Ivorians in Italy comment the elections on tv

This two videos are about the comments by some Ivorian citizens on TG Multietnico on Italian satellite channel RTB. The video is in French.

Eritreans in Sinai: a call from Italian NGOs

We receive via email and publish this call about the Eritreans citizens captured in Sinai, Egypt.

EU introduces new tool for media professionals

Video from Bruxelles about the presentation of the new audiovisual unit of the European Union available online to journalists wordlwide. Media professionals will now be able not only to download photos and videos about the EU activity but also upload material. Every news item is copyleft, which means it can be used and shared many […]

Interview with Jeanne Mercier of AfriqueInVisu

Interview with Jeanne Mercier about her platform sponsoring African photographers and specialists interested on Africa.


Hundreds of refugees from the Horn of Africa have been held for months on the outskirts of a town in Sinai in purpose-built containers, where people traffickers are demanding payment of up to US$8,000 per person for their release, though the hostages had already paid US$2,000 for passage to Israel.

Ken and Sankara: Africa should demonstrate its Innocence

This is the last extract from the research, “UNDERDEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA: My Hands Are Clean”, as it relates to the role of local Africans in sustaining their own underdevelopments. The next extract to be (this) released at the public domain, though might have a different bearing on this argument is for the purpose of balancing […]

Nollywood, Example Of Feasible Local Initiatives And Self-Reliability Among Africans

This is an extract from the research, “UNDERDEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA: My Hands Are Clean”. Except for the footnotes and the images, this extract (Nollywood Film Industry (Nigeria) As An Example Of Feasible Local Initiatives And Self-Reliability Among Africans) is exactly the way it was presented in the research, (page 200). A sub-heading under the discussion: […]

Tunisia to take part in Shanghai 2010 World Expo

Tunisia will participate in the Shanghai 2010 World Expo, to be held next May 1-October 31, 2010 in China, under the theme “Better City, Better Life.” This major global event, held every 5 years, will bring together more than 192 countries and international organizations over a 5-square-kilometre area. This exhibition has cultural, social, tourism and […]

Ivory Coast rapper Henzo et Malinke – interview

Comment et quand vous etes nés comme artistes? il faut dire que nous n’avions pas fais de fixation depuis l’enfance concernant la pratique de l’art comme unmétier pour l’avenir ou un objectif professionnel a atteindre,c’est en grandissant que chacun d’entre nous s’est découvert des talents et a chercher a les développer.déja nous n’avons pas grandi […]

Tunisia: The future is solar!

It’s probably the energy project of the century. The Desertec project is currently mobilizing multinational companies, engineers, policy makers, financial market and banks. It’s about plants due to be built around and in the Sahara to produce, store and transfer energy to Europe. One of the major stakeholders of the  projects, Bernd Utz, director of […]