Italy: The European Paradise and the Dilemma of African Migrants

This is the feature of Nigerian reporter Ewanfoh Obehi Peter about the situation of migrants in Italy and Europe.

Artist Issa BAGAYOGO wins Afro Pepites Show

Artist Issa BAGAYOGO wins Afro Pepites Show. This is the press release of the organisation.

Oil and Governance-London, 2nd February

The Gulf of Guinea supplies fifteen per cent of America’s oil and has recently experienced an immense inflow of investment. But why are American, European, and Asian oil companies enthusiastically committing tens of billions of dollars of long-term investment to the Gulf of Guinea’s failing states, which are characterized by ruthless elites, recurrent warfare, and some of the world’s most detrimental development practices?

Dady DASTY wins Afro Pepites Show

Music artist Dady Dasty has won the second edition of the Afro Pepites Show.

Petition against "Corrective rape"

“Corrective Rape” is a term used to describe when a man rapes a lesbian with the aim of ‘turning’ her heterosexual.

Book: “Living and Dying for Cocoa in West Africa”

Book presentation in London by the Royal African Society of “Chocolate Nations: Living and Dying for Cocoa in West Africa”.

Book-Fela’s Legacy: Still Suffering and Smiling?

Book launch in London of “Fela’s Legacy: Still Suffering and Smiling?”.

Ivory Coast: interview with Laurent Gbagbo

In this video former president and presidential candidate in Ivory Coast, Laurent Gbagbo, calls for a recount of votes.


Following a meeting with President Jacob Zuma, FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter presented the 2010 FIFA World Cup Legacy Trust at Soccer City in Johannesburg.

Book on Zimbabwe launched in London the 14 january

Book Launch – Zimbabwe’s Land Reform: Myths and Realities.