Annual French Teaching Committee for military cooperation Accra, February 19th, 2016

On Friday, February 19th, the annual meeting of the French Teaching Committee for military cooperation took place at the Alliance Française in Accra.

This teaching project, created in 2003 by the military cooperation of the Embassy of France to Ghana with the Education Department of the Ghanaian Army, allows officers to learn French in order to lead military operations in francophone countries. To date, six French language centers offer French lessons, with experienced Ghanaian teachers who were partially trained in France.

The annual French Teaching Committee meeting’s objectives were to report back the results of the year 2015 and then to propose new goals for 2016. During the year 2015, 103 students attended French lessons. Most of them passed a specific French language exam in order to obtain the “DELF” (Diploma in French language studies). Within this framework, the military cooperation plays a role of pedagogical and material support.

During the meeting, the French language center that delivered the best results in 2015 received the diploma of “best center 2015”: it is the Burma Camp French language center. Indeed, with the help of teachers, the center succeeded in registering 25 students to the “DELF” exam and performed the highest success rate to the exam with 96%.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of Embassy of France to Ghana.

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Source: Apo-Opa

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