Cameroon President Meets with Chinese State Councilor Liu Yandong



Cameroon President Meets with Chinese State Councilor Liu Yandong


BEIJING, China, December 7, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — On December 5, 2011, Cameroon President Paul Biya met with visiting Chinese State Councilor Liu Yandong in Yaounde.


Liu first conveyed the cordial greetings and good wishes from President Hu Jintao and congratulated Biya on his reelection. She said since the establishment of diplomatic relations 40 years ago, China and Cameroon have enjoyed sincere friendship, extending mutual support, conducting cooperation and promoting common development. Friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries have withstood the test of time and international vicissitudes. The two countries are good friends, good partners and good brothers and their friendship is deeply rooted in the hearts of the two peoples.


Liu said Cameroon enjoys political stability, economic growth and improvement of people’s life and has made contributions to the regional peace, stability and development. China is happy to see the achievements by Cameroon in various areas and would like to work together with Cameroon in a direction set by the leaders of the two countries to further deepen political trust, expand economic and trade cooperation and increase people-to-people contacts and cultural exchanges for a lasting friendship between the two nations.


Liu also made positive comments on the development of China-Africa traditional relations and noted that as the international system is undergoing great changes and adjustments, it is more important for China and Africa to enhance cooperation and jointly meet challenges. She said China would like to work together with African nations including Cameroon to implement the agreement reached at the 4th ministerial conference of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum and prepare the fifth ministerial meeting next year to promote the Sino-African new strategic partnership.


President Biya asked Liu to convey his regards to President Hu as well as his good wishes to the Chinese people. He said that the government and people of Cameroon admire China’s miraculous economic achievements that also benefit the world, and the effective governing of the country with a 1.3 billion population. The relations between Cameroon and China have set a fine example in bilateral ties, the president said, noting that the two sides have kept close high-level contacts and their cooperation has seen substantial result in agriculture, mining, house construction and infrastructure. He said his country would continue the pragmatic cooperation with China in politics, economy, trade and culture to push Cameroon-China, Africa-China relations into a more prosperous future.


Following the meeting, Biya awarded Cameroon’s National Medal of Honor to Liu.



China – Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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