ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, May 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The African Union Commission (AUC) today, Sunday 25 May, 2014 celebrated Africa Day. The ceremony, held at the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa, included a variety of activities marking the year-long closing events of the 50th OAU/AU anniversary. Events included sports tournaments, a marathon dubbed the ‘Great Run Africa”; the 10th Anniversary of the Peace and Security Council of the AU; the “Africa Re-imagination Creative Hub (ARCH) exhibition; and an AU Staff buffet luncheon consisting of different African foods whhich was open to all members of the public who came in their numbers to witness the Africa Day celebrations.

Today’s celebrations were chaired by Mr. Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of the AU Commission in the presence of some AU Commissioners, AU Member States’ Ambassadors and AU staff among other invited guests.

A prize awards ceremony for the winning teams in the different sports activities as well as a ground breaking ceremony for the 50th Anniversary monument were top on the agenda of today’s’ events.

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