ICC / Pre-Trial Chamber I orders the termination of the case against Muammar Gaddafi


ICC / Pre-Trial Chamber I orders the termination of the case against Muammar Gaddafi


THE HAGUE, Netherland, November 23, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — On 22 November 2011, Pre-Trial Chamber I of the International Criminal Court (ICC) decided to terminate the case against Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi.


The ICC Prosecution has requested the Judges to withdraw the warrant of arrest issued for Muammar Gaddafi because of the changed circumstances caused by his death. The Chamber recalled that the purpose of criminal proceedings is to determine individual criminal responsibility and that jurisdiction cannot be exercised over a deceased person.


Decision to Terminate the Case Against Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi



International Criminal Court (ICC)

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