A media briefing following the ANC’s lekgotla will take place on Monday morning in Johannesburg, a spokesperson said.

The four-day conference to discuss the government’s programme for the year ahead would conclude on Sunday, a day earlier than expected, Ishmael Mnisi said.

The lekgotla is held annually to develop a programme from the January 8 statement which President Jacob Zuma delivered at the ANC’s 98th anniversary in Kimberley last Saturday.

Only members of the ANC’s national executive committee (NEC) met, while on Saturday non-NEC members also attended.

These included Cabinet Ministers, Directors-General, Premiers and Mayors.

Issues reportedly discussed included disunity in the alliance between the ANC, Congress of SA Trade Unions and the SA Communist Party. Other issues included poor service delivery at municipal level.

The lekgotla’s findings would be taken forward to a cabinet lekgotla and direct the President’s State of the Nation address on 11 February.

Source:, 20100117

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