Rome: tribute to Miriam Makeba

From today, Wednesday 10 March until saturday 13 march, Italy will pay tribute to Miriam Makeba with celebrations and a big concert to be held in Rome. Today at 11.30 in via Palestro, Unicef headquarters, will be held a press conference for the Italian tribute to the Southafrican singer. Later in the day there will […]

Mothlanthe tertiary education key for success

A nation’s success largely relies on competent tertiary education institutions, Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe said on Tuesday. “Any nation is largely reliant upon how effective its tertiary education institutions are in producing a skilled, professional, creative and innovative labour force and society in general,” Motlanthe said at his inauguration as Chancellor of the University of […]

Nigeria clashes: the interview of Democracy Now

Charges traded over Nigeria clashes – AlJazeera

Last Word: Caught in the Act

This play by Kenyan poet, writer and activist, Shailja Patel, was originally printed in The Africa Report’s February-March 2010 edition

Togo: opposition rejects results

Togo’s main opposition party is rejecting results announced by the electoral commission that indicate the country’s president has won re-election. The opposition says it will challenge those results when they are transmitted to Togo’s constitutional court within the next week. Kofi Yamgnane is the spokesman for the Republican Front for Change, which backs Fabre. He […]

Nigeria: death toll rises to 500 –

According to the death toll in Nigeria’s clashes in Jos rises to 500. Initially authorities estimated 100 victims. Also the South African website writes about the 500 people killed Sunday “in communal clashes near Nigeria’s central city of Jos, says a state governor’s advisor, revising a previous toll of about 100 dead”. “We […]

Malodi, young artist from Kinshasa

We found this picture from the blog. It’s a painting from young artist of DRC Académie des Beaux Arts. It represents the city of Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republich of Congo, in every detail with cars, people, squares, monuments, and so on.

Nigeria: 200 deaths in Jos. Security on red alert

At least 100 people were killed near the Nigerian city of Jos, the scene of recent sectarian violence which left hundreds dead, a government official and witnesses said Sunday. “There has been an attack on Dogo Nahawa. Over a hundred people have been killed — most of them women and children,” a government official who […]

Too few black and women Directors – BUSA

Blacks and women continue to be grossly under-represented in all directorships and top executive leadership positions in companies listed on the JSE.  This is according to a survey by Business Unity SA (Busa) conducted on the demographic and age profile of the top management echelons of all 295 listed companies, which was conducted between April […]