African Roots in southern Italy


The third edition of Festival Roots will be held in Reggio Calabria, Italy, from the 18th until the 20th of July.

The event is managed by the Italian association Bao Bab who had invited very famous South African artists: Freshly Ground, Sam Tshabalala and Simphiwe Dana

Person Sam Tshabalala
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Friday the 18th of July the show will start with Freshly Ground, Saturday night the 19th will be the turn of  Sam Tshabalala and Sunday the 20th Simphiwe Dana who will close the festival.

“We chose these internationally famous artists from South Africa because this choice was in line with the theme of apartheid of the panafrican association Bao Bab for 2008”, Paolo Mandaglio, manager of the event, said.



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