Uganda: House to Debate Maiden Government Action-Taken Report on Thursday

Parliament of the Republic of Uganda
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Following the tabling of government’s maiden report on actions it has taken on resolutions of the 11th Parliament, MPs have been put on notice for its debate.

The report, tabled during the plenary sitting on Tuesday, 22 November 2022, covers the period spanning May 2021 to May 2022.

“We have 11 entities and more will be brought. Honourable Members, study what is in this report so that as we debate, we put the Executive to account,” said Speaker Anita Among.

Debate on the report was scheduled for Thursday, 24 November 2022 after a request by Hon. Medard Sseggona (NUP, Busiro County East) for legislators to have time grasp the report and thereafter, make meaningful debate.

While presenting the report, the Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja, said: “Some of the pending resolutions require legislation and policy formulation and to that effect, government is initiating necessary legislations and policies so as to facilitate their implementation,” said Nabbanja.

She added that the report affirms government's commitment to pain ensuring timely, efficient and effective delivery of services to the public so as to achieve sustainable development in Uganda.

Nabbanja, however, noted that the report presented, excluded actions on resolutions to authorise government to borrow.

“On borrowing, it is about debt servicing and we need to know how far you have gone with the loans disbursed and whether they have been used in a proper way. It is a very important aspect that should be included,” the Speaker reiterated.

According to the report, Parliament considered and adopted 56 resolutions during the period that required government action, out of which 51 have been implemented, representing 91.1 per cent.

“In addition to bills and policies that will be tabled in the House from time to time, government, by way of the Action Taken Report, will continue to update Parliament annually on actions taken and the extent of implementation of resolutions of Parliament,” reads the report in part.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Parliament of the Republic of Uganda.

Source: Apo-Opa

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