Mama Africa mourned by Italians and the world

miriam-makeba01.jpgSouth African singer Miriam Zenzi Makeba, also known as Mama Africa, died in Castel Volturno, near Naples, Italy, last Sunday the 9th of November.

Italians and the world at large mourn and remember the artist, symbol of the civil rights and of the anti apartheid movement in South Africa.


Italian news agency ANSA as well as all the other major agencies, websites, newspapers and tv channels in Italy mourned Mama Africa.

President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, expressed his condolences. 

“Italy – Napolitano said – must be thankful for what Miriam Makeba did even putting her own life at risk in order to express solidarity to the African victims of the organized crime in Castelvolturno and for giving her contribution to the cause of the legality and the civilization in our land”.

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