AU and partners conclude a joint SSR assessment of the Central African Republic

BANGUI, Central African Republic, May 26, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The African Union (AU) and partners have concluded a one (1) week assessment of the security sector in the Central African Republic (CAR). The assessment mission was led by the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the AU Commission in the CAR, General Jean-Marie Michel Mokoko, and comprised of security sector reform (SSR) experts from the AU, United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and the African Security Sector Network (ASSN). The purpose of the assessment mission was to gather technical information that will enable the partners to identify the appropriate support for SSR activities during the transition period, including the link with Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR), and to make recommendations to the CAR political leadership.

The joint assessment mission held consultations with a number of Ministers of the Transitional Government, leaders of National Assembly Commissions, practitioners in the justice, defense, security and correction sectors, representatives of the CAR civil society, private security companies, the media and other national stakeholders. The mission also consulted with representatives of the international community active in the security sector in the CAR, including the African-led International Support Mission in the CAR (MISCA), the United Nations Mission in Central Africa (MINUSCA) and various other UN agencies, the EU mission in Bangui, representatives of the EU Operation in the CAR (EuFor), ECCAS officials, the French Embassy and representatives of Operation Sangaris. The mission also visited a Gendarmerie Brigade, the Central Prison of Bangui, and a police station being rehabilitated.

The assessment mission ended on the 24 May 2014 with a workshop of the various stakeholders to consult on the way forward in order to revive the stalled SSR program in the CAR. The workshop was opened by Madam Lea Koyassoum-Doumta, Vice President of the CAR’s National Transitional Council. Participants had an open and frank discussion on the challenges of SSR in the CAR, and came up with a number of recommendations on the way forward.

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