ENI says pipeline sabotaged in Nigeria

YENAGOA, Nigeria (AFP) – A pipeline in Nigeria belonging to Italian firm ENI has been sabotaged and is now undergoing repairs, the company said on Tuesday, with such incidents frequent in the country’s oil-producing region.

“There was a sabotage on the pipeline Obama-Brass, close to Obama,” a company spokesman said. “The repairs are in progress and will be completed shortly.”

The spokesman said the incident “has not had significant impact on production,” without providing further details.

Residents said that an explosion was heard near a flow station in the same area of Bayelsa state Sunday night and claimed that the pipeline had previously been leaking.

Sabotage of pipelines is common in the oil-producing Niger Delta region by thieves seeking crude to sell on the black market or militants who claim to carry out the action on behalf of local impoverished communities.

Nigeria is Africa’s largest oil producer.

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