African business agenda 24-27 October


Monday October 24

• South Africa’s MTN, Africa’s largest mobile phone group, releases Q3 subscribed numbers. In August, MTN reported slower growth in its major markets (0500 GMT)

Tuesday October 25

• South African medium-term budget policy statement. The document will lay out the government’s spending priorities and revisions, and plans to cut its budget deficit from 5.0 percent of GDP to 4.0 percent by 2013. (1200 GMT)

• South African Reserve Bank’s leading indicator for August. The leading indicator fell by 0.9 percent in July, suggesting a further decline in growth momentum. (0700 GMT)

• Reuters releases long-term Botswana and Namibia economic polls (1120 GMT)

Thursday October 27

• South Africa PPI for September. Produce price inflation quickened to 9.6 percent year-on-year in August (0930 GMT)

• Zambia October inflation. Consumer inflation quickened to 8.8 percent year-on-year in September.

• South Africa’s African National Congress Youth League plans two days of rallies at the Chamber of Mines and Johannesburg Stock Exchange to push their case for greater economic equality and state control of the mining and banking sectors.

Source: Reuters Africa newsletter

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