Africa: Update on the Western Cape water situation

Department of Water and Sanitation, Republic of South Africa
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The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) welcomes the much needed rains which fell in Western Cape Catchments over the last week. “We are even encouraged with the snowfall which has a potential to translate to high run off, thus further recharging the dam levels,” says Mr. Sputnik Ratau from the Department of Water and Sanitation(DWS).

The dam levels assessment report as at this morning, 10 September, suggests that the dam levels of the Western Cape Water Supply System(WCWSS) have reached 68,90%. This is a notable increase increase from last week when it was at 65,96%. Ratau further says water restrictions imposed by the National Government will remain in place and only be reviewed once the average Western Cape provincial dam level reaches 85%. This is to safeguard the available resource particularly at this point when the winter rainy season is coming to an end. Meanwhile, DWS is urging all water users to continue to save water and use water sparingly during the Spring and Summer seasons. “We therefore urge parents in particular to educate the young ones about water conservation, as they are oblivious to the water challenges the province is facing”, says Ratau. “Water is Life, Sanitation is Dignity” 

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Department of Water and Sanitation, Republic of South Africa.
Source: Apo-Opa

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