NUSOJ Organizes one Day conference in Nairobi on the International Day to End Impunity in Honor to the Slain Somali Journalists


NUSOJ Organizes one Day conference in Nairobi on the International Day to End Impunity in Honor to the Slain Somali Journalists


MOGADISHU, Somalia, November 25, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ -6 The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) organized one day conference for the Somali journalists in Nairobi on the International Day to end crimes committed against journalists on November 23, 2011, in honoring slain Somali Journalists at 680 Hotel in Nairobi.


The event, which was highly organized and historic, was attended by 100 participants invited, among them member journalists, diplomats, Somali lawmakers, ministries from the transitional federal government, Somali Ambassador to Kenya, Somali civil society representatives, Somali youth leaders, International press freedom organizations and Kenyan and Somali media, was honored slain Somali Journalists.


The conference, theme “End Impunity Against Journalists” was focused crimes committed against journalists and how Somali journalists can get protection in Somalia and in Nairobi, among others.


The conference participants was welcomed by NUSOJ Officials in Nairobi delegated for the organization of the event led by Mohamed Gaarane Aadan, NUSOJ Training Secretary and EC Member. The event started with recitation of the Islamic verses.


“Thank you very much for accepting our invitation to this important, which is the first ceremony of its kind ever held by the union.”

Mohamed Gaarane, NUSOJ Secretary of Training said, “Today is a historic day that we are determined to honor our slain brothers and call to action to the government and the separate administrations in Somalia to probe into all these cases. It is very traumatic to recall that at least 26 journalists were killed in the last four or five years alone, making our country in one of the most dangerous countries to be a journalists”


After his welcoming address and the importance of this day, Mr. Gaarane read messages from the Secretary General, Mohamed Ibrahim and the President of the Supreme council to the Somali Journalists as a whole, especially those attending the event and the other signatories in Nairobi.


“Today is the day that unpunished crimes against the journalists will come to an end and on this day, we demand from the government, regional administrations to investigate all crimes against journalists and media community in general.” Mohamed Garane, NUSOJ Secretary of Training said, “The time to enquire for justice has come and demand all these crimes committed against us must come an end.”


The Somali media parliamentary media committee, Mr, Ahmed Awad Ashara, who was among the keynote speakers, highlighted the importance of this very important day and the current circumstances Somali journalists work under, underlining that every entity has responsibility in respecting the freedom of expression and the media law.


“I am glad to be here with you today in honoring the slain colleagues and we share with you today.” Ahmed Awad Sharo, the parliamentary media committee chairman said, “While I note that the all the killers are unpunished, but that culture will soon vanish.”


“You work in a very volatile situation and your commitment in continueing the right the public to know is very amazing.” Ahmed Awad Sharo, the parliamentary media committee chairman said who went into detail the importance of this day and the responsibility of the journalists. Mr. Asharo finally urged the administrations in Somalia as well as the Somali government to give protection and trainings to enhance their knowledge.


The Somali ambassador to Kenya, Mohamed Ali Nor better known as Ameriko expressed the problems encountered by Somali journalists gloomy and regretful. Ambassador Nor promised that he will with the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) in developing the knowledge of the Somali Journalists in terms of trainings and capacity building programs.


“Thank you very much for holding this important day and this event will be a reminder to those remain in impunity.” Mohamed Ali Nor “Ameriko” said, “On the behalf of the Somali Embassy, I promise that the embassy will engage the abuses against the journalists and will find out ways in giving you training courses and programs in upgrading your skills.”


Somali Minister of Constitution and Reconciliation, Dr. Abdirahman Hoosh Jibriil said that Somali Journalists feel traumatized and depressed by the augmented unpunished crimes, but in preserving the rule of law, will help journalists get protection.


The consular to the Nairobi Embassy, Mr. Abdirashid Adan Seed thanked the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) for organizing at this very important day and focused his speech media safety, impunity and the role of the journalists in peace building,


“The Media community are the best organs, I can say we are so proud of today and protection of journalists should be given first priority,”

Consular Abdirashid Adan Seed said, “we all feel bad to what happened killed journalists and their honoring is coming at very crucial time.”


Consular Seed went on the huge responsibilities the media and journalists carry on and the time the media should take part in the reconciliation, peace building and rebuilding of the country has come.

Consular Seed finally urged all urged probe into the all killings of the journalists.


“The good media and journalist is that he who corrects whenever he makes a mistake.” Mr. Abdirashid Adan Seed said


Tom Rhodes from the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) stated how the increasing impunity in Somalia affected the journalists in Somalia forcing many to flee the country in recent years, while he pointed out the Somali journalists have recently started going back to Mogadishu to start their work back again, ignoring all the difficult condition the country is in, which is a good development.


The speakers and panelists of the conference highlighted the need to combat crimes committed against journalists as at least 26 journalists have been killed in Somalia for the last 4 to 5 years and the National Union of Somali Journalists demanded probe into the crimes committed against journalists and more protection from the regional administrations and the Somali government as attacks against journalists increased recent months in parts of Somalia.


Watch the event from this link:



National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ)

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