AMISOM, Somali National Army capture the sixth town from Al-Shabaab

MOGADISHU, Somalia, March 14, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Somali National Army (SNA) backed by African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) troops this evening captured an Al-Shabaab stronghold, Buula Burde town in Hiraan region, bringing to six the number of towns liberated from Al- Qaeda –linked terrorists in the past two weeks, a top African Union official has said.

The African Union Special Representative for Somalia and Head of AMISOM, Ambassador Mahamat Saleh Annadif, said the capture of Buula Burde town was a major victory for the SNA and AMISOM forces and a boost for the peace restoration process in Somalia.

The joint operations between the Somali National Army and AMISOM which began this month have so far liberated the top 5 cities in the Bay and Bakool regions in Sector 3, namely Hudur, Rabdhure,Ted, Weel dheyn and Burdhubow.

“Buule Burde in Hiraan region in Sector 4 was a strategic town for the Al-Shabaab. It was their supply nerve centre and home to hundreds of the Al-Qaeda linked terrorists. The capture of this town by our heroic forces provides a major boost to our efforts to bring peace and stability to Somalia,” Ambassador Annadif said.

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