African business agenda: 8-11 august

Monday August 8

    • Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe delivers annual Hero’s Day address. Mugabe likely to comment on the push to force mining companies to relinquish majority stakes to locals by September.

    • Mozambique CPI for July. Consumer inflation slowed to 10.0 percent year-on-year in June (Expected during week) 

Tuesday August 9

    • Public holiday in South Africa 

Wednesday August 10

    • Ghana CPI for July. Inflation registered a surprise fall to 8.59 percent in June.
    • South African Reserve Bank briefs parliament’s Standing Committee on Finance on its June 2011 quarterly bulletin and annual economic report.
    • South Africa’s business confidence index for June. The BCI rose by one index point to 86.8 points in June from 85.8 in May. (0930 GMT)

Thursday August 11

    • South Africa Manufacturing data for June. Growth in factory output quickened to 0.6 percent year-on-year in May (1100 GMT)
    • South Africa’s Standard Bank, Africa’s biggest bank, first half earnings. Results are likely to be weaker than South Africa’s other big three banks, but an improvement from the low of the previous six months.

Source: Reuters Africa newsletter

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