DRCongo: elections will be peaceful – Meece

DR Congo-Kinshasa: “Elections will be peaceful and transparent in the DR Congo” Roger Meece declarations.

All congolese, even from corners which are unsafe in the DR Congo, will participate in the coming elections of november 2011,  Roger Meece, the head of Monusco UN mission in the DR Congo, said.

He acknowledges the presence of some armed group in some corners of the country who might be a threat for the elections, but the head of the Monusco, Roger Meece, assures that elections will happen in all corners of the DRC. He declared that on Thursday 22 September 2011 in a meeting in Kinshasa with national and international reporters.

As he is the head of the Monusco and a special Representative of the UN in the DR Congo, he will help the National Independent Electoral Commission to share electoral materials in all corners of the country. Monusco will avails cars and helicopters to be able to meet the needs of the electoral commission on a right timing.

According to Roger Meece, Monusco will do its best to keep peace in regions under threat of armed groups in order to allow elections to be peaceful in the country.

He promises that UN soldiers will be sent in unsafe corners to keep peace during elections and protect the electoral officers.

He also said that all candidates on the prepared elections have duties to contributes to peaceful environments before and after elections. He calls all candidates to agree with the results of elections when they will be published. Also accept to submit themselves in case they loose elections.

About the logistic assistance, Monusco will continue to facilitate the electoral commission by sharing facilities in its all electoral offices everywhere there is such a need.

“Today hundreds of tons of electoral materials are already sent in the remote corners of the country. Despite some hardship, all are done in a satisfaction for the Monusco. The transparency of the electoral process is also a very big concern for the UN and the radio reporters for preventing an eventual chaos which might arise. As in 2006 , the Monusco will also deploy obsevers from different background: national, international, and from African Union to be obsevers during the november elections”, Roger Meece continued to declare.

Roger Meece declarations have been very satisfactory for members of some opposition party as well as for members of the civilian society of the DR Congo.

Kasongo, an activist of the human right in Kinshasa, said that those declaration will help to prevent violences such as those which happened in Cote d’Ivoire between Laurent Gbagbo and Alassane Ouattara.

UN peace keepers and international and African union observers presence will help to prevent violence before and after elections.



Rostand M, DR Congo.

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