Côte d'Ivoire / UNOCI welcomes progress made in elections preparation



Côte d’Ivoire / UNOCI welcomes progress made in elections preparation


ABIDJAN, Côte d’Ivoire, November 11, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Summary of UNOCI weekly press conference         


The United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI) has observed that progress continues to be made in the electoral process, 30 days before the date set for the legislative elections, the Mission’s Spokesman, Hamadoun Touré said in Abidjan on Thursday.


Speaking during the Mission’s weekly press conference, Mr. Touré expressed UNOCI’s satisfaction and welcomed the regular consultations between national and international partners to discuss their collaboration to ensure that the elections are successful.


In addition, he said, UNOCI positively welcomes the interest shown by certain political parties and groups during the registration of candidates phase. While waiting for official information on the results of this operation, the Spokesman said, the Mission encourages the actors and groups concerned to work towards rebuilding a post-crisis Côte d’Ivoire by organising a peaceful and inclusive poll, without violence and at the service of reconciliation.


In terms of preparations for the elections, Mr. Touré said that UNOCI is closely following the arrival of the first consignment of electoral materials expected on 14 November, which should launch the Mission’s logistical support to the elections. “UNOCI remains ready to accompany the national institutions to meet this important challenge that the electoral logistics represent and will spare no effort in, on the one hand, promoting a favourable environment and, on the other co-ordinating the action of the international community, said the Spokesman.


Earlier, Mr. Touré had outlined the activities of the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Côte d’Ivoire, Bert Koenders, who, he said, had intensified his contacts and activities with actors in the Ivorian peace process. “The objective of these encounters is to help the country establish security, organise inclusive legislative elections and prepare for its economic revival, the Spokesman explained.


In this regard, he said that the head of UNOCI was due to meet on Thursday with the chairman of the Parti Démocratique de Côte d’Ivoire, Henri Konan Bédié, after meeting on Wednesday with the Chairman of the Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Charles Konan Banny, and the Minister of Justice, Jeannot Ahoussou.


The Spokesman also said that the Special Representative had co-chaired a meeting on developments in the electoral process with the Chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission.


In this regard, Mr. Touré said that UNOCI’s Force was actively preparing to provide security for the legislative elections, before, during and after the polls. He said that the blue helmets continued to carry out reconnaissance of polling stations, as well as their ground and air patrols which reached 1,234 during the past week.


In terms of its humanitarian activities, the Force continued to carry out Quick Impact Projects. “There are five projects currently being implemented by the Force in Bouaké, Danané, Duekoue, Bondoukou, Gagnoa, » said the Spokesman, adding that the Jordanian battalion had donated school furniture and food items to the value of $7,500 to the population in Anyama. He also said that the Jordanian Special Forces distributed meat to 150 families during Eid ul Adha (Tabaski) celebrations.


Turning to human rights issues, Mr. Touré announced the arrival of the independent expert on the human rights situation in Côte d’Ivoire, Mr. Doudou Diène, in Abidjan on 14 November. During his visit, he said, the independent expert will meet with the highest officials in the country and representatives of human rights organizations. He was also visit Duékoué, Bouna, Boundiali, Odiénné and Korhogo, where he will meet with detainees from the regime of former president Laurent Gbagbo.

The independent expert was nominated on 1 November 2011 and his mandate is to help the Ivorian Government implement recommendations of the International Commission of Inquiry and resolutions of the Human Rights Council on Côte d’Ivoire.


As part of its efforts to contribute to a peaceful environment, UNOCI will continue to visit town and villages to sensitise people on strengthening social cohesion and reconciliation. In this regard, the Spokesman said that the 18th edition of UNOCI Days will be held from 16 to 18 November 2011 in the district of Agboville (Agneby region).


On 16 November, the caravan of peace known as ONUCI Tour, will be in the sub- district of Songon (on the road to Dabou) to meet and discuss with the population.


In addition, said Mr. Touré, UNOCI will be supporting the regional sports directorate in Divo, which is organising a sports day for peace on 12 and 13 November 2011 as part of a national campaign initiated by the Ministry of Sports and Leisure.



Mission of UN in Côte d’Ivoire

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