACE will use the International Bank to issue bonds to competitive market conditions in 15 countries where the bank operates through its subsidiaries”, Italian website Milano Finanza ( reports. SACE has finalized a partnership agreement with Europe Arab Bank to support the business of Italian firms in the Middle East and […]

America-Africa: summit to boost cooperation – TerraViva

This Saturday and Sunday 26 and 27 September 2009 leaders from Africa and South America will meet in “Isla Margarita, Venezuela, to boost cooperation in a score of areas with potential for greater bi-regional exchange”, IPS TerraViva reports. Africa “has linked up as a region and has sought cooperation collectively, mostly with the European Union, […]

Chief Anthony Enahoro and the Nigerian Nation

Chief Enahoro is one of the leaders of the Mega Summit Movement, organiser of the forth coming national summit on democracy, 1st of October in Abuja. Nelson Mandela and JJ Rawlings are among the attendants. The aim is to merge several political parties in the country, to create a sizeable rival to the ruling People […]

South Africa: Zuma and the new military commission

President Jacob Zuma has departed from his tough stance on soldiers belonging to unions, saying they “must belong to some association”. President Zuma drew laughter and applause from the more than 4 000 delegates at COSATU’S 10th congress, which started On Monday when he said he was afraid unionised soldiers, would try to strike in […]