DRC Presidential and National Legislative Elections: Roger Meece appeals for calm



DRC Presidential and National Legislative Elections: Roger Meece appeals for calm


KINSHASA, Dem. Rep. of Congo (DRC) December 1, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, (MONUSCO) takes careful note of the statements and preliminary reports issued by the international observer missions on the conduct of the presidential and national legislative elections in the D.R. Congo.

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Roger Meece, shares the concerns expressed by the observer missions, in particular with regard to the reported irregularities and the need to assess their impact on the electoral process. He also deplores the violence that marred the elections in certain areas throughout the country and calls on all political leaders to urge their partisans to refrain from any violence or other acts that may disrupt the electoral process.

The Special Representative further calls on all political leaders and the general population to remain calm, await the pronouncement by the CENI on the preliminary results of the elections and to address any grievances they may have through peaceful means, including the established dispute mechanisms.



Mission of UN in DR Congo

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