Pan African University (PAU) stakeholders curriculum validation workshop
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, November 11, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Invitation to representatives of the media
When: 14TH -18TH November, 2011
Where: Dessalegn Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Who: Convened by Human Resources, Science and
Technology (HRST)
Objectives :
1- Validate the draft curricula of agreed courses and programmes for launching of the Pan African University(PAU)
2- Agree on a continental vision of the PAU, as a guiding principle for PAU curriculum development
3- Develop a PAU identity, including agreement on a set of common courses to define the identity of the PAU
4- Set mechanisms ensuring selection of best students and staff
5- Explore issues of Accreditation and quality assurance for the PAU
6- Define the PAU Thematic boundaries
7- Develop guidelines for Teaching, Learning and supervision in PAU masters and PHD programmes
Expected Outcomes:
1- Agreed curricula for selected courses within the thematic fields
2- Set of common courses for PAU
3- Continental vision and branding of the PAU
4- Student selection criteria and mechanisms
5- Clear approach towards accreditation and quality assurance
6- Defined boundaries for Thematics
7- Guidelines for teaching, learning and student supervision
1- Host institute and host country
2- The five geographic regions of the AU and Diaspora
3- Experts from potential partner institutes
4- Experts from lead Thematic partner countries
5- Experts from Regional Economic Communities
6- Other international experts and intellectuals
7- The Commission of the African Union
The Validation workshop will include presentations and
discussions on the following ,among others.
1- Ensuring selection of best students and staff
2- Issues of accreditation and quality assurance
3- Defining the boundaries of each PAU Thematics
4- PAU identify and branding common courses
5- Teaching ,Learning and Supervision in PAU Masters and
PHD Programmes
Representatives are invited to attend and cover the official opening ceremony of the workshop on Monday 14 November, 2011 at 9:00 AM
African Union Commission (AUC)
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