African Union Commissioner urges Africa’s Infrastructure Advisory Group to identify new infrastructure projects up to 2030

As the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa holds its first ever PIDA week, the second meeting of the Infrastructure Advisory Group was held at the African Development Bank (AfDB) Headquarters in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire on 13th November.

The AUC Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy Dr Elham Ibrahim, the CEO of the NEPDAD Agency Dr Ibrahim Mayaki, the African Union Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture Mrs Rhoda Peace Tumusiime, and Director of Regional Integration and Trade Department at the African Development Bank (AfDB) Ms Moono Mupotola attended the meeting. In addition representatives from Regional Economic Communities, the European Union, German Technical Cooperation, the Development Bank of Southern Africa, and power pools attended the meeting.

[Description: IMG_8324] The meeting received a report from the PIDA Steering Committee on the implementation status of the PIDA Action Plan and challenges, and adopted recommendations under the chairing of H.E. Dr. Elham Mahmoud Ahmed Ibrahim, AUC Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy.

In her welcome remarks, Dr Elham Mahmoud Ibrahim recalled the functions of the IAG as to provide advice on the following infrastructure development aspects: Technical and economical relevance on infrastructures policies; Alignment of programmes to African priorities; Fund mobilization strategies; Lobbying and advocacy.

She also reminded IAG members that 2016 being the mid-point of implementation of the PIDA Priority Action Program (PIDA PAP), it would be an opportune time to review the priority projects for the remaining 4 years and to begin identifying new priority projects for the period to 2030. She mentioned that the review exercise will be a good opportunity to (i) Revise the PIDA- PAP by selecting new priority projects to replace projects already implemented; and (ii) Propose new priority projects to be implemented by 2030 in alignment with African priorities such as those from RECs, as well as linking PIDA with Agenda 2063.

In his remarks Dr. Mayaki highlighted the NEPAD Agency’s work in following through on the recommendations of the Dakar Financing Summit including the establishment of the PIDA Service Delivery Mechanism (SDM), the launch of the Continental Business Network (CBN) and the roundtable on Project Preparation Facilities (PPFs). He stated that the need to accelerate infrastructure development was underscored by Agenda 2063, specifically its first 10-year implementation plan and the need to ensure that Africa maintained a path of stable economic growth. He emphasized that industrialization was key to the success of Agenda 2063 and the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and that the focus for Africa should be on inclusive growth and job creation for Africa’s emerging young population. As such it is important for Africa to situate infrastructure development in the context of industrialization and the stability of the continent.

Speaking on behalf of the Vice President responsible for Infrastructure, Regional Integration and Private Sector, Mr Solomon Asamoah, Mrs. Mupotola reiterated the AfDB’s commitment to supporting infrastructure development and recalled that the Bank’s activities were guided by President Akinwumi Adesina’s high-five priorities for Africa: light up and power Africa, feed Africa, integrate Africa, industrialise Africa and improve quality of life for the people of Africa.

PIDA as a continental initiative aims at addressing the infrastructure deficit that severely hampers Africa’s competitiveness in the world market. It provides a common framework for African stakeholders to build the infrastructure necessary to create new jobs for the growing population, to increase intra-African trade and thus to boost socio-economic development on the continent.

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