AU project 2016: musical concert with the Nile project at the African Union amphitheatre


What:                         The African Union Commission (AUC) is organising a musical concert to introduce the AU Project 2016

Theme:                      “2016: African Year of Human Rights with a particular focus on the Rights of Women- Human Rights and Culture Combined”

When:                        Wednesday 24th February 2016

Time:                          17:00hrs-20:00hrs

Where:                       The AU Amphitheatre (Behind the Multi-purpose Hall), African Union Headquarters, New Conference Building, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Who:                          The Department of Political Affairs of the African Union Commission (AUC) and the Directorate of Information and Communication (DIC) in collaboration with “The Nile Project” Musical Band.

Participants:           AU Project 2016, African Union Staff, Representatives from AU Member States  based in Addis Ababa and their Families,  Embassies Accredited to the African Union, United Nations Agencies and Partners.

Background:              The year 2016 was declared by the African Union Policy Organs as the “African Year of Human Rights with Particular Focus on the Rights of Women”. Project 2016 was initiated to serve as a flagship project that will guide the celebration of the theme of the year. It entails all the activities earmarked for this celebration. The activities are a collective responsibility of all African Union Organs and Institutions with a mandate on Human Rights.

As part of its popularization strategy, the Commission through its Department of Political Affairs (DPA)  and the Directorate of Information and Communication (DIC) intends to introduce Project 2016 to all its staff, staff of the United Nations Agencies in Addis Ababa,  staff of all Embassies of the African Union Member States in Ethiopia and staff of other Embassies accredited to the African Union, and partners through a musical concert. The musical band that will be performing is called “The Nile Project”, a Music Collective comprised of 33 musicians from 10 Nile Basin countries. It has held three musical residencies resulting in the widely acclaimed album “Aswan” and the soon to be released album “Jinja;” directly engaged 60,000 people in five Nile Basin countries and across the United States through 75 concerts; held 120 Nile-themed workshops at 40 universities for over 10,000 students; and received widespread local and international press coverage through more than 150 articles.”.

Journalists are invited to cover this merger of culture and human rights through the musical concert on Wednesday the 24th February 2016.


Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of African Union Commission (AUC).

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Source: Apo-Opa

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