Mubarak said he will step down at next election

Mubarak promised that he will step down before next election and that he will call for major reforms to be made with parliament, but the people aren’t happy because they want him out of power now.

“Women and girls beside boys” in Egypt-El Saadawi has just interviewed Nawal El Saadawi, political prisoner and exiled from Egypt for years. “Women and girls are, beside the boys, are in the streets,” El Saadawi says.

Dame COUNDOUL wins Afro Pepites for sculptors

Media release about the winner of the Afro Pepites for the African sculptors award.

Egypt: 31 killed in Alexandria

Egypt: At least 31 killed in protests in Alexandria.

Egypt: tanks in Maadi

Report from Daily News Egypt

Egypt: people fill Tharir

Tweet from Egyptian journalist Sharif Kouddous about what’s going on in Egypt.

Egypt: Mubarak names a vicepresident for 1st time

Mubarak has appointed a vicepresident. This is the first time since 1981 when he took power.


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Egypt: protesters renew call for Mubarak to resign

DemocracyNow has just published an audio report from Cairo where, reportedly, protesters are asking president Mubarak to resign.

Egypt: Mubarak announce fall of government

In this video report by AP, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak announce the resignation of his government. It is not clear whether and when there will be a new government and new elections.